23 research outputs found

    Comparative Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation Medications among Schizophrenic Smokers

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    Objective: To examine which medication could lead to a higher short and long term smoking abstinence in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted using General Electric (GE) medical records database (1995 – 2011). The cohort consisted of adult smokers with diagnosis of schizophrenia newly initiating cessation medication. Short term and long term outcomes of cessation were measured at 3 weeks and 1 year. Descriptive and chi-square analyses were used to determine the frequencies and associations of patient characteristics with the abstinence outcomes. Logistic regression models were carried out to determine the predictors of short term and long term abstinence. Results: The cohort consisted of 3,976 patients. Abstinence rate was highest for Varenicline, followed by Bupropion, NRT, and lastly combination at week 12. At one year, abstinence rate was highest for Varenicline, followed by combination, NRT, and lastly Bupropion. Age, race, household locations and receiving counseling were associated with abstinence. No significant differences were found between cessation medications. Conclusions: There were no statistically significant differences in quitting with type of cessation medication. Predictors of better abstinence identified included older age, white race, western household location. These factors should be considered when designing future interventions for schizophrenic population as this minority population may need more tailored approaches to achieve a successful cessation outcome

    Patient-Reported Barriers to Adherence Among ACEI/ARB Users from a Motivational Interviewing Telephonic Intervention

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    Purpose: Hypertension is a common comorbidity among type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients, which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Despite the proven benefit of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) in this population, poor medication adherence is prevalent, resulting in higher complications and mortality rate. Motivational interviewing (MoI) has demonstrated effectiveness in improving medication adherence and identifying barriers. This study aimed to assess and identify patient-reported barriers to adherence to ACEI/ARB from an MoI telephonic intervention conducted by student pharmacist interns. Patients and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted within an MoI intervention customized by past ACEI/ARB adherence trajectories for nonadherent patients with T2DM and hypertension enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan. Adherence barriers were extracted from the interviewers’ notes by two independent researchers. Descriptive analysis was performed to summarize the overall frequency of barriers as well as across trajectory groups, identified from the initial and follow-up calls. Results: In total, 247 patients received the initial MoI call from which 41% did not communicate any barrier for ACEI/ARB use despite having low adherence. About 59% of the patients reported at least one barrier during the initial call. The most common barriers included forgetfulness, discontinuation by physicians, side effects, multiple comorbidities, polypharmacy, lack of knowledge about disease/medication, and cost issues. The follow-up calls helped with uncovering at least one new barrier for 28 patients who previously communicated a different issue with their medication during the first call. Additionally, 18 patients with initial denial for having any barrier to adherence reported at least one barrier throughout the follow-up calls. Conclusion: This study summarized patient-reported barriers to ACEI/ARB adherence from an MoI telephonic intervention performed among nonadherent patients. Identifying specific barriers for patients may help to further design tailored interventions that address the barriers and improve adherence

    A Motivational Interviewing Intervention to Improve Adherence to ACEIs/ARBs among Nonadherent Older Adults with Comorbid Hypertension and Diabetes

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    Background Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are independent risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Due to the cardioprotective nature of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), they are recommended for patients with comorbid hypertension and diabetes. However, poor adherence to ACEIs/ARBs among older adults is a major public health concern. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a telephonic motivational interviewing (MI) intervention conducted by pharmacy students among a nonadherent older population (≥ 65 years old) with diabetes and hypertension. Methods Patients continuously enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan who received an ACEI/ARB prescription between July 2017 and December 2017 were identified. Group-based trajectory modeling (GBTM) was used to identify distinct patterns of ACEI/ARB adherence during the 1-year baseline period: adherent, gaps in adherence, gradual decline, and rapid decline in adherence. Patients from the three nonadherent trajectories were randomized into MI intervention or control group. The intervention consisted of an initial call and five follow-up calls administered by MI-trained pharmacy students and tailored to the baseline ACEI/ARB adherence trajectories. The primary outcome was adherence to ACEI/ARB during the 6- and 12-month periods post-MI implementation. The secondary outcome was discontinuation, defined as no refills for ACEI/ARB during the 6- and 12-month periods post-MI implementation. Multivariable regression analyses examined the impact of MI intervention on ACEI/ARB adherence and discontinuation while adjusting for baseline covariates. Results A total of 240 patients in the intervention group and 480 patients as randomly selected controls were included in this study. At 6 months, patients receiving the MI intervention had significantly better adherence (β = 0.06; p = 0.03) compared with the controls. Linear and logistic regression models also showed patients in the intervention group were more likely to be adherent than controls within 12 months of intervention implementation (β = 0.06; p = 0.02 and OR: 1.46; 95% CI 1.05–2.04, respectively). MI intervention did not have any significant impact on the ACEI/ARB discontinuation. Conclusion Patients who received the MI intervention were more likely to be adherent at 6 and 12 months following the intervention initiation, despite gaps in the follow-up calls due to COVID-19. Pharmacist-led MI intervention is an effective behavioral strategy to improve medication adherence among older adults and tailoring the intervention to past adherence patterns may enhance the intervention effectiveness

    Strategies to prevent HIV transmission among heterosexual African-American men

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    BACKGROUND: As part of qualitative research for developing a culturally sensitive and developmentally appropriate videotape-based HIV prevention intervention for heterosexual African- American men, six focus groups were conducted with thirty African-American men to determine their perceptions of AIDS as a threat to the African-American community, characteristics of past situations that have placed African Americans at risk for HIV infection, their personal high risk behaviors, and suggestions on how HIV intervention videotapes could be produced to achieve maximum levels of interest among African-American men in HIV training programs. METHODS: The groups took place at a low-income housing project in Houston, Texas, a major epicenter for HIV/AIDS. Each group was audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed using theme and domain analysis. RESULTS: The results revealed that low-income African-American men perceive HIV/AIDS as a threat to their community and they have placed themselves at risk of HIV infection based on unsafe sex practices, substance abuse, and lack of knowledge. They also cite lack of income to purchase condoms as a barrier to safe sex practice. They believe that HIV training programs should address these risk factors and that videotapes developed for prevention should offer a sensationalized look at the effects of HIV/AIDS on affected persons. They further believe that programs should be held in African-American communities and should include condoms to facilitate reduction of risk behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the respondents taking part in this study believe that HIV and AIDS are continued threats to the African-American community because of sexual risk taking behavior, that is, failure to use condoms. Further, African-American men are having sex without condoms when having sex with women often when they are under the influence of alcohol or other mind-altering substances and they are having sex with men while incarcerated and become infected and once released resume unprotected sexual relations with women. According to the men, substance abuse is an important part of the problem of HIV in the African-American community. This is in keeping with research that shows that drug use, especially crack cocaine, is linked to sexual risk taking among African Americans and to increased likelihood of becoming infected with other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including HIV. Thus, interventions for men should address condom use, condom availability, skills for using condoms, eroticizing condoms and substance abuse prevention. Men in the present study also strongly recommended that HIV/AIDS videotaped messages should include footage of the sensational effects of the disease

    Mobile surgical services in primary care in a rural and remote setting: Experience and evidence from Yala, Cross River State, Nigeria

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    Surgical conditions account for 11 to 15% of the global burden of disease. Yet, surgical services are very scarce in the rural areas of Nigeria where approximately 60 to 80% of the population resides. Among other basic contributing factors is the shortage of surgical workforce, since Nigeria’s few surgeons practise in the urban centre of the major cities. One way to respond to this acute shortage of surgeons is the training of generalist medical doctors to undertake surgery in rural areas. The introduction of mobile surgical services in rural populations as part of the existing primary health care activities in the Local Government Areas (districts) can reduce surgical morbidity and mortality in Nigeria. This can be done by the generalist physician with training and experience in surgery using local health staff and simple surgical equipment. A number of recommendations are made

    COVID-19 Maternal Prevention Behavior and Future Intention to Vaccinate for Children

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    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, this study aimed to understand how a mother’s current COVID-19 prevention behaviors were associated with the mother’s future intention to vaccinate their children against COVID-19. Methods: Using a cross-sectional online survey, mothers who had at least one child between 3 and 15 years old were recruited. COVID-19 prevention behaviors evaluated were wearing a mask, appropriate coughing/sneezing, social distancing, staying home, and handwashing. Participants’ age, marital status, race, educational level, incidence of COVID-19 infection in the household, healthcare worker in the household, and future intention to vaccinate children were obtained. Results: Among the 595 participants, 38.3% indicated they did not intend to use the COVID-19 vaccine for their children. Participants with no intention for vaccination had lower mean scores on wearing masks (p p p p p < 0.01). Conclusion: Our findings indicate that most mothers were compliant with the CDC recommended guidelines at the time of the survey. Mothers who indicated high adherence to prevention behaviors had a higher likelihood to consider vaccination for their children. Now that the COVID-19 vaccine is available for children as young as six months, healthcare providers need to be aware of the relationship between current prevention behaviors and future intention to vaccinate. They need to counsel parents appropriately with recommendations for children to keep practicing prevention behaviors

    Cross River State, Nigeria.

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    Keywords: mobile surgery; sub-Saharan Africa; primary health care; rural health