11 research outputs found
Efektivitas model kooperatif CRH dan TGT dilihat dari karakter kerja keras dan hasil belajar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas karakter kerja keras menggunakan model CRH dan TGT dan efektivitas hasil belajar menggunakan model CRH dan TGT. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen yang dilaskanakan di kelas VII SMPN 2 Sungai Tabuk Tahun Pelajaran 2017-2018 pada materi aljabar. Dua kelas yaitu kelas VIIB dan VIIC di pilih sebagai sampel penelitian Kelas VIIB dilaskanakan dengan model pembelajaran CRH dan Kelas VIIC dilaksanakan dengan model pembelajaran TGT. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa lembar observasi dan tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah persentase, rerata, dan uji t dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Namun sebelum dilakukan uji t terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas. Hasil analisis data diperoleh kesimpulan: (1) terdapat perbedaan karakter kerja keras antara penerapan model kooperatif CRH dan TGT, (2) jika dilihat dari rerata karakter kerja keras pada penerapan model TGT lebih baik dari pada model kooperatif CRH, dan (3) tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar antara penerapan model kooperatif CRH dan TGT
This study had main purposes about information literacy of college students and strategies of library service instruction. Firstly, this study discussed information literacy skill possessed by Aceh of Indonesian college students. Secondly, this study discussed about strategies of library service instruction under taken in Aceh Indonesia and have been practiced in the world to promote information literacy skill for college students. Thirdly, this study used questionnaire as research tools for influences factors and of college students’ information literacy skill. The dimensions of questionnaires were: information literacy competency, demography data profile of students, instruction session and library service instruction under taken, and student’s satisfaction of library service instruction. The survey was conducted on September 2018 to October 2018, in Aceh, Indonesia. Total numbers of respondents were 400 students were from three public Universities. This study found that the Information Literacy Skill level of Aceh, Indonesia students was 73.08, which was categorized at the “moderate level”, it’s also found that GPA, Class level and family income and student’s satisfaction in library services have significant influences on information literacy of students. Besides, this study found that information literacy classroom program is the best strategy of library service instruction which has been practiced in the world for promoting information literacy skill of college students.Key words: Information literacy skill, Strategies; Library service instruction, and Information literacy skill of college students; Indonesi
Penggunaan software geogebra dan microsoft mathematic dalam pembelajaran matematika
Matematika merupakan mata pelajaran yang bidang kajiannya absrtak dan memerlukan daya berpikir logis sehingga untuk menyampaikannya diperlukan suatu media agar siswa menjadi lebih memahami materi yang disampaikan dan merangsang siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan daya berpikir logis. Salah satu media pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan perkembangan saat ini adalah pengguanaan software. Keberadaan software dapat membantu guru untuk menyampaikan materi matematika yang abstrak menjadi lebih mudah dipahami karena software dapat memvisualkan hal itu. Keberadaan software GeoGebra dan Microsoft Mathematic dapat membantu guru untuk menyampaikan materi matematika yang abstrak menjadi lebih mudah dipahami karena software dapat memvisualkan hal itu, selain itu software ini dibuat untuk melatih daya kreativitas dan daya kritis siswa
Pengaruh kecemasan terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas VII SMPN 13 Banjarmasin
Hasil belajar dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor salah satunya adalah faktor internal, yaitu faktor psikologis. Salah satu faktor psikologis adalah kecemasan. Kecemasan merupakan suatu perasaan yang mengacu pada suasana hati yang tidak nyaman yang berupa perasaan panik, gugup, khawatir ditimbulkan oleh adanya permasalahan. Kecemasan yang dijadikan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah kecemasan yang menyebabkan ketidakmampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan persoalan matematika. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Untuk melihat mampu atau tidaknya siswa dalam mengerjakan permasalahan matematika dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMPN 13 Banjarmasin yang terdiri dari 231 orang yang tersebar dalam 7 kelas. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak sebanyak 70 orang yang tersebar di 7 kelas yang diambil secara acak. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus slovin. Pengaruh kecemasan dan hasil belajar matematika diuji dengan menggunakan uji chi kuadrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh yang kuat antara kecemasan terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas VII SMPN 13 Banjarmasin
The aim of this research was to apprehend the characteristics of physics formative test instrument which has
been arranged.
This research was a basic research. The research had been done in Surakarta and Girimarto involved respondent
of students of class VIII A, B, C, D, E, F, and G SMP Negeri Girimarto on educational year 2011/2012. The test
that had been arranged was a formative test of light matter. Data gathering was done by non-test technique and
test technique. Data analysis technique that was used was qualitative analysis with problem study and
quantitative technique with multiple choices problem analysis covered difference capacity, difficulty level,
distractor effectivity, and problem reliability.
The research finding was a qualitative study result by expert. From the qualitative study, it was obtained that
many problems need to be revised since the answer choice were not alphabetical, uneffective sentences, and
inappropriate matter . The result of field test I showed as follow: packet A: there were 6 problems of difficult
category, 24 problems of medium category, and 10 complicated problems, from the difference capacity, there
were 5 problems that had negative difference capacity, 5 problems were poor, 5 problems were satisfactory, 13
problems were good, and 12 problems were excellent. For the packet B problems, there were 13 difficult
problems, 23 problems were medium, and 4 problems were easy. There were 12 problems rejected, 1 problems
was poor, 4 problems were satisfactory, 15 problems were good and 10 problems were excellent based on the
difference capacity.
From the research finding, it could be be concluded that the arranged test was “tes Formatif FisikaSMP Materi
Cahaya, Tahun Pelajaran2011/2012”. The test was an objective test in multiple choices form with four answer
choices of 50 problems. Time allocation of test doing was 90 minutes. The arranged test was equipped by
direction how to do and key answer. Characteristics of arranged test were packet A problems with 25% easy
category, 60% medium category, and 15% difficult category. From the difference capacity, it was obtained that
problems with excellent difference capacity were 30%, good were 32,5%, satisfactory were 12,5%, poor were
12,5%, and rejected were 12,5%. From the effectivness distractor aspect, it was obtained that 85% of problems
were four distractors functioned, and 15% problems were 3 distractors functioned, 0% problems were two
distractors functioned, and 0% problems were one distractors functioned. Packet B problems, there were 10% of
easy category, 57,5% of medium category, and 32,5% of difficult category. Based on the difference capacity,
the problems with excellent were 25%, good were 32,5%, satisfactory were 10%, poor were 2,5%, and rejected
were 30%. Whereas from the effectiveness distractors aspect, it was acquired that 85% of problems were four
distractors funtioned, and 12,5% problems were 3 distractors functioned, 2,5% problems were two distractors
functioned, and 0% problems were one distractor funtioned. From the last test instument, it was attained that
there were 22% of easy category, 54% of medium category, and 24% difficult category. Problems with excellent
difference capacity were 10%, good were 36%, satisfactory were 28%, poor were 18%, and rejected were 8%.
From the effectiveness distractor aspect, it was gained that 68% problems were four distractors functioned, and
28% problems were 3 distractors functioned, 4% problems were two distractors functioned, and 0% problems
were one distractor functioned. From the three packet of test, the test that had the best quality and characteristics
was the last test.
Key words: Test arrangement, Formative test, Cognitive aspect
The aim of this research was to apprehend the characteristics of physics mid semester test
instrument which has been arranged. Research method used by descriptive method. Procedures used are
adopt the procedure of arranging the test by Djemari Mardapi. Its use qualitative analysis technique which
consists of aspect materials, construction, and language, and quantitative analysis using the program
MicroCat Iteman version 3.00 to determine difficulty level, determinant indeks and effectiveness of
detractors. The results of the test arrangement was an objective test in multiple choices form with five
answer choices of 40 items. Time allocation of test doing was 90 minutes. Characteristics of final arranged
test are: 1) difficulity level: 42,5% medium category and 57,5% difficult category; 2) determinant indeks:
5% excellent category , 35% good category, 25% satisfactory category, 27,5% poor catagory dan 7,5% very
poor; 3)effectiveness of detractors: 95% four distractors functioned, dan 5% tri distractors functioned. The
final result is about 60% received and 40% revised.
Key word: Test arrangement, difficulty level, determinant indeks and effectiveness of detractor
Workshop Guru SDN Melayu 7 Banjarmasin dalam Menyusun Soal Cerita Berbasis Kearifan Lokal untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif
SDN Melayu 7 is located in Banjarmasin Tengah and has implemented the 2013 curriculum. There are some problems found from interviews with the principal and some teachers, namely students, are more faced with routine questions and are required to be able to solve problems in the story of the question. While the teacher has difficulty making story questions that are easily understood by students. This activity aims to prepare teachers to know how to arrange story problems based on local wisdom in South Kalimantan to improve creative thinking skills. The approach used is active participant learning. The activity is divided into two stages, and stage I is focused on the question of story problems based on local wisdom in South Kalimantan, while in stage II, it is focused on the question of story problems based on local wisdom that can improve the ability to think creatively. To measure the success of each stage, an understanding questionnaire was given, and the work of the participant groups were seen. The activity is said to be successful if the average questionnaire comprehension is at least 75%. The results of the activity showed the level of understanding of the participants reached 93.61% in stage I and 91.94% in stage II. Also seen from the results of group work it can be concluded that participants can understand well the explanations given by the speakers
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik instrumen tes kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi pada siswa SMP yang disusun. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui teknik tes serta telaah kualitatif oleh ahli evaluasi. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dari pola respon siswa pada tes sedangkan data kualitatif diperoleh dari telaah kualitatif. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif yang meliputi aspek materi, konstruksi, dan bahasa. Analisis data secara kuantitatif menggunakan program MicroCat ITEMAN versi 3.00 yang meliputi reliabilitas, taraf kesukaran, daya beda serta efektifitas distraktor. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah disusun instrumen tes kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (High Order Thinking – HOT) pada siswa SMP untuk materi Sifat Cahaya dan Alat Optik dalam dua paket tes, yaitu paket tes A dan paket tes B. Tes disusun dari 29 indikator kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi yang terdiri dari 6 indikator kemampuan berpikir kritis, 12 indikator kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan 11 indikator kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Masing-masing paket tes terdiri dari 30 item dengan waktu pelaksanaan 60 menit. Pada paket tes A diperoleh hasil akhir 20% item diterima, 73% item direvisi serta 7% item ditolak. Sedangkan pada paket tes B diperoleh hasil akhir 20% item diterima, 80% item direvisi, dan tidak ada item yang ditolak.Kata kunci: Penyusunan tes, kemampuan berpikir tingkat tingg