20 research outputs found

    Knowledge Level of Community Participant on Dengue Fever Symptoms and Early Treatment in Bandung City

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    In tropical countries, dengue fever is often confused with other common tropical infections. There are no specific therapeutic treatment for dengue infections, and the key of successful dengue case management are a timely and judicious supportive care. Community knowledge about dengue fever and treatment at home, particularly for children is crucial to reduce the burden of dengue infection.  Unfortunately, studies on community's knowledge of dengue fever are still very limited. The aims of this study are to measure people's knowledge about dengue fever and to determine the main predictors of a high index on dengue knowledge, in Bandung City. Data collection was carried out by interviewing respondents from each household. Multivariate analysis with logistic regression was used to determine the odds-ratio demographic factors that reached a high index. Study participants generally showed medium-to-high level of knowledge regarding Dengue fever symptoms and its first aid. This group accounts for more than 70% of all respondents This study also showed that the likeliness of having high-score of knowledge was correlated with being a female, having at least an undergraduate level of education, and being an entrepreneu

    Semi-quantitative Digital Analysis for Human Papillomavirus Detection from Environmental Specimens

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    Background: Recently, human papillomavirus (HPV) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has been detected in urban wastewater, indicating that the virus can reach the sewer and, eventually, other water environments. This study aimed to develop a semi-quantitative assay for HPV DNA detection from environmental specimens using the PCR gel electrophoresis method.Method: This was an experimental descriptive qualitative study conducted from July to November 2019 in a standard molecular laboratory and non-laboratory administration room without air conditioner. Three brands of PCR reagents and different annealing temperatures were compared to identify the best condition for conventional PCR of plasmid DNA containing the HPV L1 gene. The semi-quantitative data were obtained from densitometry digital analysis using an imaging software. The optimized protocol was then applied on DNA serial dilutions to seek for the lower limit of detection (LLOD) value and the linear range of the assay. To evaluate the robustness of the assay, the protocol was further applied to spiked specimens of wastewater. Finally, several wastewater samples were tested for the presence of HPV DNA using this protocol.Results: A broad linear range and HPV L1 gene detection ability were observed with an LLOD of less than 2pg plasmid DNA in field condition. Although the assay successfully detected HPV DNA from several spiked wastewater samples, certain wastewater could interfere with the assay and gave false negative result.Conclusion: A semi-quantitative conventional PCR method to detect HPVDNA from environmental samples has been established and proven to be robust in field condition with non-optimum cold chain

    Semi-quantitative Digital Analysis for Human Papillomavirus Detection from Environmental Specimens

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    Background: Recently, human papillomavirus (HPV) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has been detected in urban wastewater, indicating that the virus can reach the sewer and, eventually, other water environments. This study aimed to develop a semi-quantitative assay for HPV DNA detection from environmental specimens using the PCR gel electrophoresis method.Method: This was an experimental descriptive qualitative study conducted from July to November 2019 in a standard molecular laboratory and non-laboratory administration room without air conditioner. Three brands of PCR reagents and different annealing temperatures were compared to identify the best condition for conventional PCR of plasmid DNA containing the HPV L1 gene. The semi-quantitative data were obtained from densitometry digital analysis using an imaging software. The optimized protocol was then applied on DNA serial dilutions to seek for the lower limit of detection (LLOD) value and the linear range of the assay. To evaluate the robustness of the assay, the protocol was further applied to spiked specimens of wastewater. Finally, several wastewater samples were tested for the presence of HPV DNA using this protocol.Results: A broad linear range and HPV L1 gene detection ability were observed with an LLOD of less than 2pg plasmid DNA in field condition. Although the assay successfully detected HPV DNA from several spiked wastewater samples, certain wastewater could interfere with the assay and gave false negative result.Conclusion: A semi-quantitative conventional PCR method to detect HPVDNA from environmental samples has been established and proven to be robust in field condition with non-optimum cold chain

    Malaria Infection and Socioeconomics in Malaria Endemic Areas of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    More than 1.1 million people, or 20.90% of the population in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Indonesia, live below the poverty line, making NTT the third province with the highest number of poor people in Indonesia. The region of NTT, which is well known as one of the endemic areas for malaria in Indonesia, also has the highest number of adults with low nutritional status. This study aimed to assess the influence of socioeconomic factors on malaria-endemic areas in eastern Indonesia. A cross-sectional study was conducted in East Nusa Tenggara from January to March 2020. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were then performed on 317 population data of adults with low socioeconomic status. It was found that one of the socioeconomic factors, i.e., the age, is significantly associated with malaria (p-value = 0.031; OR = 1.684) with 40 being the age with the highest association. Thus, age is associated with malaria incidence in endemic areas

    Community Willingness to Participate in A Mosquito Breeding Site Eradication Program: A Study in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

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    Despite many efforts to prevent dengue, vector control still promising specially through integrated vector management. This effort requires community participation. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the factors that are associated with the willingness of communities in high prevalence areas to participate in mosquito breeding eradication program. This study explored factors associated with the willingness of community members in Bandung to participate in the mosquito breeding eradication program initiated by Indonesian's government, called One House One Larvae Monitor. A community-based cross-sectional study was carried randomly at sub-district level in Bandung from January-November 2018. Interviews using a set of validated questionnaires were conducted to collect data on demography, socioeconomic status, knowledge, attitude and practice regarding implementation of the program. Among 210 participants, the proportion of low-to-middle knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) index is more prevalent. Yet, for attaining high-score on KAP, there are three main predictors observed; by being female, at least had attend undergraduate level of education, and being an entrepreneur. A good score in the attitude section does not necessarily translate to good score in the practice section. The results reflect the need for better tools for changing the behavior of society, and it should not be limited to enhancement of society’s knowledge

    Arbovirus Detection of Adult Female <i>Aedes aegypti</i> for Dengue Surveillance: a Cohort Study in Bandung City, Indonesia

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    Dengue surveillance is an important activity to prevent dengue outbreaks. This activity becomes a significant challenge for the region with limited logistic capabilities. Developing a simple mathematical model to predict the possibility of dengue incidence provides a reliable early warning system. This study compared the correlation between vector (adult female Aedes aegypti) and arbovirus detection on a vector to dengue incidence, which generalized linear mixed models tested. The incidence of adult female Aedes aegypti and dengue fever cases were interpolated through third-power inverse distance weighting (IDW). A spatial correlation between female Aedes aegypti incidence and dengue incidence was obtained from polynomial regression. Collection sites were 16 villages in Bandung city, one of the significant dengue endemic areas in January–December 2017. A total of 8,402 mosquitoes of Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, and Culex sp., with 17% belonging to Aedes aegypti as the subject of the dengue virus (DENV) infection test. Data analysis only showed a weak correlation between the numbers of adult female Aedes aegypti and dengue incidence. On the other hand, there is no correlation between positive dengue infection of vector and dengue incidence. This study highlights the importance of constant arbovirus surveillance and integrated surveillance methods on all possible dengue vectors to develop an early warning system for dengue incidence

    Informasi Dini Terhadap Penyakit Kanker Payudara berbasis Telepon Pintar

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    Latar Belakang: Deteksi dini kanker payudara akan memberikan tingkat kesembuhan lebih tinggi bagi penderita jika penderita datang lebih dini ketika terdapat gejala adanya kanker payudara. Namun, masyarakat Indonesia cenderung datang ke pusat kesehatan dalam kondisi kanker stadium lanjut sehingga sulit diobati. Ketersediaan layanan informasi tentang kanker payudara, dan pemeriksaan mandiri berbasis telepon pintar menjadi kebutuhan saat ini.  Oleh karena itu diperlukan sosialisasi yang benar tentang kanker. Salah satu alat sosialisasi yang dianggap efektif adalah media digital. Di Indonesia, aplikasi berbasis telepon pintar sudah dibuat untuk kanker serviks, tetapi untuk kanker payudara hanya tersedia dalam bentuk hologram berisi simulasi gerakan Periksa Payudara Sendiri (SADARI). Aplikasi hologram ini belum menyertakan informasi tentang kanker payudara secara komprehensif. Tujuan: Menyediakan layanan informasi tentang kanker payudara, dan penjelasan serta simulasi bagaimana memeriksa secara mandiri yang berbasis menggunakan aplikasi berbasis telepon pintar. Metode: Metode penelitian terdiri atas desain aplikasi, pengumpulan asset sebagai sumber database, validasi aplikasi, dan uji coba aplikasi kepada 100 responden menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Evaluasi kelayakan aplikasi dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner pre-test dan post-test. Hasil: Aplikasi berhasil dibuat dan dapat diunduh melalui google play store. Aplikasi ini membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan responden tentang kanker dari rata-rata 43,38% menjadi 77,72%. Sebesar 34.6% responden setuju dan  61.8% sangat setuju bahwa aplikasi ‘Be Care’ berguna dan bermanfaat. Kesimpulan: Aplikasi “Be Care” dinilai layak untuk digunakan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, kesadaran, dan keterampilan terkait deteksi dini kanker payudara. Aplikasi berbahasa Indonesia dengan status ‘free access’ ini diharapkan menjadi salah satu media efektif yang berkontribusi dalam menurunkan jumlah kasus baru dan kematian akibat kanker. AbstractBackground: An early breast cancer detection will provide a higher cure rate for sufferers if the patient arrives early when there are symptoms of breast cancer. However, Indonesians tend to come to the health centres with an advance condition, which it makes difficult to be treated. The availability of information about breast cancer and smartphone-based self-examination is a necessity at this time. Therefore, we need the correct socialization. One of the socialization tools that are considered effective is digital media. In Indonesia, smartphone-based application has been made for servical cancer, but it is only available in hologram containing of Breast Self-Examination (BSE) for breast cancer. This does not include comprehensive information about breast cancer. Objective: To provide information service about breast cancer, and an explanation also simulation of how to do BSE based on a smartphone-based app. Methods: The research consists of application design, collection of assets as a database source, application validation, and testing to 100 respondents using purposive technique sampling. The evaluation for feasibility of the app was carried out using pre-test and post-test questionnaire.  Results: The app was successfully created and can be downloaded via Google Playstore. This app helps increase knowledge of the respondents about cancer from an average 43.38% to 77.22%. As much as 34.6% of respondents agree and 61.8% strongly agree that the app “Be Care” is useful. Conclusion: "Be Care" app is considered feasible to be used in increasing knowledge, awareness, and skills related to early detection of breast cancer. This Indonesian language app with “free access” is expected to be one of the effective media contributing to reducing the number of new cases and death due to cancer

    Knowledge Level towards Breast Cancer and Breast Self-Examination among Medical Students of Indonesia

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    Breast cancer is a life-threatening disease among Indonesian women. The etiology of breast cancer is still uncertain, and therefore adequate primary prevention is difficult. Early diagnosis improves cancer prognosis while also reducing medical costs, substantially reducing mortality rates. Knowledge and awareness of breast cancer risk factors and their screening may help women take preventive measures. The community service program aimed to assess the level of understanding of undergraduate medical students on breast cancer and breast self-examination (BSE). It was a one-group pretest-postest quasi-experimental study to measure the level of knowledge of 100 medical students in Indonesia from August 20th, 2020, to February 27th, 2021. The participants were asked 36 questions, which was an adaptation of previous questionnaires. A mini-lecture managed the program that focuses on risk factors and early detection. Furthermore, pretest and post-test were conducted to analyze the knowledge level before and after the dissemination. The participants included in this study were mostly 20 years and above (62%). The average recognition of breast cancer and its early detection was not high. The knowledge of breast cancer among medical students was found to be moderate. The efficacy of dissemination among medical students was apparent in knowledge change. However, good cancer awareness, especially breast cancer, needs to be established and integrated through effective cancer educational programs in the medical curricula. Hence, modification of the medical curriculum through extensive training on breast cancer preventive measures and early diagnosis is required

    Meningkatkan Keterampilan Kader Kesehatan dalam Melakukan Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri (SADARI)

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    Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer types suffered by women in the world. In 2018, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimated number of cancer cases in Indonesia was 42.1 per 100000 females, while the death rate was 17 per 100000 females. These conditions are worrisome and call for serious handling. For this purpose, the effectiveness of patient treatment and life quality must be improved. Therefore, this study aims to improve the knowledge and skills of breast cancer early detection. The method used is health training through audio-visual devices and demonstration. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out using paired t-test. The sampling data was acquired by purposive sampling method using a questionnaire. The result showed that first, majority of health cadres (97%) had less knowledge about BSE, before the training was carrying out. Second, lack of knowledge about BSE apparently did not prevent health cadres from doing BSE (28%). Third, BSE training improves the skills of health cadres with an average increase of 31%. Fourth, the training has also increased the knowledge of all cadres about BSE with an average increase of 29%. In addition, all cadres stated that they would disseminate their BSE knowledge and skills to their families and others. Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu jenis kanker yang paling banyak di derita oleh wanita di dunia. International Agency for Reseach on Cancer (IARC) pada tahun 2018 memperkirakan  insiden kanker payudara di Indonesia sebesar 42.1 per 100 ribu wanita, sedangkan angka kematiannya sebesar 17 per 100 ribu penduduk. Situasi seperti ini sangat mengkhawatirkan dan perlu penanganan serius dari berbagai pihak. Dengan demikian penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan kader kesehatan dalam melakukan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (SADARI). Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan pelatihan melalui perangkat audio visual dan alat peraga. Analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif dilakukan menggunakan uji t-test berpasangan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dengan cara penetapan besar sampel berdasarkan jumlah kebutuhan minimal dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertama, mayoritas kader kesehatan memiliki pengetahuan kurang tentang SADARI (97%). Kedua, pengetahuan yang kurang tentang SADARI rupanya tidak menghalangi kader kesehatan untuk melakukan SADARI (28%). Ketiga, pelatihan SADARI meningkatkan keterampilan kader kesehatan dengan rata-rata peningkatan 31%. Keempat, pelatihan SADARI juga meningkatkan pengetahuan kader dengan rata-rata peningkatan 29%. Disamping itu, semua kader menyatakan bahwa mereka akan menyebarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan SADARI yang mereka miliki kepada keluarga dan orang lai