4 research outputs found

    Effect of Brown Algae (<i>Fucus vesiculosus</i> L.) on Humus and Chemical Properties of Soils of Different Type and Postgermination Growth of Cucumber Seedlings

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    The possibility of using brown algae in agriculture as an alternative source of nutrients is currentlyunder study and discussion. Our study aimed to evaluate the effect of F. vesiculosus on the agrochemical properties of four soil types: Retisol loamy sand soil, Retisolloam, Retisol clay, and Histosol. The F. vesiculosus waste was added to soil samples at a rate of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, and 10 wt%. The brown algaewaste application significantly decreased soil acidity in the substrates of all soil types, with the larger increasesfor Retisol loamy sand and Retisol clay than for Retisol loam and Histosol. The application of F. vesiculosus waste products increased the C content in all soil types except Histosol. The N and P content in soil substrates were not significantly affected by algaewaste application regardless of soil type. This study showed that the effect of F. vesiculosus waste application varies depending on the soil type, with the strongest impact on Retisol clay and the lowest on Histosol

    Conventional Tillage Effects on the Physico-Chemical Properties and Organic Matter of Chernozems Using 13C-NMR Spectroscopy

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    In this study, we examined the influence of long-term conventional tillage on the water-physical, chemical properties, and composition of the organic matter of chernozems. The study has been conducted on an arable plot subjected to water and wind erosion in the Pre-Ural steppe zone (Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia). Soil samples were collected from non-eroded and eroded arable plots as well as from an adjacent pristine forest windbreak. Key structural fragments of soil organic matter under different land use types were identified and quantified using 13C-NMR spectroscopy. The results showed that the water-physical properties deteriorated in agrochernozems: the number of valuable soil aggregates decreased and the soil bulk density increased, which may limit the growth of crops. The soil organic matter content for the different samples varied in the following direction: arable non-eroded &gt; forest windbreak &gt; arable eroded. It has been found that long-term plowing by conventional methods decreases aliphatic and increases aromatic structures in soils. As a result of the reduced inputs of plant residues, the processes of humification slowed down compared to unplowed soils. To increase soil fertility and carbon sequestration potential, it is necessary to stop degradation processes and implement conservation tillage practices

    On the possibility of utilizing sodium lignosulfonate as a nano-organic foundation for creating soil-like bodies in the purposes of technogenic-degraded land rehabilitation

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction. Currently a significant number of quarry restoration strategies have been developed, based on different aspects of soil impact: specifically, mixing the topsoil with the empty rock of exhausted quarries; introducing organic waste; applying mulching and polymer structure formers; using the adapted plants. In this study we attempt to combine the positive aspects of the previously mentioned methods. Therefore, the aim of our research is to create artificial soil-like structures with specified agroecological properties. We anticipate further use of the obtained mixture as a layer between the quarry waste material and fertile soil, which is to be applied to the reclaimed surface and followed by the planting of local plant species. Materials and methods.Studies on the possibility of reclamation of mine tailings were conducted under conditions of model experiment with sodium lignosulfonate (SL), a waste organic material from the pulp and paper industry, as the organic base for the soil-like body. Fine fraction soil (FS) sampled from the mine tailings was mixed with SL in ratios of 1/0.5, 1/1, and 1/2; to accelerate the decomposition of organic matter depending on the experimental scheme, strains of bacteria Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Pseudomonas kunmingensis were added. The obtained mixtures have been composting for three months at a room temperature, with regular mixing and maintaining moisture levels. The phytotoxicity of the obtained mixtures was assessed by germinating seeds of a short duration radish variety called "18 days". Results and discussion. The application of sodium lignosulfonate (SL) into the fine fraction soil (FS) significantly increased the organic matter content and decreased the acidity of the medium. The fertilizing with nitrogen in the SL experimental variants has led to a significant increase in the content of alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen compared to the variants in the absence of N and the presence of SL. Conclusion. The research results showed that the application of sodium lignosulfonate (SL) to the fine fraction soil (FS) contributed to a decrease in acidity, an increase in organic matter and alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen content in the mixture, as well as a reduction in substrate toxicit

    Assessment of Chemical Properties, Heavy Metals, and Metalloid Contamination in Floodplain Soils under the Influence of Copper Mining: A Case Study of Sibay, Southern Urals

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    The ecotoxicological condition of soils around mining areas is most often unsatisfactory, which affects entire ecosystems and human health. This research sought to analyze the morphological, agrochemical properties, and content of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Zn) and metalloids (As) of soils located in a floodplain. The study was conducted within the city of Sibay (Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia). The soil samples were collected from the floodplains of the rivers Karagayly and Khudolaz. According to morphological studies, the soil cover was represented by the Lithic Leptosols, Stagnic Phaeozems, and Fluvisols. The results showed that the soils were characterized by high values of organic matter, potassium, and low levels of phosphorus. Soils that were located away from the city in the Karagayly River were not contaminated. However, the floodplain areas pertaining to the urban district and located near the quarries were characterized by severe anthropogenic soil pollution, disrupted integrity of the soil cover, decreased vegetation, and accumulating labile forms of heavy metals and metalloids. The highest degree of pollution was observed in the floodplain soil of the river Khudolaz where all elements exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) level. Soils in the floodplain of the Karagayly river were marked by an increased degree of contamination of Zn: exceeding MPC by 1.6 times. With the trend toward an arid climate, the ecotoxicological condition of floodplain soils is an important challenge