162 research outputs found
Implementation method experiments on student results on substances being material and its amendment in class VII SMP Negeri 22
The aims of this research were to know: (1) the average student learning outcomes in states of matter and changes the material that is taught by an experimental method in class VII SMP Negeri 22 Pontianak; (2) the average student laerning outcomes in states of matter and changes the material that is taught by conventional method in class VII SMP Negeri 22 Pontianak; (3) the average difference in student learning outcomes given the experimental method to the average student learning outcomes given conventional methods in states of matter and changes the material in class VII SMP Negeri 22 Pontianak . This research was a quasi-experimental design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The study population was all students of class VII SMP Negeri 22 Pontianak which consists of five classes, namely class VII A, VII B, VII C, VII D and E VII academic year 2015/2016, with a sampling technique that cluster random sampling. Based on the results of class VII A lottery was chosen as an experimental class and class VII D as the control class. The data collection technique used is the technique of measurement. Data collection tool used is a form of essay test. The hypothesis was tested using the t-test. Based on the results of data analysis can be concluded that: (1) the average student learning outcomes in states of matter and changes the material that is taught by an experimental method in class VII SMP Negeri 22 Pontianak is 64.96, (2) the average student learning outcomes in material states of matter and the changes that are taught by conventional methods in class VII SMP Negeri 22 Pontianak is 49.85, and (3) there are differences in the average student learning outcomes given the experimental method to the average student learning outcomes given in the conventional method material phase transition and changes in class VII SMP Negeri 22 Pontianak
This research aimed to determine the psychological description of the main character, Borno, reviewed from Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis. The subject was the novel of Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah written by Tere Liye. The applied research methodology was descriptive qualitative. The data of this research consisted of words, phrases, sentences, and discourse related to the main character's personality structures in the novel. The data collection techniques were reading, noting, and analyzing the documents with literature psychological analysis of Sigmund Freud. The novel tells the love story of Borno and Mei due to a pincher, Sepit. At that time, Mei was doing field practice in Pontianak. She crossed the Kapuas river. Borno saw her and fell in love with her, the Chinese-breed girl. The red packet, angpau merah, was left on a pincher made Borno wanted to return it. Borno's struggles to find out her name, Mei, was successful. From the analyzed data, the personality ego frequently appeared in Borno. It was due to his considerations while being advised by the old man. The conflict of id and ego made an internal conflict for Borno. Their love story was begun from the boat. At that time, Mei was doing an internship in Pontianak. She crossed the Kapuas river by boat. Borno saw it then he fell in love with the Indo-Chinese breed girl. The red packet, angpau merah, was left on a pincher made Borno wanted to return it. Borno always kept an eye on Mei. He even remembered what time Mei went to teach and always kept trying to ensure his boat be always in the thirteenth line. It was the line in which Mei would be on board every morning
Pengaruh Example Non Example terhadap Hasil Belajar Pkn Kelas IV Min Bangka Belitung
A common problem in this research is “how is the influence of example non example model on student learning outcomes in the subject of civics education grade 4 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Bangka Belitung Southeast Pontianak.study aims to find out how much influence example non example results on student learning outcomes on the subject of citizenship education grade 4 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Bangka Belitung Southeast Pontianak. Research method is experimental method. The form of research used in this study is quasy experiment, with research design posstest only control design. Population in this study were all 4th graders Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Bangka Belitung Southeast Pontianak.which consists of two classes namely class 4A and 4B. The data collections instrument used is a measurement techniquean data collection tools in the form of text of students learning outcomes in the form of essay with the amountof 10 questions. Based on the calculation result obtained average pretest experiment class 33,56 and average pretest control class 26,5. Posttest experiment class 70,38 and posttest control class 62,25. Then form the calculation of t test obtained price = 1,6759. Evidently (2,8626) (1,6759), then accepted and rejected form the calculation effect size 0,82 belong to the high category, this means learning by applying the model example non example give influence to the result of learning of citizenship educations grade 4 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Bangka Belitung Southeast Pontianak
merekomendasikan, penggunaan
obat untuk kesehatan masyarakat,
gahan, dan pengobatan penyakit.
Masyarakat Desa Suntenjaya
masih memanfaatkan
tumbuhan obat untuk pengobatan.
ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data jenis
tumbuhan obat yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat
yang terdapat di Desa Suntenjaya.
tumbuhan yang digunakan, ke
gunaan, dan cara pengolahannya.
Metode pada penelitian ini
participatory Rural Apparsial
enentuan partisipan m
enggunakan metode
purposive random samplin
Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan
30 Famili dari
56 spesies
tanaman obat yang digunakan masyarakat dan terdapat di Desa Suntenjaya. Jenis yang paling
banyak digunakan adalah dari famili zi
ngiberaceae 12,5% (7 spesies). Organ (bagian)
tumbuhan yang paling banyak digunaka
n adalah daun 50% (24 spesies).
ara pengolahan
tumbuhan obat yang paling banyak yait
u direbus 50% (30 spesies).
asyarakat Desa
Suntenjaya memanfaatkan tumbuhan obat untuk mengobati
penyakit sebanyak menular
(26%), tidak menular (64%) dan menjaga kesehatan (10%).
Kata kunci: Etnobotani Tumbuhan Obat, Desa Suntenjay
Counseling of exclusive breastfeeding during antenatal care (ANC) and perceptions of insufficient milk supply
ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Persepsi Ketidakcukupan ASI (PKA) adalah pikiran atau perasaan ibu terhadap kondisi ketiadaan atau berkurangnya produksi ASI sehingga ibu merasa bahwa ASI-nya tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bayinya. PKA menjadi alasan utama ibu berhenti menyusui secara dini dan alasan untuk memberikan makanan tambahan lebih awal pada bayinya. Prevalensi PKA belum diketahui secara pasti, diperkirakan antara 30-80% dari ibu yang menyusui mempunyai PKA. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui faktor paling dominan dalam PKA. Metode: Desain penelitian ini menggunakan Cross Sectional. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 71 sampel ibu yang memiliki bayi 0-6 bulan yang gagal menyusui secara eksklusif dikarenakan mengalami PKA. Hasil: Hasil analisis didapatkan sebanyak 59 (83,1%) ibu memiliki PKA dengan ASI yang cukup. Ada hubungan yang bermakna konseling ASI saat Antenatal Care (ANC) dengan PKA yang mempunyai ASI cukup, ibu yang tidak mendapatkan konseling saat ANC berpeluang 19,7 kali mempunyai PKA, p=0,012; OR=19,746 (CI 95% 1,926-202,456).Kesimpulan: Konseling ASI pada saat ANC yang berkualitas merupakan hal yang sangat penting dilaksanakan oleh petugas kesehatan untuk persiapan menyusui. Pemanfaatan “Temu wicara” dalam konsep 10 T dalam ANC perlu diefektifkan untuk membahas persiapan laktasi.KATA KUNCI: persepsi ketidakcukupan ASI; konseling ASIABSTRACT Background: Perceptions of Insufficient Milk Supply (PIM) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PIM was the main reason mothers stop breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PIM is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers has PIM. Objectives: This study aimed to find out the most dominant factors related to PIM. Methods: Design of this study using cross-sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples of mothers with babies’ 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencing PIM. Results: Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PIM with enough milk. There is a significant correlation counseling exclusive breastfeeding during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PIM that has enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PIM, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456). Conclusion: Exclusive Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality does health personnel in preparation for breastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of “Gathering of speech” in the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation.KEYWORDS: exclusive breastfeeding, perceptions of insufficient milk suppl
Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) Pra Hamil dan Kenaikan Berat Badan Ibu Selama Hamil Berhubungan dengan Berat Badan Bayi Lahir
Prepregnancy BMI (Body Mass Index) is used as a guide to the nutritional status of the mother before pregnancy and also determine the optimal weight gain in pregnancy. Meanwhile, weight gain during pregnancy is a decisive indicator of the nutritional status of the mother. This retrospective study design aimed to determine the relationship of pre-pregnant BMI and maternal weight gain during pregnancy with birth weight babies. The sample was 71 mothers with children aged 0-6 months were selected by purposive sampling. The results showed 67.6% most respondents in this study had pre-pregnant BMI normal and 62% of respondents experienced weight gain during pregnancy, according to the recommendations. There is a significant relationship between pre-pregnant BMI birth weight (p=0.006), as well as weight gain during pregnancy had no significant relationship with birth weight, with p=0.024
Efektivitas Booklet Terhadap Peningkatan Pelaksanaan Baby Gym
Impaired development and advancement was a issue that frequently found in society. There were numerous issues related with motoric advancement delays in Indonesia, indeed in spite of the fact that programs to progress the quality of children was one of the government's needs. In Indonesia, information from IDAI in 2017 on the rate of common formative delays was evaluated at 1-3% of children beneath 5 a long time of age encountering common formative delays. The reason of this study was to decide the viability of the booklet on the usage of the Child Exercise center at the Padang Bulan health center in Medan in 2022. This study was a quasi-experimental study with post test with control group. The booklet was a media in intervention group, the control group was not given a booklet. The mother and child went to the exercise center were 47 respondents. The Wilcoxon test was carried out, the comes about for P value were p = 0.000, demonstrating that there was a significant effect of booklet on child exercise center execution. It was recommended that the Head of the health center will execute the use of booklets within the Padang Bulan health center work region to stimulate development of baby
Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dapat diartikan sebagai respon akademik kampus atas kebutuhan, tantangan, atau persoalan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Tujuan umum dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah membantu para karyawan perusahaan untuk mengisi dan melaporkan SPT Tahunan PPh Orang Pribadi. Adapun bentuk kegiatan dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan tema sosialisasi pelatihan pengisian dan pelaporan SPT Tahunan PPh Orang Pribadi. Dengan para pengajar dan narasumber yang dilibatkan adalah para Dosen Program Studi Akuntansi dari Universitas Pamulang. Pelaksanaan PKM ini dengan tema terkait sosialisasi pendampingan pengisian dan pelaporan SPT Tahunan PPh Orang Pribadi merupakan hasil survei kami terhadap pemilik perusahaan PT Ferbe Berkat Teknologi. Beliau menyampaikan bahwa selama ini para karyawannya tidak pernah melaporkan SPT Tahunan PPh Orang Pribadi. PKM ini dilaksanakan pada hari Kamis tanggal 09 Maret 2023 dengan melaksanakan beberapa tinjauan awal seperti pemaparan terkait materi dasar-dasar perpajakan dan jenis SPT Tahunan PPh Orang Pribadi dan kami juga melakukan evaluasi melalui kuisioner yang akan kami sebarkan ke peserta setelah acara usai, dan kami mengevaluasi acara yang sudah dilaksanakan apakah sudah tepat sasaran
Studi Evaluasi Saluran Drainase Sekunder Gunung Anyar Kota Surabaya
Wilayah Gunung Anyar Kota Surabaya merupakan salah satu kawasan yang memiliki permasalahan genangan yang diakibatkan kapasitas saluran yang tidak mampu menampung debit banjir akibat curah hujan. Debit yang mengalir pada wilayah Gunung Anyar mengalir menuju saluran drainase sekunder Gunung Anyar yang bermuara menuju saluran primer Perbatasan Surabaya – Sidoarjo. Kapasitas saluran eksisting maksimum adalah 0,96 m3/det, sedangkan Q2 sebesar 3,12 m3/det. Sehingga pada saluran drainase sekunder Gunung Anyar perlu dilakukan peningkatan saluran atau evaluasi dimensi.Data curah hujan yang digunakan adalah data pencatatan pos hujan Wonokromo dari tahun 2007 – 2021. Luas catchment area 0,35 km2 memiliki Q2 sebesar 3,12 m3/det dan Q5 sebesar  3,65 m3/det. Saluran eksisting yang berdimensi 1,5 x 1 m, dievaluasi menjadi 1,5 x 1,5 m yang terletak pada kedua sisi tepi jalan. Kapasitas tampung desain saluran untuk masing-masing sisi adalah 1,82 m3/det dengan kecepatan aliran maksimum 0,81 m/det. Sehingga total debit yang dapat tertampung pada saluran drainase sesuai dengan Q5, yaitu 3,65 m3/det
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