2,115 research outputs found
The Analysis of Service Management Based Information Technology Systems at PT Mitra Solusi Telematika
Service Point is the spearhead that connects between the customer with the workforce engineer in the process of information technology services to improve IT services in the company. Often companies ignore this, whereas service point is one of the services of information technology services in order to ensure the sustainability of the business offered by the company. Analysis of incident management system in ITOP program and IT services service based on ITIL V3 framework for Service Point at PT Mitra Solusi Telematika is very much needed in effort to improve IT service to support Vision of PT Mitra Solusi Telematika become provider of integrated technology solution. One effort to improve IT services is by developing the process of providing IT services and services as a single point of contact that bridges between customers with all service point staff and IT services. The development of incident ITOP program management and IT support analysis begins with gathering information and analysis through a review of processes within existing ITOP programs, and ITIL V3 framework literature study. Analysis is done to refine the existing process. Once the document is created and developed, the next step is the document verification process to find out the purpose of the incident management process has been met. The results of this development of the management can facilitate the needs and improve IT services especially in Service Point Department PT Mitra Solusi Telematika for IT services to be maintained and measurabl
The Effectiveness of Power Teaching Technique to Teach Speaking Viewed From Students' Self-actualization
The objectives of the research was finding out whether: (1) Power Teaching Technique is more effective than Drilling Technique to teach speaking at the Eleventh Graders of SMA N 1 Metro; (2)the students having high self-actualization have better
speaking skill than those having low self-actualization; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and students' self-actualization in teaching speaking. The
method which was applied in this research was experimental study. It was conducted at the eleventh graders of SMA N 1 Metro. It consists of 11 classes, the total number of population is 325 students. The sample of the research were two classes. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. Each class was divided into two groups (the students having low and high self-actualization). The data were analyzed by using ANOVA 2 x 2 and Tukey test. The data analysis shows the following findings: (1) Power Teaching Technique is more effective than Drilling Technique in teaching speakingto the eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Metro; (2) the students having high self-actualization have better speaking skill than those having low self-actualization; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and students self-actualization in teaching speaking. It can be concluded that Power Teaching Technique is an effective technique to teach speaking at the eleventh graders of SMA N 1 Metro
Hubungan Pemakaian Apd, Hygiene Perorangan dan Riwayat Penyakitdengan Penyakit Dermatitis Alergi Akibat Kerja di PT. Psut Jambi Kabupaten Muaro Jambi Tahun 2016
Salah satu penyakit akibat kerja yang paling banyak dijumpai yaitu dermatitis alergi. Dermatitis adalahperadangan kulit yang ditandai oleh rasa gatal, dapat berupa penebalan atau bintil kemerahan,multipel mengelompok atau tersebar, kadang bersisik, berair dan lainnya. Akibat permukaan kulitterkena bahan atau unsur-unsur yang ada di lingkungannya (faktor eksogen). Salah satu industri dibidang playwood provinsi Jambi adalah pembuatan triplek yang terletak di desa Sarang BurungKecamatan Jambi luar kota Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Berdasarkan data di PT.PSUT, pada tahun2013 jumlah pekerja yang terkena dermatitis adalah sebanyak 20 pekerja, tahun 2014 sebanyak 23pekerja, ditahun 2015 mengalami peningkatan yaitu sebanyak 24 pekerja dan pada bulan Januari-Mei2016 sebanyak 27 pekerja.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Case Control, bertujuan untukmengetahui hubungan pemakaian APD, hygiene perorangan dan riwayat penyakit terhadap penyakitdermatitis alergi. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 54 orang, 27 kasus dan 27 kontrol pada bagianpengeleman. Untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel dilakukan uji statistik dengan uji Chi-square.Hasil uji statistik diperoleh ada hubungan pemakaian APD dengan nilai p-Value 0,014 OR CI= 4,750,ada hubungan hygiene perorangan dengan nilai p-Value 0,000 OR CI= 10,00 dan ada hubunganriwayat penyakit dengan p-Value 0,006 OR CI= 5,714 terhadap penyakit dermatitis alergi.Perusahaan hendaknya menyediakan tempat mencuci tangan dan sabun sehingga kesehatan pekerjaterjaga terutama terhindar dari penyakit dermatitis dan Perusahaan untuk selalu menyediakan APD,sarung tangan terbuat dari bahan karet dan panjang sarung tangan sampai lengan, dan masker yangterbuat dari kain yang dilengkapi material penghisap zat kimia
Implementasi Pembelajaran Pendidikana Gama Islam Berwawasan Rekontruksi Sosial
Islamic education is an education that refers to the values of Islam, the Qur\u27an and the Sunnah as a reference and source of educational material. Religious education oriented to the effective establishment of the establishment of a mental attitude of students towards the growth of religious consciousness, effectively is a problem related to emotional (psychological) associated with love, hate, sympathy antipasti, religion not only in the region but also the thought of entering the area of taste. The function of Islamic education is as (1) an effort to foster the creativity of learners on an ongoing basis (2) efforts to enrich the wealth of human culture, enrich the contents of human values and divine, and (3) efforts to set up a productive workforce that is able to anticipate the future and / or able to give shades of the working structure of the future inspired by the spirit of Islam (Muhaimin, 2003: 44). Social reconstruction prioritize content, process and experience, it can be said to be the essence of learning social reconstruction itself is none other than giving students the freedom to avoid infertility in thinking. This is because the presence of the students are as living beings with intelligence, have conscience and always dealing with masyarakar. From here, it is very relevant when social reconstruction said memgutamakan "liberation" of students to more actively study the social problems being faced by the community. This problem as its contents, while the process can be done by dialogue and problem-solvin
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