6 research outputs found

    Seedling recruitment in peat bogs in contrasting hydrologic conditions

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    The study examined the effect of variation in hydrology on seedling recruitment of shrubs, trees and herbs in peat bogs. The establishment of plants and hydrologic conditions were followed in two peatlands in the Polesie Zachodnie region, Eastern Poland. Meteorological conditions in the study sites ranged from very dry (2006) to very wet (2007) and strongly affected ground water level in the bogs. The emergence of woody species typical for advanced vegetation succession was higher in forest-bog, while the recruitment of typical peat bog plants was higher in open bog. Disturbance in the vegetation positively influencedemergence of typical peat bog species and Betula pubescens, but the effect was only foundin the dry year. Only in Pinus sylvestris did recruitment increase in wet seasons. The results suggested that an increase in the number of woody species in peat bogs may be enhanced during relatively wet seasons and that disturbance in the vegetation cover are not required for seedling recruitment of these plants

    Stan troficzny p艂ytkiego jeziora ze zredukowanym dop艂ywem w贸d powierzchniowych

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    According to the general classification of shallow eutrophic lakes, two alternative types are distinguished: phytoplankton-dominated and macrophyte-dominated lakes. The latter type is rare and currently endangered by human activity. In order to determine the effect of reduced inflow of surface water by an earth dyke on the lake trophic state, certain biological and physico-chemical parameters were evaluated. This work focuses on two lakes of similar morphometric characteristics situated in the agricultural landscape. The effect of the earth dyke on the trophic state was positively verified. The lake situated in the catchment basin, in which the inflow of surface water was reduced, was defined as meso-eutrophic, with a small amount of phytoplankton and high water transparency. The reference lake was highly eutrophic, with low water transparency and a large amount of phytoplankton. The water body surrounded by the earth dyke was macrophytes dominated (65% of the lake area), whereas the reference lake was a phytoplankton-macrophyte type (42% of the lake area). The trophic evaluation of a lake can be underestimated because of a significant amount of biogenic compounds accumulated in plant tissues. Thus, the values of Carlson鈥檚 indices in macrophyte-dominated lakes may not account for the total amount of nutrients in the water body.W og贸lnej klasyfi kacji p艂ytkich jezior eutrofi cznych mo偶na wyr贸偶ni膰 dwa alternatywne typy zbiornik贸w: zdominowane przez fitoplankton i zdominowane przez makrofity. Ten drugi typ jezior jest rzadki i obecnie zagro偶ony dzia艂alno艣ci膮 cz艂owieka. W celu okre艣lenia wp艂ywu zredukowanego dop艂ywu w贸d powierzchniowych przez ziemn膮 grobl臋 na stan troficzny jeziora, poddano ocenie wybrane parametry biologiczne i fizyczno-chemiczne dw贸ch zbiornik贸w o podobnej morfometrii, po艂o偶onych w krajobrazie rolniczym. Efekt oddzia艂ywania grobli na jako艣膰 ekosystemu jeziornego oceniono jako znacz膮cy. Jezioro po艂o偶one w zlewni, w kt贸rej dop艂yw w贸d powierzchniowych by艂 ograniczony, zosta艂o zaklasyfikowane jako mezo-eutroficzne, z ma艂膮 ilo艣ci膮 fitoplanktonu i o du偶ej przezroczysto艣ci wody. Jezioro por贸wnawcze by艂o silnie eutroficzne, z du偶膮 ilo艣ci膮 fitoplanktonu i o niskiej przezroczysto艣ci wody. Zbiornik otoczony przez grobl臋 reprezentowa艂 typ makrofitowy (65% powierzchni jeziora pokryta przez ro艣linno艣膰), a stan jeziora por贸wnawczego, w kt贸rym ro艣linno艣膰 zajmowa艂a 42% misy jeziornej, mie艣ci艂 si臋 mi臋dzy typem fitoplanktonowym i makrofitowym. Ocena trofii jezior mo偶e by膰 jednak niedoszacowana, poniewa偶 znaczna cz臋艣膰 nutrient贸w mo偶e by膰 zakumulowana w tkankach ro艣lin. St膮d, warto艣ci wska藕nik贸w Carlsona w przypadku jezior makrofitowych mog膮 nie uwzgl臋dnia膰 og贸lnej ilo艣ci nutrient贸w w jeziorze

    Genetic diversity of postglacial relict shrub Betula nana revealed by RAPD analysis

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    A sample of Betula nana from the Linie reserve near D膮browa Che艂mi艅ska, have been fingerprinted using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). The high level of genetic variation was detected. All individuals had unique genotypes, supporting the generally high resolving power of RAPD鈥檚. For the conservation strategy, information about the distribution of the genetic variation within and among populations plays very important role. Thus, extensive study in other populations of dwarf birch is needed

    Factors affecting the global distribution of Hydrilla verticillata

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    Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae) is a submerged freshwater flowering plant within the monotypic genus. Over the geological periods, fossils of this family and genus have shown distinct diversifications between warm and cool fluctuations with more adaptations occurring in warmer periods and suppressions during severely cold paleoclimate changes. Recently, H. verticillata has shown a wide range of adaptive plasticity, allowing successful proliferation into non-native regions, whilst also undergoing unexplained disappearance from its native localities, and this phenomenon has stimulated this inquiry. Against this somewhat complex background, particular interest for this investigation has been focussed on an understanding of which aspects of climate change have contributed towards global adaptations and distribution patterns of H. verticillata. Whilst it is recognised that some of these changes are natural, other aggravating impacts are due to anthropogenic influences. Identifying the appropriate combinations of these climatic factors (temperature, rainfall, photoperiod), in concert with environmental (water level, CO2, salinity, eutrophication), geographical (altitude, latitude) and other factors (UV-B) are necessary precursors for instituting appropriate management strategies. In this respect, control measures are needed in non-native regions and restoration of this plant in native habitats are essential for its ecologically balanced global distribution. 漏 2021 European Weed Research Societ