27 research outputs found

    Radical Approaches to Political Science: Roads Less Traveled

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    Izgledi pluralističke demokracije u doba ekonomske globalizacije i svjetske migracije

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    The author inquires how are societies to cope with economic globalization, migration and ethnic and religious diversity without sacrificing electoral responsiveness and governmental accountability. His also asks how to deal with grossly unequal distribution of political resources, skewed power structures, structurally embedded participatory barriers that resurface in a more dangerous forms in the new context. For answers he turns to a classic of democratic theory Robert Dahl and his ideas that are in sharp contrast to the present trend of introducing corporate management as a best way to run political affairs. Dahl, instead, proposes introducing democracy into the economic sphere and especially in large corporations. For the growing diversity of present societies, the author only partly advocates for the consociational recipes of Lijphart and the multiculturalism of Kymlicka pointing out that without resourceful political individuals and their political participation pluralist democracy cannot flourish. The author concludes that political science should again develop visions about how a ā€œgood societyā€ might be designed ā€“ and how it might be politically brought even remotely closer to being attained. Such a discipline might then work as a science of democracy.Autor postavlja pitanje kako se druÅ”tva mogu nositi s ekonomskom globalizacijom, migracijom te etničkom i vjerskom raznolikoŔću, a da ne žrtvuju ideal izabrane vlasti koja odgovara narodu. On se također pita kako se može nositi s ogromnom nejednakoŔću političkih resursa, zatvorenim strukturama moći i strukturnim preprekama političkoj participaciji koji se, u novom globaliziranom kontekstu, pojavljuju u joÅ” opasnijim oblicima. Odgovore traži u klasičnoj demokratskoj teoriji Roberta Dahla i njegovim idejama koje su u oÅ”troj suprotnosti s postojećim trendom primjene metoda korporativnog upravljanja na upravljanje državom. Nasuprot tome, Dahl je predlagao Å”irenje demokracije na ekonomsku sferu, osobito na velike korporacije. Kao ā€™lijekā€™ za rastuću pluralnost druÅ”tva, autor dijelom zagovara konsocijacijska rjeÅ”enja A. Lijpharta i multikulturalizam W. Kymlicke, ali i naglaÅ”ava da bez individualne građanske participacije i osuguravanja dovoljno političkih resursa za nju, pluralistična demokracija ne može napredovati. Autor zaključuje da bi politička znanost trebala razvijati vizije o ā€ždobrom druÅ”tvuā€ i načine na koji se one mogu politički ostvariti. Takva bi politička znanost bila prava znanost o demokraciji

    Kampf der Ideen: Samuel Salzborn plƤdiert fĆ¼r eine streitbare Geschichte politischer Theorien

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    Samuel Salzborn: Kampf der Ideen: Die Geschichte politischer Theorien im Kontext. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2017. 978-3-8487-4137-3 +++ Samuel Salzborn: Kampf der Ideen: Die Geschichte politischer Theorien im Kontext. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2015. 978384872324

    The Fatty Acid Synthase of the Basidiomycete Omphalotus olearius Is a Single Polypeptide

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    Fatty acids are essential components of almost all biological membranes. Additionally, they are important in energy storage, as second messengers during signal transduction, and in post-translational protein modification. De novo synthesis of fatty acids is essential for almost all organisms, and entails the iterative elongation of the growing fatty acid chain through a set of reactions conserved in all kingdoms. During our work on the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, a 450-kDa protein was detected by SDS-PAGE of enriched fractions from mycelial lysates from the basidiomycete Omphalotus olearius. Protein sequencing of this protein band revealed the presence of peptides with homology to both Ī± and Ī² subunits of the ascomycete fatty acid synthase (FAS) family. The FAS encoding gene of O. olearius was sequenced. The positions of its predicted 21 introns were verified. The gene encodes a 3931 amino acids single protein, with an equivalent of the ascomycetous Ī² subunit at the N-terminus and the Ī± subunit at the C-terminus. This is the first report on an FAS protein from a homobasidiomycete and also the first fungal FAS which is comprised of a single polypeptide

    Highly Elevated Serum Hepcidin in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia prior to and after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: Does This Protect from Excessive Parenchymal Iron Loading?

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    Hepcidin is upregulated by inflammation and iron. Inherited (HFE genotype) and treatment-related factors (blood units (BU), Iron overload) affecting hepcidin (measured by C-ELISA) were studied in 42 consecutive patients with AML prior to and after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). Results. Elevated serum ferritin pre- and post-HCT was present in all patients. Median hepcidin pre- and post-HCT of 358 and 398ā€‰ng/mL, respectively, were elevated compared to controls (median 52ā€‰ng/mL) (P<.0001). Liver and renal function, prior chemotherapies, and conditioning had no impact on hepcidin. Despite higher total BU after HCT compared to pretransplantation (P<.0005), pre- and posttransplant ferritin and hepcidin were similar. BU influenced ferritin (P=.001) and hepcidin (P=.001). No correlation of pre- or posttransplant hepcidin with pretransplant ferritin was found. HFE genotype did not influence hepcidin. Conclusions. Hepcidin is elevated in AML patients pre- and post-HCT due to transfusional iron-loading suggesting that hepcidin synthesis remains intact despite chemotherapy and HCT

    Highly Elevated Serum Hepcidin in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia prior to and after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: Does This Protect from Excessive Parenchymal Iron Loading?

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    Hepcidin is upregulated by inflammation and iron. Inherited (HFE genotype) and treatment-related factors (blood units (BU), Iron overload) affecting hepcidin (measured by C-ELISA) were studied in 42 consecutive patients with AML prior to and after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). Results. Elevated serum ferritin pre-and post-HCT was present in all patients. Median hepcidin pre-and post-HCT of 358 and 398 ng/mL, respectively, were elevated compared to controls (median 52 ng/mL) (P &lt; .0001). Liver and renal function, prior chemotherapies, and conditioning had no impact on hepcidin. Despite higher total BU after HCT compared to pretransplantation (P &lt; .0005), pre-and posttransplant ferritin and hepcidin were similar. BU influenced ferritin (P = .001) and hepcidin (P = .001). No correlation of pre-or posttransplant hepcidin with pretransplant ferritin was found. HFE genotype did not influence hepcidin. Conclusions. Hepcidin is elevated in AML patients pre-and post-HCT due to transfusional iron-loading suggesting that hepcidin synthesis remains intact despite chemotherapy and HCT

    Izgledi pluralističke demokracije u doba ekonomske globalizacije i svjetske migracije

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    The author inquires how are societies to cope with economic globalization, migration and ethnic and religious diversity without sacrificing electoral responsiveness and governmental accountability. His also asks how to deal with grossly unequal distribution of political resources, skewed power structures, structurally embedded participatory barriers that resurface in a more dangerous forms in the new context. For answers he turns to a classic of democratic theory Robert Dahl and his ideas that are in sharp contrast to the present trend of introducing corporate management as a best way to run political affairs. Dahl, instead, proposes introducing democracy into the economic sphere and especially in large corporations. For the growing diversity of present societies, the author only partly advocates for the consociational recipes of Lijphart and the multiculturalism of Kymlicka pointing out that without resourceful political individuals and their political participation pluralist democracy cannot flourish. The author concludes that political science should again develop visions about how a ā€œgood societyā€ might be designed ā€“ and how it might be politically brought even remotely closer to being attained. Such a discipline might then work as a science of democracy.Autor postavlja pitanje kako se druÅ”tva mogu nositi s ekonomskom globalizacijom, migracijom te etničkom i vjerskom raznolikoŔću, a da ne žrtvuju ideal izabrane vlasti koja odgovara narodu. On se također pita kako se može nositi s ogromnom nejednakoŔću političkih resursa, zatvorenim strukturama moći i strukturnim preprekama političkoj participaciji koji se, u novom globaliziranom kontekstu, pojavljuju u joÅ” opasnijim oblicima. Odgovore traži u klasičnoj demokratskoj teoriji Roberta Dahla i njegovim idejama koje su u oÅ”troj suprotnosti s postojećim trendom primjene metoda korporativnog upravljanja na upravljanje državom. Nasuprot tome, Dahl je predlagao Å”irenje demokracije na ekonomsku sferu, osobito na velike korporacije. Kao ā€™lijekā€™ za rastuću pluralnost druÅ”tva, autor dijelom zagovara konsocijacijska rjeÅ”enja A. Lijpharta i multikulturalizam W. Kymlicke, ali i naglaÅ”ava da bez individualne građanske participacije i osuguravanja dovoljno političkih resursa za nju, pluralistična demokracija ne može napredovati. Autor zaključuje da bi politička znanost trebala razvijati vizije o ā€ždobrom druÅ”tvuā€ i načine na koji se one mogu politički ostvariti. Takva bi politička znanost bila prava znanost o demokraciji

    Prospects of Pluralist Democracy in an Age of Economic Globalization and World-Wide Migration

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    The author inquires how are societies to cope with economic globalization, migration and ethnic and religious diversity without sacrificing electoral responsiveness and governmental accountability. His also asks how to deal with grossly unequal distribution of political resources, skewed power structures, structurally embedded participatory barriers that resurface in a more dangerous forms in the new context. For answers he turns to a classic of democratic theory Robert Dahl and his ideas that are in sharp contrast to the present trend of introducing corporate management as a best way to run political affairs. Dahl, instead, proposes introducing democracy into the economic sphere and especially in large corporations. For the growing diversity of present societies, the author only partly advocates for the consociational recipes of Lijphart and the multiculturalism of Kymlicka pointing out that without resourceful political individuals and their political participation pluralist democracy cannot flourish. The author concludes that political science should again develop visions about how a ā€œgood societyā€ might be designed ā€“ and how it might be politically brought even remotely closer to being attained. Such a discipline might then work as a science of democracy

    Yes, we can! ā€“ Weltpolitische Neuorientierung der Weltmacht USA? Diskussion mit Jackson Janes und Karsten D. Voigt

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    Textdokumentation zur Veranstaltung der OsnabrĆ¼cker FriedensgesprƤche am 26. Mai 2009 in der Aula der UniversitƤ

    Political science in central-east Europe and the impact of politics: Factors of diversity, forces of convergence

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    External forces have pushed Central-East Europe's nascent political science disciplines toward convergence: the European Union's educational policies, the funding and training activities of public and private Western players, most prominently the Open Society institutes and organizations established by financier George Soros. However, considerable disparities persist regarding national and international cooperation, research quality, and representation of professional interests. These disparities are in large part explained by the fact that the institutionalization of political science has been stunted in places where hybrid, semi-autocratic political regimes have emerged