61 research outputs found

    La relativité générale au tournant des années soixante

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    During fifty years Einstein’s theory of gravitation was limited to a backward neo-newtonian interpretation. Nevertheless it was sufficient to as­sure its predominance in regard to Newton’s theory. In the late sixties the studies on the structure of spacetime around a star as well as that concerning the cosmological field were essential for general relativity to get a coherent interpretation. What were the difficulties which explain such a delay to re­consider its interpretation? What were the elements, the concepts that will permit the experts the renewal of the sixties? Cosmology, cosmologists are at the very centre of this revolution.Durant cinquante ans, la thĂ©orie de la gravitation d’Einstein se limitera Ă  une interprĂ©tation nĂ©o-newtonienne peu innovante qui suffira pourtant Ă  assurer sa prĂ©Ă©minence face Ă  la thĂ©orie de Newton. Les Ă©tudes sur la structure de l’espace-temps autour d’une Ă©toile aussi bien que celles qui concernent les solutions cosmologiques ont Ă©tĂ© essentielles pour que la relativitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rale trouve, au tournant des annĂ©es soixante, une interprĂ©tation cohĂ©rente. Quelles sont les difficultĂ©s qui justifient un tel retard Ă  (bien) penser la thĂ©orie ? Quels sont les Ă©lĂ©ments, les concepts, les spĂ©cialistes qui permettront le renouveau des annĂ©es soixante ? La cosmologie est au centre de cette rĂ©volution

    Amoroso Costa and the first brazilian book on general relativity

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    Em 1922, o físico-matemåtico brasileiro Amoroso Costa publicou um livro de introdução à Teoria da Relatividade. Este livro, um dos primeiros textos sobre o assunto no mundo, surpreende ainda hoje pela sua limpidez, precisão e concisão. Fazemos uma anålise do texto de Amoroso Costa, situando-o no contexto científico mundial e brasileiro.ABSTRACT In 1922, the Brazilian physicist and mathematician Amoroso Costa published an introduction to the Theory of Relativity. This book, one of the first on the subject in the world, is until now an impressive example of precision, clarity and concision in the treatement of this difficult subject. We present an analysis and evaluation of the text of Amoroso Costa in the scientific context of that period

    La vie d'Einstein

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    Émission radio "CĂŽtĂ© jardin" - Radio J - Jacques Benhamou. Paris

    Einstein n'a jamais cru Ă  l'existence des trous noirs

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    La petite histoire de la ligne droite qui se mord la queue

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    National audiencehttp://www.brepolsonline.net/na101/home/literatum/publisher/brepols/books/content/dda-eb/2013/m.dda-eb.5.106705/m.dda-eb.4.00308/20170614/m.dda-eb.4.00308.fp.png_v0

    The newtonian theory of light propagation

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    Michael Anthony Hoskin, The Herschel partnership as viewed by Caroline. Michael Anthony Hoskin (ed.), Caroline Herschel’s autobiographies

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    Eisenstaedt Jean. Michael Anthony Hoskin, The Herschel partnership as viewed by Caroline. Michael Anthony Hoskin (ed.), Caroline Herschel’s autobiographies. In: Revue d'histoire des sciences, tome 59, n°2, 2006. pp. 357-358

    From Newton to Einstein: A forgotten relativistic optics of moving bodies

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    International audienceSince the time of Galileo, the relativity of motion has been a central issue in physics. But how does it apply to light? At the end of the 18th century, a Newtonian theory of the propagation of light, a natural extension of Newton's Principia, was developed but quickly forgotten. A series of works completed the Principia with the formulation of a Galilean relativistic optics of moving bodies and the discovery of the analog of the Doppler-Fizeau effect some 60 years before Doppler, as well as many other effects and ideas that are a fascinating preamble to Einstein's special and general relativity

    Le soleil révÚle le mythe Einstein

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    Antes de Einstein. Relatividad, luz y gravitación.Traduction espagnole : Martin Manrique Mansour y Juan José Utrilla

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    National audienceAl hablar de relatividad se asocia de inmediato el nombre de Einstein y sus teorías. Sin embargo, nos dice el autor, la relatividad es uno de los conceptos de la física clásica: el principio de relatividad se estudia al menos desde Galileo y Newton, y se utilizó durante mucho tiempo en el campo de las partículas y de los objetos móviles. Fresnel, Maxwell, Lorentz, Poincaré y muchos más fueron quienes desempeñaron un papel en esta historia. Este libro presenta los avances que se han dado en materia de relatividad, haciendo una profunda revisión de lo que se sabía al respecto antes de que Einstein estableciera sus teorías en 1905, siendo quizá la contribución más importante de esta obra el relacionar el fenómeno de la relatividad con la naturaleza de la luz y la fuerza de graveda
