105 research outputs found

    Two-loop effective potential for a general renormalizable theory and softly broken supersymmetry

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    I compute the two-loop effective potential in the Landau gauge for a general renormalizable field theory in four dimensions. Results are presented for the \bar{MS} renormalization scheme based on dimensional regularization, and for the \bar{DR} and \bar{DR}' schemes based on regularization by dimensional reduction. The last of these is appropriate for models with softly broken supersymmetry, such as the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. I find the parameter redefinition which relates the \bar{DR} and \bar{DR}' schemes at two-loop order. I also discuss the renormalization group invariance of the two-loop effective potential, and compute the anomalous dimensions for scalars and the beta function for the vacuum energy at two-loop order in softly broken supersymmetry. Several illustrative examples and consistency checks are included.Comment: 38 pages. Typos in equations (3.5), (3.11), and (6.3) are fixed. Explicit claim of renormalization group invariance in the general case of softly-broken supersymmetry is added. Additional discussion of cases of multiple simple or U(1) groups. Equations in Appendix B rewritten in a more useful for

    QCD Corrections to SUSY Higgs Production: The Role of Squark Loops

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    We calculate the two-loop QCD corrections to the production of the neutral supersymmetric Higgs bosons via the gluon fusion mechanism at hadron colliders, including the contributions of squark loops. To a good approximation, these additional contributions lead to the same QCD corrections as in the case where only top and bottom quark loops are taken into account. The QCD corrections are large and increase the Higgs production cross sections significantly.Comment: 5 pages, latex, 2 figure

    Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in Spin-Charge Separated Superconductor

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    A model for spin-charge separated superconductivity in two dimensions is introduced where the phases of the spinon and holon order parameters couple gauge-invariantly to a statistical gauge-field representing chiral spin-fluctuations. The model is analyzed in the continuum limit and in the low-temperature limit. In both cases we find that physical electronic phase correlations show a superconducting-normal phase transition of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type, while statistical gauge-field excitations are found to be strictly gapless. The normal-to-superconductor phase boundary for this model is also obtained as a function of carrier density, where we find that its shape compares favorably with that of the experimentally observed phase diagram for the oxide superconductors.Comment: 35 pages, TeX, CSLA-P-93-

    Effects of 126 dimensional Higgs scalar on Bottom-Tau unification and quasi-infrared fixed point

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    In the presence of 126+126ˉ{\bf 126 + \bar{126}} Higgs multiplets in a SO(10) theory, the fermion masses get contributions from an induced vacuum expectation value (VEV) of a SU(2)LSU(2)_L doublet residing in 126{\bf 126} which differentiates between quarks and leptons by a relative sign leading to a significant correction to the prediction of the mass ratio of the bottom quark and the tau lepton for ranges of the mass of this extra doublet. We perform a two-loop renormalization group analysis of the minimal version of the one-step supersymmetric SO(10) model to display this and re-calculate the corrections to the top quark mass in the presence of such an induced VEV. We show that these effects make the infra-red fixed point scenario consistent with experimental results.Comment: revised version with same conclusions. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Effective Field Theories and Inflation

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    We investigate the possible influence of very-high-energy physics on inflationary predictions focussing on whether effective field theories can allow effects which are parametrically larger than order H^2/M^2, where M is the scale of heavy physics and H is the Hubble scale at horizon exit. By investigating supersymmetric hybrid inflation models, we show that decoupling does not preclude heavy-physics having effects for the CMB with observable size even if H^2/M^2 << O(1%), although their presence can only be inferred from observations given some a priori assumptions about the inflationary mechanism. Our analysis differs from the results of hep-th/0210233, in which other kinds of heavy-physics effects were found which could alter inflationary predictions for CMB fluctuations, inasmuch as the heavy-physics can be integrated out here to produce an effective field theory description of low-energy physics. We argue, as in hep-th/0210233, that the potential presence of heavy-physics effects in the CMB does not alter the predictions of inflation for generic models, but does make the search for deviations from standard predictions worthwhile.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, no figures, uses JHEP

    Predictive fermion mass matrix ansatzes in non-supersymmetric SO(10) grand unification

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    We investigate the status of predictive fermion mass ansatzes which make use of the grand unification scale conditions me=md/3m_e=m_d/3, mμ=3msm_\mu =3m_s, and Vcb=mc/mt\mid V_{cb}\mid =\sqrt{m_{c}/m_{t}} in non-supersymmetric SO(10) grand unification. The gauge symmetry below an intermediate symmetry breaking scale MIM_I is assumed to be that of the standard model with either one Higgs doublet or two Higgs doublets . We find in both cases that a maximum of 5 standard model parameters may be predicted within 1σ1\sigma experimental ranges. We find that the standard model scenario predicts the low energy Vcb\mid V_{cb}\mid to be in a range which includes its experimental mid-value 0.044 and which for a large top mass can extend to lower values than the range resulting in the supersymmetric case. In the two Higgs standard model case, we identify the regions of parameter space for which unification of the bottom quark and tau lepton Yukawa couplings is possible at grand unification scale. In fact, we find that unification of the top, bottom and tau Yukawa couplings is possible with the running b-quark mass within the 1σ1\sigma preferred range mb=4.25±0.1GeVm_b=4.25\pm 0.1\, GeV provided α3c(MZ)\alpha_{3c}(M_Z) is near the low end of its allowed range. In this case, one may make 6 predictions which include Vcb\mid V_{cb}\mid within its 90%90\% confidence limits. However unless the running mass mb>4.4GeVm_b>4.4\, GeV, third generation Yukawa coupling unification requires the top mass to be greater thanComment: 30 pages, 8 figures available on request from [email protected], Late

    Uncertainties in Coupling Constant Unification

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    The status of coupling constant unification in the standard model and its supersymmetric extension are discussed. Uncertainties associated with the input coupling constants, mtm_{t}, threshold corrections at the low and high scales, and possible nonrenormalizable operators are parametrized and estimated. A simple parametrization of a general supersymmetric new particle spectrum is given. It is shown that an effective scale MSUSYM_{SUSY} can be defined, but for a realistic spectrum it may differ considerably from the typical new particle masses. The implications of the lower (higher) values of αs(MZ)\alpha_{s}(M_{Z}) suggested by low-energy (ZZ-pole) experiments are discussed.Comment: LaTex, 51 pages, 6 figures (available upon request), UPR-0513

    Lifetime Differences, direct CP Violation and Partial Widths in D0 Meson Decays to K+K- and pi+pi-

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    We describe several measurements using the decays D0->K+K- and pi+pi-. We find the ratio of partial widths, Gamma(D0->K+K-)/Gamma(D0->pi+pi-), to be 2.96+/-0.16+/-0.15, where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic. We observe no evidence for direct CP violation, obtaining A_CP(KK) = (0.0+/-2.2+/-0.8)% and A_CP(pipi = (1.9+/-3.2+/-0.8)%. In the limit of no CP violation we measure the mixing parameter y_CP = -0.012+/-0.025+/-0.014 by measuring the lifetime difference between D0->K+ K- or pi+pi- and the CP neutral state, D0->K-pi+. We see no evidence for mixing.Comment: 14 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, submitted to PRD, Rapid Communicatio

    Study of Constrained Minimal Supersymmetry

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    Taking seriously phenomenological indications for supersymmetry, we have made a detailed study of unified minimal SUSY, including effects at the few percent level in a consistent fashion. We report here a general analysis without choosing a particular unification gauge group. We find that the encouraging SUSY unification results of recent years do survive the challenge of a more complete and accurate analysis. Taking into account effects at the 5-10% level leads to several improvements of previous results, and allows us to sharpen our predictions for SUSY in the light of unification. We perform a thorough study of the parameter space. The results form a well-defined basis for comparing the physics potential of different facilities. Very little of the acceptable parameter space has been excluded by LEP or FNAL so far, but a significant fraction can be covered when these accelerators are upgraded. A number of initial applications to the understanding of the SUSY spectrum, detectability of SUSY at LEP II or FNAL, BR(bsγb\to s\gamma), Width(ZbbˉZ\to b\bar b), dark matter, etc, are included in a separate section. We formulate an approach to extracting SUSY parameters from data when superpartners are detected. For small tan(beta) or large mtopm_top both MhalfM_half and M0M_0 are entirely bounded from above at O(1 tev) without having to use a fine-tuning constraint.Comment: Michigan preprint UM-TH-93-24, LaTeX, 60 pages without figures. Complete paper with inline figures available by anonymous ftp to williams.physics.lsa.umich.edu in /pub/preprints/UM-TH-93-24.ps.Z (uncompresses to 10MB / 77 pages), or by e-mailing reques

    Unification and Phenomenology of F-Theory GUTs with U(1)_PQ

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    We undertake a phenomenological study of SU(5) F-theory GUT models with an additional U(1)_{PQ} symmetry. In such models, breaking SU(5) with hypercharge flux leads to the presence of non-GUT multiplets in the spectrum. We study the effect these have on the unification of gauge couplings, including two-loop running as well as low- and high-scale threshold corrections. We use the requirement of unification to constrain the size of thresholds from KK modes of SU(5) gauge and matter fields. Assuming the non-GUT multiplets play the role of messengers of gauge mediation leads to controlled non-universalities in the sparticle spectrum while maintaining grand unification, and we study the LHC phenomenology of this scenario. We find that the MSSM spectrum may become compressed or stretched out {by up to a factor of three} depending on the distribution of hypercharge flux. We present a set of benchmark points whose production cross-sections and decays we investigate, and argue that precision kinematic edge measurements will allow the LHC to distinguish between our model and mGMSB.Comment: 46 pages, 15 figure