22 research outputs found

    Hardware Solutions for Next Generation of Telecommunication Systems Physical Layer Implementation

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    In telecommunication systems the goal is to increase the throughput of data communication. Multiple input and multiple output antennas (MIMO) can be used to increase the SNR of the system and as the result increase the throughput via increasing the quality of the service (QoS) or it can be used to increase the speed of transmitted data and the throughput as the result. This trade-off can be used as advantage when dealing with a system design to better utilize hardware/software resources as well as to optimally exploit the environmental factors associated with communication medium. We studied the iterative detection and decoding of the received signals. In this case the received signals are being detected and decoded multiple times which results in higher complexity, and QoS. Considering the original complexity of the MIMO detectors hardware implementation of this method is challenging. To reduce the complexity while expecting performance gain over traditional receivers like Minimum Mean Square of Errors (MMSE) and Zero Forcing (ZF) detectors we had to look at more recent detectors and accept some performance loss. These are detectors with close to ML performance like Kbest or amended versions or linear detectors like the LR aided (lattice reduction) MMSE, or LORD (layered orthogonal lattice detector) detector. Following this approach we considered Integer Forcing (IF) detectors. The IF detectors are categorized as linear detectors; however, there is a search involved in calculating and generating the inverse of the channel matrix that searches for inverse of any full rank integer combination of transmitted data with minimum effect on channel noise. We introduce an algorithm that is able to provide LLRs (soft values) for the detected signal. We show that these type of detectors can reduce the gap between Zero Forcing (ZF) linear detector and maximum likelihood (ML) detector to 48% with only 2.96× more complexity while ML detector is 28.86× more complex. We have implemented an IF processor to evaluate the hardware performance of this detector. To accomplish this task we have improved the existing designs for singular value decomposer (SYD) and advanced the decomposer to achieve a high performance IF detector. We finally present a proof of consent for asynchronous implementation of MIMO satellite communication

    Prediction of Solubility of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Single Solvents and Their Mixtures — Solvent Screening

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    In this chapter, the applicability of two predictive activity coefficient-based models will be examined. The experimental data from five different types of VLE (vapor-liquid equilibrium) and VLLE (vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium) systems that are common in industry are used for the evaluation. The nonrandom two-liquid segment activity coefficient (NRTL-SAC) and universal functional activity coefficient (UNIFAC) were selected to model the systems. The various thermodynamic relations existing in the open literature will be discussed and used to predict the solubility of active pharmaceutical ingredients and other small organic molecules in a single or a mixture of solvents. Equations of states, the activity coefficient, and predictive models will be discussed and used for this purpose. We shall also present some of our results on solvent screening using a single and a mixture of solvents

    Hardware Solutions for Next Generation of Telecommunication Systems Physical Layer Implementation

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    In telecommunication systems the goal is to increase the throughput of data communication. Multiple input and multiple output antennas (MIMO) can be used to increase the SNR of the system and as the result increase the throughput via increasing the quality of the service (QoS) or it can be used to increase the speed of transmitted data and the throughput as the result. This trade-off can be used as advantage when dealing with a system design to better utilize hardware/software resources as well as to optimally exploit the environmental factors associated with communication medium. We studied the iterative detection and decoding of the received signals. In this case the received signals are being detected and decoded multiple times which results in higher complexity, and QoS. Considering the original complexity of the MIMO detectors hardware implementation of this method is challenging. To reduce the complexity while expecting performance gain over traditional receivers like Minimum Mean Square of Errors (MMSE) and Zero Forcing (ZF) detectors we had to look at more recent detectors and accept some performance loss. These are detectors with close to ML performance like Kbest or amended versions or linear detectors like the LR aided (lattice reduction) MMSE, or LORD (layered orthogonal lattice detector) detector. Following this approach we considered Integer Forcing (IF) detectors. The IF detectors are categorized as linear detectors; however, there is a search involved in calculating and generating the inverse of the channel matrix that searches for inverse of any full rank integer combination of transmitted data with minimum effect on channel noise. We introduce an algorithm that is able to provide LLRs (soft values) for the detected signal. We show that these type of detectors can reduce the gap between Zero Forcing (ZF) linear detector and maximum likelihood (ML) detector to 48% with only 2.96× more complexity while ML detector is 28.86× more complex. We have implemented an IF processor to evaluate the hardware performance of this detector. To accomplish this task we have improved the existing designs for singular value decomposer (SYD) and advanced the decomposer to achieve a high performance IF detector. We finally present a proof of consent for asynchronous implementation of MIMO satellite communication

    Theoretical Foundation On Women Trafficking In Malaysia: A Legal Implication

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    Malaysia being a semi-developed country is attracting people from all corners of the world and this has caused people to migrate for work and other purposes. This also opened the doors to human trafficking and human smuggling activities that had blemished the country's reputation when ranked successively tier 3 and 2 in TIP (Trafficking In Persons) Report. Being aware of the problem, the country enacted the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrant Act 2007 (amend.2012) but the enforcement has yet to be effective enough to stop completely sexual exploitation syndicates via trafficking in persons. Particularly, women and young girls were lured into becoming sex workers and domestic labour market. There are numerous theoretical foundations that explain why women are being trafficked and victimized as sex workers globally. Feminist economics, have proposed that supply of sex work is rooted in absence of economic alternatives, and that prohibitionist policies, both on the supply and the demand side, worsen working conditions and health of sex workers. Whereas migration theories are built differently based on comparison of wage differentials, employment differentials or, more broadly, living standard differentials between origin and destination countries. Nature of business that manipulated vulnerable conditions such as youth; gender; poverty; ignorance; social and cultural exclusion; political instability, war, and conflicts, discriminatory social, cultural, and legal frameworks; and ongoing demand. This paper presentation will firstly, explain the Women Trafficking activities and prevention efforts by the enforcers. Secondly, it focuses on what causes women trafficking and the underlying theoretical foundations that resulted in the sexual exploitation of women. Finally, the paper dwells on how the Malaysian laws protect women from being trafficked and sexually exploited as sex workers

    Integration of Research, Public Health, and Hospital Interventions as a Successful Model for Controlling COVID-19 Pandemic: A Perspective

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has been a serious health problem in most countries in the last few months, with every country adopting different preventive and therapeutic measures based on their specific circumstances. The epidemic began in Iran on February 19, 2020, and gradually spread across the country. The epidemic extent varies, and different preventive and therapeutic measures are taken in Iran. Shahroud and Miami Counties, covered by the Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, have experienced the highest incidence of COVID-19 in Iran. However, the epidemic is well controlled by integrating the activities of the health, treatment, and research sectors and using information technology and a proprietary software application. This model can be thus studied as a successful experience. Keywords: COVID-19, Control, Successful model, Ira

    Molecular Survey of Tularemia and Plague in Small Mammals From Iran

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    Introduction: Plague and tularemia are zoonoses and their causative bacteria are circulating in certain regions of Iran. This study was conducted to investigate potential disease reservoirs amongst small wildlife species in different regions of Iran.Methods: Rodents, insectivores and hares from 17 different provinces of the country were collected in 2014 and 2015. Samples were taken from the spleens of the animals and Real-time PCR was applied to detect nucleic acid sequences that are specific to Francisella tularensis and Yersinia pestis, respectively.Results: Among 140 collected rodents, 25 distinct species were identified out of which five were the most common: Microtus paradoxus (21% out of 140 rodents), Apodemus witherbyi (12%), Microtus irani (11%), Mus musculus (11%) and Microtus socialis (10%). Seventeen insectivores were collected and identified as Crocidura suaveolens (82%) and C. leucodon (18%). Fifty-one hares were collected and identified as Lepus europaeus (57%), Lepus tolai (14%) and Lepus sp. (29%). Three out of 140 explored rodents (1.91%) were positive for F. tularensis, an A. witherbyi, a Mus musculus domesticus, and a Chionomys nivalis collected from Golestan, Khuzestan and Razavi Khorasan provinces, respectively. Two hares (3.92%) were F. tularensis-positive, a L. europaeus from Khuzestan and a Lepus sp. from the Sistan and Baluchistan province. None of the tested animals were positive for Y. pestis.Conclusion: This is the first report of direct detection of F. tularensis in mammals of Iran and the first-time observation of the agent in a snow vole, C. nivalis worldwide. The results indicate that tularemia is more widespread in Iran than previously reported including the Northeast and Southwestern parts of the country. Future studies should address genetic characterization of F. tularensis positive DNA samples from Iran to achieve molecular subtyping and rule out assay cross-reactivity with near neighbor Francisella species

    A Survey of Relationship between Social Welfare and Social Capital In the City of Sanandaj, Iran

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     Abstract   In this paper relationship between social welfare and its categories with social capital has been surveyed. Social capital is a material and nonmaterial of resources to which individuals can have sustainable relations. Social welfare includes main indexes: teaching, hygiene, nutrition, housing, employment, population, workforce, income, expenses and social security.   And it includes sub-indexes: leisure, environment and life-financial security. In this paper social capital includes social confidence, social solidarity and social commitment and social welfare includes: housing, teaching, hygiene, employment, income, leisure and population.   Theoretical framework of this paper including pervasive and high level of social welfare is related to high level of social capital. Hypotheses of the paper are relationship between social welfare – by means of its categories with social capital .Relationship between social welfare and social capital and relationship between leisure and social capital are proved.  &nbsp