1,617 research outputs found
Potts Model On Random Trees
We study the Potts model on locally tree-like random graphs of arbitrary
degree distribution. Using a population dynamics algorithm we numerically solve
the problem exactly. We confirm our results with simulations. Comparisons with
a previous approach are made, showing where its assumption of uniform local
fields breaks down for networks with nodes of low degree.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
BKT-like transition in the Potts model on an inhomogeneous annealed network
We solve the ferromagnetic q-state Potts model on an inhomogeneous annealed
network which mimics a random recursive graph. We find that this system has the
inverted Berezinskii--Kosterlitz--Thouless (BKT) phase transition for any , including the values , where the Potts model normally shows
a first order phase transition. We obtain the temperature dependences of the
order parameter, specific heat, and susceptibility demonstrating features
typical for the BKT transition. We show that in the entire normal phase, both
the distribution of a linear response to an applied local field and the
distribution of spin-spin correlations have a critical, i.e. power-law, form.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
Phenomenological Models of Socio-Economic Network Dynamics
We study a general set of models of social network evolution and dynamics.
The models consist of both a dynamics on the network and evolution of the
network. Links are formed preferentially between 'similar' nodes, where the
similarity is defined by the particular process taking place on the network.
The interplay between the two processes produces phase transitions and
hysteresis, as seen using numerical simulations for three specific processes.
We obtain analytic results using mean field approximations, and for a
particular case we derive an exact solution for the network. In common with
real-world social networks, we find coexistence of high and low connectivity
phases and history dependence.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure
Series Expansion Calculation of Persistence Exponents
We consider an arbitrary Gaussian Stationary Process X(T) with known
correlator C(T), sampled at discrete times T_n = n \Delta T. The probability
that (n+1) consecutive values of X have the same sign decays as P_n \sim
\exp(-\theta_D T_n). We calculate the discrete persistence exponent \theta_D as
a series expansion in the correlator C(\Delta T) up to 14th order, and
extrapolate to \Delta T = 0 using constrained Pad\'e approximants to obtain the
continuum persistence exponent \theta. For the diffusion equation our results
are in exceptionally good agreement with recent numerical estimates.Comment: 5 pages; 5 page appendix containing series coefficient
Asymptotics of Toeplitz Determinants and the Emptiness Formation Probability for the XY Spin Chain
We study an asymptotic behavior of a special correlator known as the
Emptiness Formation Probability (EFP) for the one-dimensional anisotropic XY
spin-1/2 chain in a transverse magnetic field. This correlator is essentially
the probability of formation of a ferromagnetic string of length in the
antiferromagnetic ground state of the chain and plays an important role in the
theory of integrable models. For the XY Spin Chain, the correlator can be
expressed as the determinant of a Toeplitz matrix and its asymptotical
behaviors for throughout the phase diagram are obtained using
known theorems and conjectures on Toeplitz determinants. We find that the decay
is exponential everywhere in the phase diagram of the XY model except on the
critical lines, i.e. where the spectrum is gapless. In these cases, a power-law
prefactor with a universal exponent arises in addition to an exponential or
Gaussian decay. The latter Gaussian behavior holds on the critical line
corresponding to the isotropic XY model, while at the critical value of the
magnetic field the EFP decays exponentially. At small anisotropy one has a
crossover from the Gaussian to the exponential behavior. We study this
crossover using the bosonization approach.Comment: 40 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. The poor quality of some figures is due
to arxiv space limitations. If You would like to see the pdf with good
quality figures, please contact Fabio Franchini at
"[email protected]
Correlations in interacting systems with a network topology
We study pair correlations in cooperative systems placed on complex networks.
We show that usually in these systems, the correlations between two interacting
objects (e.g., spins), separated by a distance , decay, on average,
faster than . Here is the mean number of the
-th nearest neighbors of a vertex in a network. This behavior, in
particular, leads to a dramatic weakening of correlations between second and
more distant neighbors on networks with fat-tailed degree distributions, which
have a divergent number in the infinite network limit. In this case, only
the pair correlations between the nearest neighbors are observable. We obtain
the pair correlation function of the Ising model on a complex network and also
derive our results in the framework of a phenomenological approach.Comment: 5 page
Survival in equilibrium step fluctuations
We report the results of analytic and numerical investigations of the time
scale of survival or non-zero-crossing probability in equilibrium step
fluctuations described by Langevin equations appropriate for
attachment/detachment and edge-diffusion limited kinetics. An exact relation
between long-time behaviors of the survival probability and the autocorrelation
function is established and numerically verified. is shown to exhibit
simple scaling behavior as a function of system size and sampling time. Our
theoretical results are in agreement with those obtained from an analysis of
experimental dynamical STM data on step fluctuations on Al/Si(111) and Ag(111)
surfaces.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 3 figure
Influência da cultivar de tomateiro na ação de indutores de resistência sobre adultos de Bemisia tabaci biótipo B.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar se o uso associado de cultivar e indutor de resistência a fitopatógenos pode ocasionar alta mortalidade de mosca branca.Resumo 153
Integrating HDAd5/35++ vectors as a new platform for HSC gene therapy of hemoglobinopathies
We generated an integrating, CD46-targeted, helper-dependent adenovirus HDAd5/35++ vector system for hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene therapy. The ∼12-kb transgene cassette included a β-globin locus control region (LCR)/promoter driven human γ-globin gene and an elongation factor alpha-1 (EF1α)-mgmtP140K expression cassette, which allows for drug-controlled increase of γ-globin-expressing erythrocytes. We transduced bone marrow lineage-depleted cells from human CD46-transgenic mice and transplanted them into lethally irradiated recipients. The percentage of γ-globin-positive cells in peripheral blood erythrocytes in primary and secondary transplant recipients was stable and greater than 90%. The γ-globin level was 10%–20% of adult mouse globin. Transgene integration, mediated by a hyperactive Sleeping Beauty SB100x transposase, was random, without a preference for genes. A second set of studies was performed with peripheral blood CD34+ cells from mobilized donors. 10 weeks after transplantation of transduced cells, human cells were harvested from the bone marrow and differentiated ex vivo into erythroid cells. Erythroid cells expressed γ-globin at a level of 20% of adult α-globin. Our studies suggest that HDAd35++ vectors allow for efficient transduction of long-term repopulating HSCs and high-level, almost pancellular γ-globin expression in erythrocytes. Furthermore, our HDAd5/35++ vectors have a larger insert capacity and a safer integration pattern than currently used lentivirus vectors
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