37 research outputs found

    Evaluarea profesiografică a activităţii medicului de familie

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    În baza cercetărilor ştiinţifice au fost identificate şi apreciate particularităţile profesiografi ce a activităţii profesionale a medicilor de familie, gradul de încordare în procesul de lucru

    Estimarea eficacităţii asistenţei medicale primare

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    Sunt relevate datele unui studiu despre satisfacţia pacienţilor de calitatea asistenţei medicale primare şi opiniile medicilor de familie cu privire la deficienţele în sistemul de sănătate, modul de abordare şi direcţiile necesare pentru dezvoltarea acestei ramuri

    Condiţiile de muncă şi morbiditatea profesională a angajaţilor din Moldova

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    În prezentul articol sunt expuse rezultatele de analiză complexă a condiţiilor de muncă şi a morbidităţii profesionale în ultimii ani, precum şi cauzele depistării tardive şi incomplete ale bolilor profesionale

    Russisch-orthodoxe Architektur : Problematik und Lösungsansätze

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    Zusammenfassung in englischer SpracheTitelübersetzung des Autors: Russian-orthodox architectureDer russisch-orthodoxe Sakralbau hat eine lange, bis ins zehnte Jahrhundert zurückgehende Tradition, die sich gemeinsam und parallel zu der westeuropäischen Architektur entwickelte. Nach der Revolution im Jahr 1917 und der Machtübernahme durch die russischen Kommunisten wurde diese Entwicklung abrupt abge-brochen. Erst nach dem Zerfall der UdSSR kam es wieder zu ei-ner intensiven Bautätigkeit neuer Kirchen. Diese werden jedoch bis jetzt in einem äußerst traditionalistischen und veralteten Stil gebaut, unter anderem weil sich die Bau- und Gestaltungsregeln über fast ein Jahrhundert hinweg nicht weiterentwickelt haben. Das Fehlen von Anzeichen einer zukunftsfähigen Stilentwicklung verursachte in Fachkreisen der russischen Kirchenarchitektur einen Diskurs über neue Strategien eines modernen aber authenti-schen Baustils. Die Ergebnisse dieses Diskurses bleiben jedoch aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht zufriedenstellend. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist eine korrekte, jedoch zeitgemäße Inter-pretation der alten russisch-orthodoxen Baukanons zu entwickeln und diese in einem Entwurf umzusetzen.The Russian orthodox religious architecture has an old tradition which was originated in the 10th century. This tradition evolved over the decades, being partialy influencedby the western european architecture until the Russian revolution in 1917 when the power and privileges, which the church had possessed were overthrown by the new governments compaign of anti-religious policy. Only after the fall of the USSR Russian orthodox religious buildings were being built again with greater intensity. However, the style of these newly constructed Churches is rather traditionalistic and outdated due to many things but mostly because of the archaic building regulations, which haven't been developed during the Soviet Regime. The absence of any sustainable development of the new style caused a discourse within the expert group about new possible strategies, which can create a new modern and authentic language of Russian orthodox religious architecture. For various reasons the results of this discourse remains not satisfactory. The goal of this thesis is to finda correct, but in the same time modern and sustainable interpretation of the old Russian orthodox building rules and convert them into a exemplary design-study.9

    Functional Integral Approach to the Solution of a System of Stochastic Differential Equations

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    A new method for the evaluation of the characteristics of the solution of a system of stochastic differential equations is presented. This method is based on the representation of a probability density function p through a functional integral. The functional integral representation is obtained by means of the Onsager-Machlup functional technique for a special case when the diffusion matrix for the SDE system defines a Riemannian space with zero curvature

    Functional Integral Approach to the Solution of a System of Stochastic Differential Equations

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    A new method for the evaluation of the characteristics of the solution of a system of stochastic differential equations is presented. This method is based on the representation of a probability density function p through a functional integral. The functional integral representation is obtained by means of the Onsager-Machlup functional technique for a special case when the diffusion matrix for the SDE system defines a Riemannian space with zero curvature

    Search for an axion-like particle in radiative J/ψ decays

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    We search for an axion-like particle (ALP) a through the process ψ(3686)→π+π−J/ψ, J/ψ→γa, a→γγ in a data sample of (2.71±0.01)×109 ψ(3686) events collected by the BESIII detector. No significant ALP signal is observed over the expected background, and the upper limits on the branching fraction of the decay J/ψ→γa and the ALP-photon coupling constant gaγγ are set at 95% confidence level in the mass range of 0.165≤ma≤2.84GeV/c2. The limits on B(J/ψ→γa) range from 8.3×10−8 to 1.8×10−6 over the search region, and the constraints on the ALP-photon coupling are the most stringent to date for 0.165≤ma≤1.468GeV/c2

    Partial wave analysis of J/ψ→γη′η′

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    Using a sample of (10.09±0.04)×109 J/ψ events collected with the BESIII detector, a partial wave analysis of J/ψ→γη′η′ is performed.The masses and widths of the observed resonances and their branching fractions are reported. The main contribution is from J/ψ→γf0(2020) with f0(2020)→η′η′, which is found with a significance of greater than 25σ. The product branching fraction B(J/ψ → γf0(2020))⋅B(f0(2020) → η′η′ is measured to be (2.63±0.06(stat.) + 0.31−0.46(syst.))×10−4