6 research outputs found

    Mapping Metabolite and ICD-10 Associations

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    The search for novel metabolic biomarkers is intense but has had limited practical outcomes for medicine. Part of the problem is that we lack knowledge of how different comorbidities influence biomarkers’ performance. In this study, 49 metabolites were measured by targeted LC/MS protocols in the serum of 1011 volunteers. Their performance as potential biomarkers was evaluated by the area under the curve of receiver operator characteristics (AUC-ROC) for 105 diagnosis codes or code groups from the 10th revision of the international classification of diseases (ICD-10). Additionally, the interferences between diagnosis codes were investigated. The highest AUC-ROC values for individual metabolites and ICD-10 code combinations reached a moderate (0.7) range. Most metabolites that were found to be potential markers remained so independently of the control group composition or comorbidities. The precise value of the AUC-ROC, however, could vary depending on the comorbidities. Moreover, networks of metabolite and disease associations were built in order to map diseases, which may interfere with metabolic biomarker research on other diseases

    Impact of a High-Fat Diet on the Metabolomics Profile of 129S6 and C57BL6 Mouse Strains

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    Different inbred mouse strains vary substantially in their behavior and metabolic phenotype under physiological and pathological conditions. The purpose of this study was to extend the knowledge of distinct coping strategies under challenging events in two differently adapting mouse strains: C57BL/6NTac (Bl6) and 129S6/SvEvTac (129Sv). Thus, we aimed to investigate possible similarities and differences in the body weight change, behavior, and several metabolic variables in Bl6 and 129Sv strains in response to high-fat diet (HFD) using the AbsoluteIDQ p180 kit. We found that 9 weeks of HFD induced a significant body weight gain in 129Sv, but not in Bl6 mice. Besides that, 129Sv mice displayed anxiety-like behavior in the open-field test. Metabolite profiling revealed that 129Sv mice had higher levels of circulating branched-chain amino acids, which were even more amplified by HFD. HFD also induced a decrease in glycine, spermidine, and t4-OH-proline levels in 129Sv mice. Although acylcarnitines (ACs) dominated in baseline conditions in 129Sv strain, this strain had a significantly stronger AC-reducing effect of HFD. Moreover, 129Sv mice had higher levels of lipids in baseline conditions, but HFD caused more pronounced alterations in lipid profile in Bl6 mice. Taken together, our results show that the Bl6 line is better adapted to abundant fat intake

    A Marked Low-Grade Inflammation and a Significant Deterioration in Metabolic Status in First-Episode Schizophrenia: A Five-Year Follow-Up Study

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate how schizophrenia spectrum disorders and applied long-term (5.1 years) antipsychotic (AP) treatment affect the serum level of acylcarnitines (ACs), cytokines and metabolic biomarkers and to characterize the dynamics of inflammatory and metabolic changes in the early course of the disorder. A total of 112 adults participated in the study (54 patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and 58 control subjects). Biomolecule profiles were measured at the onset of first-episode psychosis and 0.6 years and 5.1 years after the initiation of APs. The results of the present study confirmed that specific metabolic–inflammatory imbalance characterizes AP-naïve patients. Short-term (0.6-years) AP treatment has a favourable effect on psychotic symptoms, as well as the recovery of metabolic flexibility and resolution of low-level inflammation. However, 5.1 years of AP treatment resulted in weight gain and increased serum levels of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, interferon-γ, hexoses, acetylcarnitine, short-chain ACs (C3, C4) and long-chain ACs (C16:2, C18:1, C18:2). In conclusion, despite the improvement in psychotic symptoms, 5.1 years of AP treatment was accompanied by a pronounced metabolic–inflammatory imbalance, which was confirmed by the presence of enhanced pro-inflammatory activity and increased obesity with changes in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and their metabolites

    Associations of the Single Bovine Embryo Growth Media Metabolome with Successful Pregnancy

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    This study investigated whether metabolomic fingerprints of bovine embryo growth media improve the prediction of successful embryo implantation. In this prospective cohort study, the metabolome from in vitro-produced day 7 blastocysts with successful implantation (n = 11), blastocysts with failed implantation (n = 10), and plain culture media without embryos (n = 5) were included. Samples were analyzed using an AbsoluteIDQ® p180 Targeted Metabolomics Kit with LC-MS/MS, and a total of 189 metabolites were analyzed from each sample. Blastocysts that resulted in successful embryo implantation had significantly higher levels of methionine sulfoxide (p p p p p p < 0.001) compared to control media. However, when compared to embryos that failed to implant, only DOPA, spermidine, C2/C0, (C2 + C3)/C0, and PC ae C30:0 levels differentiated significantly. In summary, our study identifies a panel of differential metabolites in the culture media of bovine blastocysts that could act as potential biomarkers for the selection of viable blastocysts before embryo transfer

    Apnoea–hypopnoea index of 5 events·h−1 as a metabolomic threshold in patients with sleep complaints

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    Background The apnoea–hypopnoea index (AHI) forms the basis for severity of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), a condition expected to reprogramme metabolic pathways in humans. We aimed to identify the AHI breakpoint from which the majority of significant changes in the systemic metabolome of patients with sleep complaints occur. Methods In a prospective observational study on symptomatic individuals, who underwent polysomnography for the diagnosis of OSA, profiles of 187 metabolites including amino acids, biogenic amines, acylcarnitines, lysophosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylcholines and sphingomyelins were analysed with liquid chromatography mass spectrometry in peripheral blood drawn at three different time points overnight. Comparisons of rank-transformed data using a general linear model for repeated measures after dichotomising the study group at different AHI levels were applied to define the best cut-off based on Cohen's f. Results 65 subjects were recruited with a median AHI of 15.6 events·h−1. The mean Cohen's f over the metabolites was highest (0.161) at an AHI level of 5 events·h−1 representing the metabolomic threshold. Of the particular between-group differences, eight phosphatidylcholines, nine acylcarnitines and one amino acid (threonine) had significantly lower concentrations in the individuals with an AHI level equal to or above the metabolomic threshold. The metabolomic changes at AHI levels defining moderate and severe OSA were smaller than at an AHI of 5 events·h−1. Conclusions The metabolomic threshold for patients with sleep complaints described in this report for the first time coincides with the AHI threshold required to confirm the diagnosis of OSA

    High-Fat Diet Induces Pre-Diabetes and Distinct Sex-Specific Metabolic Alterations in Negr1-Deficient Mice

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    In the large GWAS studies, NEGR1 gene has been one of the most significant gene loci for body mass phenotype. The purpose of the current study was to clarify the role of NEGR1 in the maintenance of systemic metabolism, including glucose homeostasis, by using both male and female Negr1−/− mice receiving a standard or high fat diet (HFD). We found that 6 weeks of HFD leads to higher levels of blood glucose in Negr1−/− mice. In the glucose tolerance test, HFD induced phenotype difference only in male mice; Negr1−/− male mice displayed altered glucose tolerance, accompanied with upregulation of circulatory branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). The general metabolomic profile indicates that Negr1−/− mice are biased towards glyconeogenesis, fatty acid synthesis, and higher protein catabolism, all of which are amplified by HFD. Negr1 deficiency appears to induce alterations in the efficiency of energy storage; reduced food intake could be an attempt to compensate for the metabolic challenge present in the Negr1−/− males, particularly during the HFD exposure. Our results suggest that the presence of functional Negr1 allows male mice to consume more HFD and prevents the development of glucose intolerance, liver steatosis, and excessive weight gain