910 research outputs found

    Extent of pollution in planet-bearing stars

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    (abridged) Search for planets around main-sequence (MS) stars more massive than the Sun is hindered by their hot and rapidly spinning atmospheres. This obstacle has been sidestepped by radial-velocity surveys of those stars on their post-MS evolutionary track (G sub-giant and giant stars). Preliminary observational findings suggest a deficiency of short-period hot Jupiters around the observed post MS stars, although the total fraction of them with known planets appears to increase with their mass. Here we consider the possibility that some very close- in gas giants or a population of rocky planets may have either undergone orbital decay or been engulfed by the expanding envelope of their intermediate-mass host stars. If such events occur during or shortly after those stars' main sequence evolution when their convection zone remains relatively shallow, their surface metallicity can be significantly enhanced by the consumption of one or more gas giants. We show that stars with enriched veneer and lower-metallicity interior follow slightly modified evolution tracks as those with the same high surface and interior metallicity. As an example, we consider HD149026, a marginal post MS 1.3 Msun star. We suggest that its observed high (nearly twice solar) metallicity may be confined to the surface layer as a consequence of pollution by the accretion of either a planet similar to its known 2.7-day-period Saturn-mass planet, which has a 70 Mearth compact core, or a population of smaller mass planets with a comparable total amount of heavy elements. It is shown that an enhancement in surface metallicity leads to a reduction in effective temperature, in increase in radius and a net decrease in luminosity. The effects of such an enhancement are not negligible in the determinations of the planet's radius based on the transit light curves.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    Effect of low-Raman window position on correlated photon-pair generation in a chalcogenide Ge11.5As24Se64.5 nanowire

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    We investigated correlated photon-pair generation via spontaneous four-wave mixing in an integrated chalcogenideGe11.5As24Se64.5photonicnanowire. The coincidence to accidental ratio, a key measurement for the quality of correlated photon-pair sources, was measured to be only 0.4 when the photon pairs were generated at 1.9 THz detuning from the pump frequency due to high spontaneous Raman noise in this regime. However, the existence of a characteristic low-Raman window at around 5.1 THz in this material's Raman spectrum and dispersion engineering of the nanowire allowed us to generate photon pairs with a coincidence to accidental ratio of 4.5, more than 10 times higher than the 1.9 THz case. Through comparing the results with those achieved in chalcogenide As2S3waveguides which also exhibit a low Raman-window but at a larger detuning of 7.4 THz, we find that the position of the characteristic low-Raman window plays an important role on reducing spontaneous Raman noise because the phonon population is higher at smaller detuning. Therefore the ultimate solution for Raman noise reduction in Ge11.5As24Se64.5 is to generate photon pairs outside the Raman gain band at more than 10 THz detuning

    Self-Interacting Dark Matter Halos and the Gravothermal Catastrophe

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    We study the evolution of an isolated, spherical halo of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) in the gravothermal fluid formalism. We show that the thermal relaxation time, trt_r, of a SIDM halo with a central density and velocity dispersion of a typical dwarf galaxy is significantly shorter than its age. We find a self-similar solution for the evolution of a SIDM halo in the limit where the mean free path between collisions, λ\lambda, is everywhere longer than the gravitational scale height, HH. Typical halos formed in this long mean free path regime relax to a quasistationary gravothermal density profile characterized by a nearly homogeneous core and a power-law halo where ρr2.19\rho \propto r^{-2.19}. We solve the more general time-dependent problem and show that the contracting core evolves to sufficiently high density that λ\lambda inevitably becomes smaller than HH in the innermost region. The core undergoes secular collapse to a singular state (the ``gravothermal catastrophe'') in a time tcoll290trt_{coll} \approx 290 t_r, which is longer than the Hubble time for a typical dark matter-dominated galaxy core at the present epoch. Our model calculations are consistent with previous, more detailed, N-body simulations for SIDM, providing a simple physical interpretation of their results and extending them to higher spatial resolution and longer evolution times. At late times, mass loss from the contracting, dense inner core to the ambient halo is significantly moderated, so that the final mass of the inner core may be appreciable when it becomes relativistic and radially unstable to dynamical collapse to a black hole.Comment: ApJ in press (to appear in April), 12 pages. Extremely minor changes to agree with published versio

    Gap solitons in Bragg gratings with a harmonic superlattice

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    Solitons are studied in a model of a fiber Bragg grating (BG) whose local reflectivity is subjected to periodic modulation. The superlattice opens an infinite number of new bandgaps in the model's spectrum. Averaging and numerical continuation methods show that each gap gives rise to gap solitons (GSs), including asymmetric and double-humped ones, which are not present without the superlattice.Computation of stability eigenvalues and direct simulation reveal the existence of completely stable families of fundamental GSs filling the new gaps - also at negative frequencies, where the ordinary GSs are unstable. Moving stable GSs with positive and negative effective mass are found too.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to EP

    Near-zero anomalous dispersion Ge11.5As24Se64.5 glass nanowires for correlated photon pair generation: design and analysis

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    We show that highly nonlinear chalcogenide glass nanowire waveguides with near-zero anomalous dispersion should be capable of generating correlated photon-pairs by spontaneous four-wave mixing at frequencies detuned by over 17 THz from the pump where Raman noise is absent. In this region we predict a photon pair correlation of >100, a figure of merit >10 and brightness of ~8×108 pairs/s over a bandwidth of >15 THz in nanowires with group velocity dispersion of <5 ps∙km−1nm−1. We present designs for double-clad Ge11.5As24Se64.5 glass nanowires with realistic tolerance to fabrication errors that achieve near-zero anomalous dispersion at a 1420 nm pump wavelength. This structure has a fabrication tolerance of 80–170 nm in the waveguide width and utilizes a SiO2/Al2O3 layer deposited by atomic layer deposition to compensate the fabrication errors in the film thickness

    Cuspons, peakons and regular gap solitons between three dispersion curves

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    A general wave model with the cubic nonlinearity is introduced to describe a situation when the linear dispersion relation has three branches, which would intersect in the absence of linear couplings between the three waves. Actually, the system contains two waves with a strong linear coupling between them, to which a third wave is then coupled. This model has two gaps in its linear spectrum. Realizations of this model can be made in terms of temporal or spatial evolution of optical fields in, respectively, a planar waveguide or a bulk-layered medium resembling a photonic-crystal fiber. Another physical system described by the same model is a set of three internal wave modes in a density-stratified fluid. A nonlinear analysis is performed for solitons which have zero velocity in the reference frame in which the group velocity of the third wave vanishes. Disregarding the self-phase modulation (SPM) term in the equation for the third wave, we find two coexisting families of solitons: regular ones, which may be regarded as a smooth deformation of the usual gap solitons in a two-wave system, and cuspons with a singularity in the first derivative at their center. Even in the limit when the linear coupling of the third wave to the first two vanishes, the soliton family remains drastically different from that in the linearly uncoupled system; in this limit, regular solitons whose amplitude exceeds a certain critical value are replaced by peakons. While the regular solitons, cuspons, and peakons are found in an exact analytical form, their stability is tested numerically, which shows that they all may be stable. If the SPM terms are retained, we find that there again coexist two different families of generic stable soliton solutions, namely, regular ones and peakons.Comment: a latex file with the text and 10 pdf files with figures. Physical Review E, in pres

    Optical rogue waves and soliton turbulence in nonlinear fibre optics

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    Slow-light optical bullets in arrays of nonlinear Bragg-grating waveguides

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    We demonstrate how to control independently both spatial and temporal dynamics of slow light. We reveal that specially designed nonlinear waveguide arrays with phase-shifted Bragg gratings demonstrate the frequency-independent spatial diffraction near the edge of the photonic bandgap, where the group velocity of light can be strongly reduced. We show in numerical simulations that such structures allow a great flexibility in designing and controlling dispersion characteristics, and open a way for efficient spatiotemporal self-trapping and the formation of slow-light optical bullets.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; available from http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v97/e23390