451 research outputs found

    A Survey of Proper Motion Stars. XVII. A Deficiency of Binary Stars on Retrograde Galactic Orbits and the Possibility that omega Centauri is Related to the Effect

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    We find a deficiency of binary stars moving on strongly retrograde Galactic orbits. No binary deficiencies are seen for U or W velocities, however. From theoretical analyses, we rule out preferential disruption of pre-existing binary stars due to encounters with massive perturbers. We also rule out globular clusters as the source of the effect since prograde motions are more likely to create such an effect. We search for star streams and find one possible candidate, but it is not on a retrograde orbit and probably represents the remains of a cluster that has passed too near the Galactic center. Based on a very small number of stars, we find that about the right fraction of stars on retrograde Galactic orbits share some chemical similarities to the cluster omega Cen, suggesting that its parent galaxy could be the explanation.Comment: To appear in the Astronomical Journal (March 2005 issue

    The Age of the Oldest Stars in the Local Galactic Disk From Hipparcos Parallaxes of G and K Subgiants

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    We review the history of the discovery of field subgiant stars and their importance in the age dating of the Galactic disk. We use the cataloged data from the Hipparcos satellite in this latter capacity. Based on Hipparcos parallaxes accurate to 10% or better, the absolute magnitude of the lower envelope of the nearly horizontal subgiant sequence for field stars in the H-R diagram for B-V colors between 0.85 and 1.05 is measured to be M_V = 4.03 +/- 0.06. The age of the field stars in the solar neighborhood is found to be 7.9 +/- 0.7 Gyr by fitting the theoretical isochrones for [Fe/H] = +0.37 to the lower envelope of the Hipparcos subgiants. The same grid of isochrones yields ages, in turn, of 4.0 +/- 0.2 Gyr, 6.2 +/- 0.5 Gyr, and 7.5 to 10 Gyr for the old Galactic clusters M67, NGC188, and NGC6791. The ages of both the Galactic disk in the solar neighborhood and of NGC6791 are, nevertheless, likely between 3 and 5 Gyr younger than the oldest halo globular clusters, which have ages of 13.5 Gyr. The most significant results are (1) the supermetallicity of the oldest local disk stars, and (2) the large age difference between the most metal-poor component of the halo and the thick and thin disk in the solar neighborhood. These facts are undoubtedly related and pose again the problem of the proper scenario for the timing of events in the formation of the halo and the Galactic disk in the solar neighborhood. [Abstract Abridged]Comment: 44 pages, 12 Figures; accepted for publication in PASP; high resolution versions of Figures 1, 2, 6 and 9 available at http://bubba.ucdavis.edu/~lubin/Sandage

    The Distribution of Nearby Stars in Velocity Space Inferred from Hipparcos Data

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    (abridged) The velocity distribution f(v) of nearby stars is estimated, via a maximum- likelihood algorithm, from the positions and tangential velocities of a kinematically unbiased sample of 14369 stars observed by the HIPPARCOS satellite. f(v) shows rich structure in the radial and azimuthal motions, v_R and v_phi, but not in the vertical velocity, v_z: there are four prominent and many smaller maxima, many of which correspond to well known moving groups. While samples of early-type stars are dominated by these maxima, also up to 25% of red main-sequence stars are associated with them. These moving groups are responsible for the vertex deviation measured even for samples of late-type stars; they appear more frequently for ever redder samples; and as a whole they follow an asymmetric-drift relation, in the sense that those only present in red samples predominantly have large |v_R| and lag in v_phi w.r.t. the local standard of rest (LSR). The question arise, how these old moving groups got on their eccentric orbits. A plausible mechanism, known from solar system dynamics, which is able to manage a shift in orbit space involves locking into an orbital resonance. Apart from these moving groups, there is a smooth background distribution, akin to Schwarzschild's ellipsoidal model, with axis ratio of about 1:0.6:0.35 in v_R, v_phi, and v_z. The contours are aligned with the vrv_r direction, but not w.r.t. the v_phi and v_z axes: the mean v_z increases for stars rotating faster than the LSR. This effect can be explained by the stellar warp of the Galactic disk. If this explanation is correct, the warp's inner edge must not be within the solar circle, while its pattern rotates with frequency of about 13 km/s/kpc or more retrograde w.r.t. the stellar orbits.Comment: 16 pages LaTeX (aas2pp4.sty), 6 figures, accepted by A

    The nearest young moving groups

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    The latest results in the research of forming planetary systems have led several authors to compile a sample of candidates for searching for planets in the vicinity of the sun. Young stellar associations are indeed excellent laboratories for this study, but some of them are not close enough to allow the detection of planets through adaptive optics techniques. However, the existence of very close young moving groups can solve this problem. Here we have compiled the members of the nearest young moving groups, as well as a list of new candidates from our catalogue of late-type stars possible members of young stellar kinematic groups, studying their membership through spectroscopic and photometric criteria.Comment: Latex file with 16 pages, 4 figures. Available at http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/invest/actividad/skg/skg_sag.html Accepted for publication in: The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ

    New high-sensitivity, milliarcsecond resolution results from routine observations of lunar occultations at the ESO VLT

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    (Abridged) Lunar occultations (LO) are a very efficient and powerful technique, that achieves the best combination of high angular resolution and sensitivity possible today at near-infrared wavelengths. Given that the events are fixed in time, that the sources are occulted randomly, and that the telescope use is minimal, the technique is very well suited for service mode observations. We have established a program of routine LO observations at the VLT observatory, especially designed to take advantage of short breaks available in-between other programs. We have used the ISAAC instrument in burst mode, capable of producing continuous read-outs at millisecond rates on a suitable subwindow. Given the random nature of the source selection, our aim has been primarily the investigation of a large number of stellar sources at the highest angular resolution in order to detect new binaries. Serendipitous results such as resolved sources and detection of circumstellar components were also anticipated. We have recorded the signal from background stars for a few seconds, around the predicted time of occultation by the Moon's dark limb. At millisecond time resolution, a characteristic diffraction pattern can be observed. Patterns for two or more sources superimpose linearly, and this property is used for the detection of binary stars. The detailed analysis of the diffraction fringes can be used to measure specific properties such as the stellar angular size and the presence of extended light sources such as a circumstellar shell. We present a list of 191 stars for which LO data could be recorded and analyzed. Results include the detection of 16 binary and 2 triple stars, all but one of which were previously unknown. The projected angular separations are as small as 4 milliarcseconds and magnitude differences as high as ?K=5.8 mag...Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to be published in A&

    Identification of a nearby stellar association in the Hipparcos catalog: implications for recent, local star formation

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    The TW Hydrae Association (~55 pc from Earth) is the nearest known region of recent star formation. Based primarily on the Hipparcos catalog, we have now identified a group of 9 or 10 co-moving star systems at a common distance (~45 pc) from Earth that appear to comprise another, somewhat older, association (``the Tucanae Association''). Together with ages and motions recently determined for some nearby field stars, the existence of the Tucanae and TW Hydrae Associations suggests that the Sun is now close to a region that was the site of substantial star formation only 10-40 million years ago. The TW Hydrae Association represents a final chapter in the local star formation history.Comment: 5 pages incl figs and table

    Contact Discontinuities in Models of Contact Binaries Undergoing Thermal Relaxation Oscillations

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    In this paper we pursue the suggestion by Shu, Lubow & Anderson (1979) and Wang (1995) that contact discontinuity (DSC) may exist in the secondary in the expansion TRO (thermal relaxation oscillation) state. It is demonstrated that there is a mass exchange instability in some range of mass ratio for the two components. We show that the assumption of {\it constant} volume of the secondary should be relaxed in DSC model. For {\it all} mass ratio the secondary alway satisfies the condition that no mass flow returns to the primary through the inner Lagrangian point. The secondary will expand in order to equilibrate the interaction between the common convective envelope and the secondary. The contact discontinuity in contact binary undergoing thermal relaxation does not violate the second law of thermodynamics. The maintaining condition of contact discontinuity is derived in the time-dependent model. It is desired to improve the TRO model with the advanced contact discontinuity layer in future detailed calculations.Comment: 5 pages in emulateapj, 1 figur

    The initial stellar mass function from random sampling in hierarchical clouds II: statistical fluctuations and a mass dependence for starbirth positions and times

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    Observed variations in the slope of the initial stellar mass function are shown to be consistent with a model in which the protostellar gas is randomly sampled from hierarchical clouds at a rate proportional to the square root of the local density. RMS variations in the IMF slope around the Salpeter value are +/- 0.4 when only 100 stars are observed, and +/- 0.1 when 1000 stars are observed. The hierarchical-sampling model also reproduces the tendency for massive stars to form closer to the center of a cloud, at a time somewhat later than the formation time of the lower mass stars. The assumed density dependence for the star formation rate is shown to be appropriate for turbulence compression, magnetic diffusion, gravitational collapse, and clump or wavepacket coalescence. The low mass flattening in the IMF comes from the inability of gas to form stars below the thermal Jeans mass at typical temperatures and pressures. Consideration of heating and cooling processes indicate why the thermal Jeans mass should be nearly constant in normal environments, and why it might increase in some starburst regions. The steep IMF in the extreme field is not explained by the model, but other origins are suggested.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, scheduled for ApJ vol. 515, April 10, 199

    Blue Straggler Stars: Early Observations that Failed to Solve the Problem

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    In this chapter, I describe early ideas on blue stragglers, and various observations (some published, some not) that promised but failed to resolve the question of their origin. I review the data and ideas that were circulating from Allan Sandage's original discovery in 1953 of "anomalous blue stars" in the globular cluster M3, up until about 1992, when what seems to have been the only previous meeting devoted to Blue Straggler Stars (BSSs) was held at the Space Telescope Science Institute.Comment: Chapter 2, in Ecology of Blue Straggler Stars, H.M.J. Boffin, G. Carraro & G. Beccari (Eds), Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springe

    Luminosity function of contact binaries at high galactic latitudes towards the LMC and the SMC

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    Using the OGLE catalogue of eclipsing binaries, 15 contact binaries were identified towards the SMC and the LMC at vertical distances from the Galactic plane between 300 pc and 10 kpc. Based on the luminosity function calculated for these contact binaries, we estimated a frequency of occurrence relative to Main Sequence stars in the thick disk at roughly 1/600. This estimate suffers from the small number statistics, but is consistent with the value previously found for the solar neighbourhood.Comment: accepted by MNRA
