2,953 research outputs found

    Constraining the equation of state of the Universe from Distant Type Ia Supernovae and Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies

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    We analyse the constraints that can be placed on a cosmological constant or quintessence-like component by combining observations of Type Ia supernovae with measurements of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background. We use the recent supernovae sample of Perlmutter et al and observations of the CMB anisotropies to constraint the equation of state (w_Q = p/rho) in quintessence-like models via a likelihood analysis. The 2 sigma upper limits are w_Q < -0.6 if the Universe is assumed to be spatially flat, and w_Q < -0.4 for universes of arbitrary spatial curvature. The upper limit derived for a spatially flat Universe is close to the lower limit (w_Q approx -0.7) allowed for simple potentials, implying that additional fine tuning may be required to construct a viable quintessence model.Comment: 9 pages, 8 Postscript figures, uses mn.sty. submitted to MNRA

    How Stochastic is the Relative Bias Between Galaxy Types?

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    Examining the nature of the relative clustering of different galaxy types can help tell us how galaxies formed. To measure this relative clustering, I perform a joint counts-in-cells analysis of galaxies of different spectral types in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS). I develop a maximum-likelihood technique to fit for the relationship between the density fields of early- and late-type galaxies. This technique can directly measure nonlinearity and stochasticity in the biasing relation. At high significance, a small amount of stochasticity is measured, corresponding to a correlation coefficient of about 0.87 on scales corresponding to 15 Mpc/h spheres. A large proportion of this signal appears to derive from errors in the selection function, and a more realistic estimate finds a correlation coefficient of about 0.95. These selection function errors probably account for the large stochasticity measured by Tegmark & Bromley (1999), and may have affected measurements of very large-scale structure in the LCRS. Analysis of the data and of mock catalogs shows that the peculiar geometry, variable flux limits, and central surface-brightness selection effects of the LCRS do not seem to cause the effect.Comment: 38 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to Apj. Modified from a chapter of my Ph.D. Thesis at Princeton University, available at http://www-astro-theory.fnal.gov/Personal/blanton/thesis/index.htm

    Power Spectrum Analysis of the Stromlo-APM Redshift Survey

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    We test estimators of the galaxy power spectrum P(k)P(k) against simulated galaxy catalogues constructed from N-body simulations and we derive formulae to correct for biases. These estimators are then applied to compute the power spectrum of galaxies in the Stromlo-APM redshift survey. We test whether the amplitude of P(k)P(k) depends on galaxy luminosity, but find no significant luminosity dependence except at absolute magnitudes brighter than M_{\bj} = -20.3, (H_{0} = 100 \kms) where there is some evidence for a rise in the amplitude of P(k)P(k). By comparing the redshift space power spectrum of the Stromlo-APM survey with the real space power spectrum determined from the parent APM Galaxy Survey, we attempt to measure the distortion in the shape of P(k)P(k) caused by galaxy peculiar motions. We find some evidence for an effect, but the errors are large and do not exclude a value of ÎČ=Ω0.6/b=1\beta = \Omega^{0.6}/b = 1, where Ω\Omega is the cosmological density parameter and bb is the linear biasing parameter relating galaxy fluctuations to those in the mass, (Ύρ/ρ)gal=b(Ύρ/ρ)m\left(\delta \rho/\rho\right)_{gal} = b \left(\delta \rho/\rho\right)_{m}. The shape of the Stromlo-APM power spectrum is consistent with that determined from the CfA-2 survey, but has a slightly higher amplitude by a factor of about 1.4 than the power spectrum of IRAS galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, gziped and uuencoded postscript file. Submitted to MNRA

    Reconstruction of cosmological initial conditions from galaxy redshift catalogues

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    We present and test a new method for the reconstruction of cosmological initial conditions from a full-sky galaxy catalogue. This method, called ZTRACE, is based on a self-consistent solution of the growing mode of gravitational instabilities according to the Zel'dovich approximation and higher order in Lagrangian perturbation theory. Given the evolved redshift-space density field, smoothed on some scale, ZTRACE finds via an iterative procedure, an approximation to the initial density field for any given set of cosmological parameters; real-space densities and peculiar velocities are also reconstructed. The method is tested by applying it to N-body simulations of an Einstein-de Sitter and an open cold dark matter universe. It is shown that errors in the estimate of the density contrast dominate the noise of the reconstruction. As a consequence, the reconstruction of real space density and peculiar velocity fields using non-linear algorithms is little improved over those based on linear theory. The use of a mass-preserving adaptive smoothing, equivalent to a smoothing in Lagrangian space, allows an unbiased (although noisy) reconstruction of initial conditions, as long as the (linearly extrapolated) density contrast does not exceed unity. The probability distribution function of the initial conditions is recovered to high precision, even for Gaussian smoothing scales of ~ 5 Mpc/h, except for the tail at delta >~ 1. This result is insensitive to the assumptions of the background cosmology.Comment: 19 pages, MN style, 12 figures included, revised version. MNRAS, in pres

    The Beylkin-Cramer Summation Rule and A New Fast Algorithm of Cosmic Statistics for Large Data Sets

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    Based on the Beylkin-Cramer summation rule, we introduce a new fast algorithm that enable us to explore the high order statistics efficiently in large data sets. Central to this technique is to make decomposition both of fields and operators within the framework of multi-resolution analysis (MRA), and realize theirs discrete representations. Accordingly, a homogenous point process could be equivalently described by a operation of a Toeplitz matrix on a vector, which is accomplished by making use of fast Fourier transformation. The algorithm could be applied widely in the cosmic statistics to tackle large data sets. Especially, we demonstrate this novel technique using the spherical, cubic and cylinder counts in cells respectively. The numerical test shows that the algorithm produces an excellent agreement with the expected results. Moreover, the algorithm introduces naturally a sharp-filter, which is capable of suppressing shot noise in weak signals. In the numerical procedures, the algorithm is somewhat similar to particle-mesh (PM) methods in N-body simulations. As scaled with O(Nlog⁥N)O(N\log N), it is significantly faster than the current particle-based methods, and its computational cost does not relies on shape or size of sampling cells. In addition, based on this technique, we propose further a simple fast scheme to compute the second statistics for cosmic density fields and justify it using simulation samples. Hopefully, the technique developed here allows us to make a comprehensive study of non-Guassianity of the cosmic fields in high precision cosmology. A specific implementation of the algorithm is publicly available upon request to the author.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures included. revised version, changes include (a) adding a new fast algorithm for 2nd statistics (b) more numerical tests including counts in asymmetric cells, the two-point correlation functions and 2nd variances (c) more discussions on technic

    The Correlation Function of Rich Clusters of Galaxies in CDM-like Models

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    We use ensembles of high-resolution CDM simulations to investigate the shape and amplitude of the two point correlation function of rich clusters. The standard scale-invariant CDM model with Ω=1\Omega=1 provides a poor description of the clustering measured from the APM rich cluster redshift survey, which is better fitted by models with more power at large scales. The amplitudes of the rich cluster correlation functions measured from our models depend weakly on cluster richness. Analytic calculations of the clustering of peaks in a Gaussian density field overestimate the amplitude of the N-body cluster correlation functions, but reproduce qualitatively the weak trend with cluster richness. Our results suggest that the high amplitude measured for the correlation function of richness class R≄2R \geq 2 Abell clusters is either an artefact arising from incompleteness in the Abell catalogue, or an indication that the density perturbations in the early universe were very non-Gaussian.Comment: uuencoded compressed postscript ,MNRAS, in press, OUAST-93-1

    A Maximum Likelihood Analysis of the Low CMB Multipoles from WMAP

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    The amplitudes of the quadrupole and octopole measured from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) appear to be lower than expected according to the concordance Lambda CDM cosmology. However, the pseudo-Cl estimator used by the WMAP team is non-optimal. In this paper, we discuss the effects of Galactic cuts on pseudo-Cl and quadratic maximum likelihood estimators. An application of a quadratic maximum likelihood estimator to Galaxy subtracted maps produced by the WMAP team and Tegmark, de Oliveira-Costa and Hamilton (2003) shows that the amplitudes of the low multipoles are stable to different Galactic cuts. In particular, the quadrupole and octopole amplitudes are found to lie in the ranges 176 - 250 (micro K)**2 794 - 1183 (micro K)**2 (and more likely to be at the upper ends of these ranges) rather than the values of 123 (micro K)**2 and 611 (micro K)**2 found by the WMAP team. These results indicate that the discrepancy with the concordance Lambda CDM model at low multipoles is not particularly significant and is in the region of a few percent. This conclusion is consistent with an analysis of the low amplitude of the angular correlation function computed from quadratic maximum likelihood power spectrum estimates.Comment: MNRAS (2004) 348 885. Resubmission matches published versio
