249 research outputs found

    Do beta-blockers prevent heart disease and strokes in people with high blood pressure? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review

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    In people with high blood pressure, there is no evidence that beta-blockers reduce the number of deaths. Beta-blockers reduce the risk of stroke but are less effective than calcium channel blockers (CCBs) or renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors

    Are antibiotics effective for treating acute bronchitis? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review

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    Antibiotics have modest effects for treating patients with acute bronchitis

    What are the benefits and risks of restrictive versus routine episiotomy during vaginal birth? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review

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    Restrictive episiotomy policies, where health staff avoid the procedure, appear to have a number of benefits compared to policies where episiotomies are performed routinely

    Is it better to use episiotomy as needed, or routinely? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review

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    Restrictive policies, where staff avoid using episiotomy, appear to have a number of benefits compared to policies based on routine episiotomy

    Do psychological treatments reduce symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review

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    Trauma focused cognitive behavioural therapy (TFCBT), eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR), stress management, and group TFCBT reduce traumatic symptoms in post-traumatic stress disorder

    In areas where diarrhoeal disease is common, do interventions that aim to improve the quality of drinking water prevent diarrhoea? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review

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    Researchers have tested a range of interventions applied at the water source, and at the point of use. Those tested all helped reduce diarrhoea in all age groups

    Does training for traditional birth attendants benefit pregnant women and their babies? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review

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    Traditional birth attendant training can improve outcomes of pregnancy when combined with improved health services

    Do drugs that aim to reduce the dehydration of red blood cells prevent crises in people with sickle cell disease? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review

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    Zinc sulfate appears promising for preventing sickle cell crises, but there is not enough evidence to recommend its use

    Should vitamin A be given routinely to children with pneumonia unrelated to measles? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review

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    There is not enough evidence to recommend routine vitamin A in children with pneumonia unrelated to measles

    Does reminding TB patients about upcoming clinic appointments, or contacting them if they miss appointments, improve adherence? Evidence update - Summary of a Cochrane Review

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    Patients who receive reminders or tracers if they are late have better adherence to treatment than those who don’t
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