619 research outputs found

    A mean-field theory of Anderson localization

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    Anderson model of noninteracting disordered electrons is studied in high spatial dimensions. We find that off-diagonal one- and two-particle propagators behave as gaussian random variables w.r.t. momentum summations. With this simplification and with the electron-hole symmetry we reduce the parquet equations for two-particle irreducible vertices to a single algebraic equation for a local vertex. We find a disorder-driven bifurcation point in this equation signalling vanishing of diffusion and onset of Anderson localization. There is no bifurcation in d=1,2d=1,2 where all states are localized. A natural order parameter for Anderson localization pops up in the construction.Comment: REVTeX4, 4 pages, 2 EPS figure

    Charge accumulation at the boundaries of a graphene strip induced by a gate voltage: Electrostatic approach

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    Distribution of charge induced by a gate voltage in a graphene strip is investigated. We calculate analytically the charge profile and demonstrate a strong(macroscopic) charge accumulation along the boundaries of a micrometers-wide strip. This charge inhomogeneity is especially important in the quantum Hall regime where we predict the doubling of the number of edge states and coexistence of two different types of such states. Applications to graphene-based nanoelectronics are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Title changed due to Edito

    Role of the impurity-potential range in disordered d-wave superconductors

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    We analyze how the range of disorder affects the localization properties of quasiparticles in a two-dimensional d-wave superconductor within the standard non-linear sigma-model approach to disordered systems. We show that for purely long-range disorder, which only induces intra-node scattering processes, the approach is free from the ambiguities which often beset the disordered Dirac-fermion theories, and gives rise to a Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten action leading to vanishing density of states and finite conductivities. We also study the crossover induced by internode scattering due to a short range component of the disorder, thus providing a coherent non-linear sigma-model description in agreement with all the various findings of different approaches.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    Phase Transition in a Model with Non-Compact Symmetry on Bethe Lattice and the Replica Limit

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    We solve O(n,1)O(n,1) nonlinear vector model on Bethe lattice and show that it exhibits a transition from ordered to disordered state for 0n<10 \leq n < 1. If the replica limit n0n\to 0 is taken carefully, the model is shown to reduce to the corresponding supersymmetric model. The latter was introduced by Zirnbauer as a toy model for the Anderson localization transition. We argue thus that the non-compact replica models describe correctly the Anderson transition features. This should be contrasted to their failure in the case of the level correlation problem.Comment: 21 pages, REVTEX, 2 Postscript figures, uses epsf styl

    A nearly closed ballistic billiard with random boundary transmission

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    A variety of mesoscopic systems can be represented as a billiard with a random coupling to the exterior at the boundary. Examples include quantum dots with multiple leads, quantum corrals with different kinds of atoms forming the boundary, and optical cavities with random surface refractive index. The specific example we study is a circular (integrable) billiard with no internal impurities weakly coupled to the exterior by a large number of leads with one channel open in each lead. We construct a supersymmetric nonlinear σ\sigma-model by averaging over the random coupling strengths between bound states and channels. The resulting theory can be used to evaluate the statistical properties of any physically measurable quantity in a billiard. As an illustration, we present results for the local density of states.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Nonperturbative interaction effects in the thermodynamics of disordered wires

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    We study nonperturbative interaction corrections to the thermodynamic quantities of multichannel disordered wires in the presence of the Coulomb interactions. Within the replica nonlinear σ\sigma-model (NLσ\sigmaM) formalism, they arise from nonperturbative soliton saddle points of the NLσ\sigmaM action. The problem is reduced to evaluating the partition function of a replicated classical one dimensional Coulomb gas. The state of the latter depends on two parameters: the number of transverse channels in the wire, N_{ch}, and the dimensionless conductance, G(L_T), of a wire segment of length equal to the thermal diffusion length, L_T. At relatively high temperatures, G(LT)lnNchG(L_T) \gtrsim \ln N_{ch} , the gas is dimerized, i.e. consists of bound neutral pairs. At lower temperatures, lnNchG(LT)1\ln N_{ch} \gtrsim G(L_T) \gtrsim 1, the pairs overlap and form a Coulomb plasma. The crossover between the two regimes occurs at a parametrically large conductance G(LT)lnNchG(L_T) \sim \ln N_{ch}, and may be studied independently from the perturbative effects. Specializing to the high temperature regime, we obtain the leading nonperturbative correction to the wire heat capacity. Its ratio to the heat capacity for noninteracting electrons, C_0, is δC/C0NchG2(LT)e2G(LT)\delta C/C_0\sim N_{ch}G^2(L_T)e^{-2G(L_T)}.Comment: 18 page

    Dynamics of weakly localized waves

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    We develop a transport theory to describe the dynamics of (weakly) localized waves in a quasi-1D tube geometry both in reflection and in transmission. We compare our results to recent experiments with microwaves, and to other theories such as random matrix theory and supersymmetric theory.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamics of excitations in a one-dimensional Bose liquid

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    We show that the dynamic structure factor of a one-dimensional Bose liquid has a power-law singularity defining the main mode of collective excitations. Using the Lieb-Liniger model, we evaluate the corresponding exponent as a function of the wave vector and the interaction strength