127 research outputs found

    Camada prototípica de um conceito: O tipo de cultura inglesa "detetive particular"

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    The theory of culture types has been developing within the cultural studies for the past decade.  Сonsiderable scholarship has been developed regarding the concept of “culture type” which is understood as a generalized recognizable representative of society, whose behavior reflects his attitudes and values of a particular group of people or society. Сulture types emerge on the basis of real or fictional individuals. In English language consciousness the analyzed type PRIVATE DETECTIVE is represented by masculine and feminine characters. The given research explores the prototypical layer of the masculine culture type PRIVATE DETECTIVE on the material of the English detective novels by Conan Doyle. Materials and Methods: methodological base of the research comprises theory of prototype according to which the prototype is considered as the best representative of the category corresponds to the model personality which possesses a set of unique characteristics inherent in this culture. Applying such investigation methods as contextual, conceptual and cognitive analysis we have determined the  professionally marked cognitive features of masculine prototypes of the mentioned culture type represented by the fictional character of Sherlock Holmes and its real models – Joseph Bell and Conan Doyle. Results: considering the culture type as a fieldeffect structured concept the research resulted in description of the nuclear and perinuclear zone. The nuclear contains prototypical features of the culture type PRIVATE DETECTIVE that are typical to its real models. Perinuclear covers fictional characteristics related to Sherlock Holmes as the basic model. Conclusions: the analyses of 98 fragments from English detective novels and social essays has revealed that the culture type PRIVATE DETECTIVE is mainly formed on the basis of Sherlock Holmes (80 - 82%), Joseph Bell (8 –8%) and Conan Doyle (10 – 10%). The area of convergence of prototypical and fictional characters amounted up to 66% considered as prototypical cognitive framework reflecting the embodiment of cognitive features of counterparts in the culture type PRIVATE DETECTIVE. The results of the done investigation can be included to the course on cultural studies, conceptology, personology.La teoría de los tipos de cultura se ha estado desarrollando dentro de los estudios culturales durante la última década. Se ha desarrollado una beca considerable sobre el concepto de "tipo de cultura" que se entiende como un representante reconocible generalizado de la sociedad, cuyo comportamiento refleja sus actitudes y valores de un grupo particular de personas o sociedad.Los tipos de cultura surgen a partir de individuos reales o ficticios. En la conciencia de la lengua inglesa, el tipo analizado DETECTIVE PRIVADO está representado por caracteres masculinos y femeninos. La investigación dada explora la capa prototípica del tipo de cultura masculina DETECTIVE PRIVADO en el material de las novelas de detectives inglesas de Conan Doyle.Materiales y Métodos: la base metodológica de la investigación comprende la teoría del prototipo según la cual el prototipo considerado como el mejor representante de la categoría corresponde a la personalidad modelo que posee un conjunto de características únicas inherentes a esta cultura. Aplicando tales métodos de investigación como análisis contextual, conceptual y cognitivo, hemos determinado las características cognitivas marcadas profesionalmente de los prototipos masculinos del tipo de cultura mencionado representado por el personaje ficticio de Sherlock Holmes y sus modelos reales: Joseph Bell y Conan Doyle.Resultados: considerando el tipo de cultivo como un concepto estructurado de efecto de campo, la investigación resultó en la descripción de la zona nuclear y perinuclear. La nuclear contiene características prototípicas del tipo de cultivo DETECTIVE PRIVADO que son típicas de sus modelos reales. Perinuclear cubre características ficticias relacionadas con Sherlock Holmes como el modelo básico.Conclusiones: el análisis de 98 fragmentos de novelas de detectives inglesas y ensayos sociales ha revelado que el tipo de cultura DETECTIVE PRIVADO se forma principalmente sobre la base de Sherlock Holmes (80 - 82%), Joseph Bell (8 -8%) y Conan Doyle ( 10 - 10%). El área de convergencia de personajes prototípicos y de ficción ascendió hasta un 66% considerado como un marco cognitivo prototípico que refleja la incorporación de las características cognitivas de las contrapartes en el tipo de cultura DETECTIVE PRIVADO. Los resultados de la investigación realizada pueden incluirse en el curso de estudios culturales, conceptología, personología.A teoria dos tipos de cultura foi desenvolvida nos estudos culturais durante a última década. Uma bolsa deestudos considerável foi desenvolvida sobre o conceito de "tipo de cultura" que é entendido como umrepresentante reconhecível generalizado da sociedade, cujo comportamento reflete as atitudes e valoresde um determinado grupo de pessoas ou da sociedade. Os tipos de cultura surgem de indivíduos reais oufictícios. Na consciência da língua inglesa, o tipo analisado DETETIVE PRIVADO é representado porpersonagens masculinos e femininos. Esta pesquisa explora a camada prototípica da cultura masculinaDETETIVE PRIVADO no material dos romances policiais ingleses de Conan Doyle.Materiais e Métodos: A base metodológica da pesquisa inclui a teoria protótipo segundo a qual o protótipoconsiderado o melhor representante da categoria corresponde à personalidade modelo que tem umconjunto de inerente a esta cultura características únicas. Aplicação de métodos de pesquisa, comocontextual, análise conceitual e cognitiva, nós determinamos profissionalmente características cognitivasmarcados de protótipos masculinos tipo de cultura representado pelo personagem fictício SherlockHolmes e modelos reais mencionados: Joseph Bell e Conan Doyle.Resultados: considerando o tipo de cultura como um conceito estruturado de efeito de campo, ainvestigação resultou na descrição da zona nuclear e perinuclear. Nuclear contém característicasprototípicas do tipo de cultura PRIVATE DETECTIVE que são típicas de seus modelos reais. Perinuclearaborda características fictícias relacionadas a Sherlock Holmes como modelo básico.Conclusões: análise de 98 fragmentos de romances de detetives britânicos e estudos sociais revelou que otipo de DETETIVE cultura privado é formado principalmente com base em Sherlock Holmes (80-82%),Joseph Bell (8-8%) e Conan Doyle (10 - 10%). A área de convergência de personagens fictícios protótipose atingiu 66% consideraram a estrutura cognitiva prototípica que reflete a incorporação de características cognitivas do tipo de contrapartes cultura DETETIVE PARTICULAR. Os resultados da pesquisa realizadapodem ser incluídos no curso de estudos culturais, conceptologia, personologia

    Long-Term Photometric and Spectral Variations of DI Cephei

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    We have analyzed the photometric and spectral variations of the classical T Tauri star DI Cep for the last 50 years. Currently the star is at its faintest state and possesses an emission spectrum in the visual range. Synchronous spectroscopy and UBV R photometry show that the higher the brightness, the stronger were the intensities of hydrogen Hα, Hβ emission lines and of FeII, HeI λ5876 ˚A emissions. For the first time, we detected, with a high probability, quasi-periodic variations of the star’s brightness and of its spectrum with the period P = 2020 ± 200 days


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    The data on a current status of fish fauna in facilities are given. It is revealed 40 species of parasites in fishes. Prevalence of Monogenea is established. The carp is the most infected (19 species).Даны сведения о современном состоянии паразитофауны разводимых и «сорных» рыб в рыбоводческих хозяйствах и рыбзаводах республики. Выявлено 40 видов паразитов, из которых 24 паразитируют у разводимых, 16 – у «сорных» рыб. Установлено преобладание моногеней в паразитофауне рыб. Наиболее зараженным среди разводимых рыб является карп (19 видов), среди «сорных» – карась (9 видов). Новыми для прудовых хозяйств оказались 8 видов

    Патофизиологические аспекты возрастной макулярной дегенерации и глаукомы

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma are both chronic eye diseases and also a major cause of blindness and visual impairment among the elderly. Current epidemiological studies predict an increase in the prevalence of these diseases in the population due to aging. A thorough study of genetic and pathophysiological aspects of each of these diseases has led to the conclusion that there is some similarity of processes that underlie these pathologies. A lot of works devoted to the study of genetic aspects of each of the diseases, specific genetic polymorphisms that determine the degree of risk, clinical course and response to treatment are highlighted. Risk factors for AMD and glaucoma, the main of which are similar in both pathologies, are characterized. One of the key roles in pathogenesis of these diseases is assigned to the immune system: cytokine status of patients with AMD and glaucoma is described. The role of VEGF in the development of both diseases is identified, which gives additional opportunities to improve the basic approaches to treatment in the presence of comorbidity. The review provides integrated modern concepts of etiology, classification and pathogenesis of AMD and glaucoma, their intercommunication is described.Возрастная макулярная дегенерация (ВМД) и глаукома - хронические заболевания органа зрения, являющиеся главными причинами слепоты и слабовидения среди пожилого населения. Существующие эпидемиологические исследования прогнозируют увеличение распространённости этих заболеваний в популяции благодаря старению населения. Обстоятельное изучение генетических и патофизиологических аспектов каждого из этих заболеваний привело к заключению о наличии некой общности процессов, лежащих в основе этих патологий. Множество работ посвящено изучению генетических аспектов, выделены характерные для каждого из заболеваний генетические полиморфизмы, определяющие степень риска возникновения, клиническое течение и ответ на лечение при данных заболеваниях. Выявлены факторы риска развития ВМД и глаукомы, основные из которых являются схожими для обеих патологий. Одна из ключевых ролей в патогенезе данных заболеваний отведена иммунной системе: описан цитокиновый статус пациентов с ВМД и глаукомой; изучена роль фактора VEGF в развитии обоих заболеваний, что даёт дополнительные возможности совершенствования основных подходов лечения при наличии сочетанной патологии. В обзоре объединены современные концепции этиологии, классификации и патогенеза ВМД и глаукомы, описана их взаимосвязь

    Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and heart remodeling in sambo veterans

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    Introduction. The benefits of exercise for the cardiovascular system are apparent. However, the influence of predominantly strength exercises throughout life has not been sufficiently studied. This work details the studies around the structure and function of the heart in sambo veteran athletes residing in the Russian Federation (RF) and the Azerbaijan Republic (AR) as well as the frequency of risk factors for their cardiovascular system.Methods. We examined 55 male athletes aged 45.4 ± 8.3 yrs: 24 sambo veterans from RF (group “RF”), 10 sambo veterans from AR (group “AR”) and 21 persons representing control group (“CG”) (chess, bowling), RF. Questionnaires, analysis of ideal health factors, recording of electrocardiogram in 12 leads, echocardiography, stress test with oxygen analysis were carried out.Results. Maximum exercise power and peak oxygen consumption were higher in the “RF” and “AR” groups compared to the “CG” group. The main abnormalities were hypertrophy of interventricular septum (n = 11, 32.3 %) and left ventricular wall (n = 3, 8.8 %). Concentric left ventricular remodeling was predominant in the “AR” group (5 vs. 1, p < 0.05) and greater left ventricular volume in the “RF” group (65.1 vs. 52.0 ml/m2, p < 0.05). Lower physical performance and the presence of dyslipidemia were significantly associated with parameters reflecting concentric left ventricular remodeling (“AR” group). Various ideal health factors were absent in 10–80 % of the examinees. A total of 7 (20.6 %) veterans were found to have a high risk of cardiovascular diseases according to the questionnaire.Conclusion. Prolonged wrestling exercises allow veterans to maintain high aerobic capacity. Concentric remodeling of myocardium of the left ventricle is combined with higher indices of dyslipidemia in the group “AR” which may be connected to low physical activity and eating habits after sport practice

    The Synthesis and Investigation of the Electrical Properties of Tricadmium Diarsenide with MnAs Nanogranules

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    Abstract: Samples of tricadmium diarsenide with MnAs nanogranules (44.7 mol % MnAs) are synthesized. The morphology of the samples is studied by X-ray phase analysis and electron microscopy. The electrical properties of tricadmium diarsenide with MnAs nanogranules are studied in a range of temperatures of 77–372 K. It is found that the voltammetric characteristics are symmetrical relative to the inversion of the voltage sign at this temperature, and their deviation from ohmicity at a certain threshold voltage and decrease in the region of ohmicity with the growth in temperature are determined by the increase in the breakdown probability in a field above 5 × 104 V/m. © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd


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    Background: Children with allergic diseases, especially bronchial asthma, are in need of protection from acute respiratory infections, as anti-epidemic  measures cannot prevent the spread of influenza; vaccination remains the best means of prevention. Another promising direction in the prevention of acute respiratory infections (ARI) can be immunomodulators of bacterial origin. Objective:  Our aim was to study the use of immunomodulators for prevention of respiratory infections with children having allergic diseases. Methods. A comparative analysis of prophylactic efficiency of specific and nonspecific immunoprophylaxis of ARI with children having allergic diseases has been done during three epedemic seasons (2011–2014). Results.  For immunization of 335 children aged 3–17 years having a variety of allergic diseases, vaccine (domestic and foreign) in combination with an immunomodulator, and without it have been used. With the help of vaccination, the number of cases of ARI during the whole observation period decreased significantly: 21 (6.3%) children did not have ARI,62 (18.5%) children had ARI once, 252 (75.2%) children — from 1–4 times in a year. Also, significant reduction of frequency of aggravation of the basic disease was observed in all treatment groups. Patients who received only immunomodulator, had significant reduction of both ARI and the basic disease (p <0,05).  Conclusion. The use of vaccines in combination with an immunomodulator or without it fully protects children from flu and significantly (1.5 times) reduces prevalence of ARI

    Место топического глюкокортикостероида метилпреднизолона ацепоната в наружной терапии атопического дерматита у детей

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    The article describes the main characteristics of local glucocorticosteroids (GCS) which are the «gold standard» for external therapy of atopic dermatitis allowing to achieve control over  the disease quickly and effectively. Methylprednisolone aceponate 0.1%  — non-fluorinated local GCS, the drug with the most favourable  therapeutic index, the efficacy and safety of which has been  demonstrated in numerous randomized trials — is the optimal  therapeutic option in the treatment of AtD in children from 4 months.Статья посвящена описанию основных характеристик местных глюкокортикостероидов (ГКС), являющихся «золотым стандартом» наружной терапии атопического дерматита, позволяющих  быстро и эффективно достичь контроля над заболеванием. Метилпреднизолона ацепонат 0,1%  — нефторированный местный ГКС, препарат с наиболее благоприятным терапевтическим  индексом, эффективность и безопасность которого продемонстрирована в многочисленных  рандомизированных исследованиях, — является оптимальным терапевтическим выбором при  лечении АтД у детей с 4 мес.Источник финансированияСтатья издается при поддержке компании «Байер»

    Effect of Hydrostatic Pressures of up to 9 GPa on the Galvanomagnetic Properties of Cd3As2–MnAs (20 mol % MnAs) Alloy in a Transverse Magnetic Field

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    Abstract—: We have studied the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the galvanomagnetic properties of a Cd3As2 + 20 mol % MnAs alloy in a transverse magnetic field of up to 4 kOe. The pressure dependences of the Hall coefficient and resistivity for the alloy provide evidence of reversible phase transitions. The observed negative magnetoresistance of the alloy is shown to be induced by high pressure. © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd