4 research outputs found

    Utjecaj hranidbe na kvalitetu kolostruma i mlijeka preživača

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    The composition and properties of mammary glands’ secretions are influenced by numerous genetic and environmental factors. Types and quality of the feed and feed additives determine the characteristics and quality of products of animal origin. In terms of quality and quantity, the desired effects may be achieved only when the feed ration fully responds to the needs of the animal. Not supplying the required components with the feed affects the composition of both, colostrum and milk, and reduces their production, which influences health condition of animals and - as a result - food safety. Milk and milk products are considered functional food not only due to high nutritional value but also due to positive impact on human health. Nowadays there are various initiatives to produce the so-called healthy food obtained through specially programmed nutrition of animals, which means enriching foodstuffs in biologically active substances. In order to obtain good physicochemical parameters in colostrum and milk of ruminants, it is vital to use high quality feeds in order to satisfy protein and energy demand in animals, and mineral and vitamin contents in the feed ration should be properly balanced. It is also important to use energy additives in dry cows. Another important issue is obtaining the rumen fermentation profile that reduces the emission of methane and determines an appropriate profile of volatile fatty acids. The manuscript is devoted to physiochemical properties of colostrum and milk of cows, goats, sheep as well as the influence of nutrition on the quality of mammary secretions of ruminants.Sastav i svojstva sekreta mliječnih žlijezda sisavaca pod utjecajem su brojnih genetskih utjecaja i utjecaja okoliša. Vrsta i kvaliteta krmiva i dodataka krmnim smjesama određuju svojstva i kvalitetu proizvoda životinjskog podrijetla. S aspekta kvalitete i kvantitete željeni učinci mogu se postići samo ukoliko omjeri sastojaka u krmivu potpuno odgovaraju potrebama životinje. Nedostatna opskrba potrebnim nutrijentima utječe na sastav i kolostruma i mlijeka, te umanjuje njihovu proizvodnju, što konačno utječe na zdravstveno stanje životinje a time i na sigurnost hrane. Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi smatraju se funkcionalnom hranom ne samo zbog visoke nutritivne vrijednosti, već i zbog povoljnih zdravstvenih učinaka na ljudski organizam. U današnje doba postoji niz inicijativa s ciljem proizvodnje tzv. zdrave hrane, primjenom posebno osmišljene hranidbe životinja, što prije svega podrazumijeva obogaćivanje hrane biološki aktivnim sastojcima. Kako bi se dobila dobra fizikalno-kemijska svojstva kolostruma i mlijeka preživača, nužno je koristiti visokokvalitetna krmiva kojima se zadovoljavaju potrebe životinje za proteinima i energijom, dok omjeri mineralnih tvari i vitamina moraju biti uravnoteženi. Također je važno koristiti dodatke za povećanje energetskog unosa u mliječnih krava. Osim toga, važno je postići mikrofloru buraga koja će omogućiti snižavanje emisije metana, kao i postizanje odgovarajućeg sastava masnih kiselina u mlijeku. Ovaj rad bavi se fizikalno-kemijskim svojstvima kravljeg, kozjeg i ovčjeg kolostruma i mlijeka, kao i utjecajem hranidbe na kvalitetu sekreta mliječnih žlijezda preživača

    Influence of nutrition on the quality of colostrum and milk of ruminants

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    The composition and properties of mammary glands’ secretions are influenced by numerous genetic and environmental factors. Types and quality of the feed and feed additives determine the characteristics and quality of products of animal origin. In terms of quality and quantity, the desired effects may be achieved only when the feed ration fully responds to the needs of the animal. Not supplying the required components with the feed affects the composition of both, colostrum and milk, and reduces their production, which influences health condition of animals and - as a result - food safety. Milk and milk products are considered functional food not only due to high nutritional value but also due to positive impact on human health. Nowadays there are various initiatives to produce the so-called healthy food obtained through specially programmed nutrition of animals, which means enriching foodstuffs in biologically active substances. In order to obtain good physicochemical parameters in colostrum and milk of ruminants, it is vital to use high quality feeds in order to satisfy protein and energy demand in animals, and mineral and vitamin contents in the feed ration should be properly balanced. It is also important to use energy additives in dry cows. Another important issue is obtaining the rumen fermentation profile that reduces the emission of methane and determines an appropriate profile of volatile fatty acids. The manuscript is devoted to physiochemical properties of colostrum and milk of cows, goats, sheep as well as the influence of nutrition on the quality of mammary secretions of ruminants

    Effects of additional colostrum feeding on the levels of protein fractions in calves’ serum

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of additional colostrum feeding to new born calves on levels of selected serum protein fractions. The study was conducted on a commercial dairy farm. Twenty-four cows of Polish Holstein-Friesian breed and their calves were included in the trial. Chemical composition, the somatic cell count (SCC), the total bacteria count (TBC) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration were determined in colostrum samples. Blood was collected via jugular vein puncture from a total of 24 calves at the 36th hour of life. Total serum protein (TSP), as well as its fractions (albumins, globulins) and IgG concentration were determined. Greater IgG, total protein, albumins and globulins concentrations were found in serum of calves fed colostrum four times compared with three times on the first day of life. It was concluded that increasing the number of colostrum feedings to four times can be beneficial to forming of passive immunity of newborn calves

    Healthcare Waste—A Serious Problem for Global Health

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    Healthcare waste (HCW) is generated in different healthcare facilities (HCFs), such as hospitals, laboratories, veterinary clinics, research centres and nursing homes. It has been assessed that the majority of medical waste does not pose a risk to humans. It is estimated that 15% of the total amount of produced HCW is hazardous and can be infectious, toxic or radioactive. Hazardous waste is a special type of waste which, if not properly treated, can pose a risk to human health and to the environment. HCW contains potentially harmful microorganisms that can be spread among healthcare personnel, hospital patients and the general public, causing serious illnesses. Healthcare personnel are the specialists especially exposed to this risk. The most common medical procedure, which pose the highest risk, is injection (i.e, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous, taking blood samples). The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 16 billion injections are administered worldwide each year. However, if safety precautions are not followed, and needles and syringes are not properly disposed of, the risk of sharps injuries increases among medical staff, waste handlers and waste collectors. What is more, sharps injuries increase the risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV/HCV), tuberculosis (TB), diphtheria, malaria, syphilis, brucellosis and other transmissions. Disposing of medical waste in a landfill without segregation and processing will result in the entry of harmful microorganisms, chemicals or pharmaceuticals into soil and groundwater, causing their contamination. Open burning or incinerator malfunctioning will result in the emission of toxic substances, such as dioxins and furans, into the air. In order to reduce the negative impact of medical waste, waste management principles should be formulated. To minimize health risks, it is also important to build awareness among health professionals and the general public through various communication and educational methods. The aim of this paper is to present a general overwiev of medical waste, its categories, the principles of its management and the risks to human health and the environment resulting from inappropriate waste management