1 research outputs found

    Use of Oral Agents and/or Insulin in the Treatment of Diabetes during Pregnancy: An Examination of Outcomes in Pregestational versus Gestational Diabetics

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    Abstract The management of diabetes in pregnancy varies depending on whether the condition was first diagnosed during pregnancy (gestational diabetes) or was diagnosed before pregnancy (pregestational diabetes). Little has been published comparing the relative efficacy of various oral agents for the treatment of gestational diabetes and the reported experience with the insulin pump in pregnancy for pregestational diabetes remains meager. We conducted a retrospective chart review of women managed in a specialized diabetic clinic to compare the results of treatment of gestational diabetes with oral agents, glyburide and acarbose, to those treated with split-mixed insulin and treatment of pregestational diabetes with either the insulin pump or conventional splitmixed insulin. Gestational diabetics treated with split-mixed insulin were hospitalized significantly more often (p < 0.001) than those treated with oral agents only. The incidence of several important pregnancy complications (growth restriction, preterm labor, preeclampsia, oligohydramnios) did not differ between groups. Pregestational diabetics managed with an insulin pump had comparable glycemic control, as measured by hemoglobin A1c, to those managed with split-mixed insulin. Infant birth weights and Apgar scores were similar in each group. There were no perinatal deaths in either group. Acarbose and glyburide showed comparable efficacy in treating gestational diabetics. In addition, our experience adds to the small number of pregnant women with pregestational diabetes who were managed with an insulin pump that have been reported in the literature