434 research outputs found

    Note on Dirac--K\"ahler massless fields

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    We obtain the canonical and symmetrical Belinfante energy-momentum tensors of Dirac--K\"{a}hler's fields. It is shown that the traces of the energy-momentum tensors are not equal to zero. We find the canonical and Belinfante dilatation currents which are not conserved, but a new conserved dilatation current is obtained. It is pointed out that the conformal symmetry is broken. The canonical quantization is performed and the propagator of the massless fields in the first-order formalism is found.Comment: 16 pages, minor corrections in the text, published versio

    Order Parameter at the Boundary of a Trapped Bose Gas

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    Through a suitable expansion of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation near the classical turning point, we obtain an explicit solution for the order parameter at the boundary of a trapped Bose gas interacting with repulsive forces. The kinetic energy of the system, in terms of the classical radius RR and of the harmonic oscillator length aHOa_{_{HO}}, follows the law Ekin/NR2[log(R/aHO)+const.]E_{kin}/N \propto R^{-2} [\log (R/a_{_{HO}}) + \hbox{const.}], approaching, for large RR, the results obtained by solving numerically the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The occurrence of a Josephson-type current in the presence of a double trap potential is finally discussed.Comment: 11 pages, REVTEX, 4 figures (uuencoded-gzipped-tar file) also available at http://anubis.science.unitn.it/~dalfovo/papers/papers.htm

    The first dozen years of the history of ITEP Theoretical Physics Laboratory

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    The theoretical investigations at ITEP in the years 1945-1958 are reviewed. There are exposed the most important theoretical results, obtained in the following branches of physics: 1) the theory of nuclear reactors on thermal neutrons; 2) the hydrogen bomb project ("Tube" in USSR and "Classical Super" in USA); 3) radiation theory; ~4) low temperature physics; 5) quantum electrodynamics and quantum field theories; 6) parity violation in weak interactions, the theory of β\beta-decay and other weak processes; 7) strong interaction and nuclear physics. To the review are added the English translations of few papers, originally published in Russian, but unknown (or almost unknown) to Western readers.Comment: 55 pages, 5 fig

    On topological charge carried by nexuses and center vortices

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    In this paper we further explore the question of topological charge in the center vortex-nexus picture of gauge theories. Generally, this charge is locally fractionalized in units of 1/N for gauge group SU(N), but globally quantized in integral units. We show explicitly that in d=4 global topological charge is a linkage number of the closed two-surface of a center vortex with a nexus world line, and relate this linkage to the Hopf fibration, with homotopy Π3(S3)Z\Pi_3(S^3)\simeq Z; this homotopy insures integrality of the global topological charge. We show that a standard nexus form used earlier, when linked to a center vortex, gives rise naturally to a homotopy Π2(S2)Z\Pi_2(S^2)\simeq Z, a homotopy usually associated with 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles and similar objects which exist by virtue of the presence of an adjoint scalar field which gives rise to spontaneous symmetry breaking. We show that certain integrals related to monopole or topological charge in gauge theories with adjoint scalars also appear in the center vortex-nexus picture, but with a different physical interpretation. We find a new type of nexus which can carry topological charge by linking to vortices or carry d=3 Chern-Simons number without center vortices present; the Chern-Simons number is connected with twisting and writhing of field lines, as the author had suggested earlier. In general, no topological charge in d=4 arises from these specific static configurations, since the charge is the difference of two (equal) Chern-Simons number, but it can arise through dynamic reconnection processes. We complete earlier vortex-nexus work to show explicitly how to express globally-integral topological charge as composed of essentially independent units of charge 1/N.Comment: Revtex4; 3 .eps figures; 18 page

    Canonical Transformations and Path Integral Measures

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    This paper is a generalization of previous work on the use of classical canonical transformations to evaluate Hamiltonian path integrals for quantum mechanical systems. Relevant aspects of the Hamiltonian path integral and its measure are discussed and used to show that the quantum mechanical version of the classical transformation does not leave the measure of the path integral invariant, instead inducing an anomaly. The relation to operator techniques and ordering problems is discussed, and special attention is paid to incorporation of the initial and final states of the transition element into the boundary conditions of the problem. Classical canonical transformations are developed to render an arbitrary power potential cyclic. The resulting Hamiltonian is analyzed as a quantum system to show its relation to known quantum mechanical results. A perturbative argument is used to suppress ordering related terms in the transformed Hamiltonian in the event that the classical canonical transformation leads to a nonquadratic cyclic Hamiltonian. The associated anomalies are analyzed to yield general methods to evaluate the path integral's prefactor for such systems. The methods are applied to several systems, including linear and quadratic potentials, the velocity-dependent potential, and the time-dependent harmonic oscillator.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    Random close packing of granular matter

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    We propose an interpretation of the random close packing of granular materials as a phase transition, and discuss the possibility of experimental verification.Comment: 6 page

    Properties of layer-by-layer vector stochastic models of force fluctuations in granular materials

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    We attempt to describe the stress distributions of granular packings using lattice-based layer-by-layer stochastic models that satisfy the constraints of force and torque balance and non-tensile forces at each site. The inherent asymmetry in the layer-by-layer approach appears to lead to an asymmetric force distribution, in disagreement with both experiments and general symmetry considerations. The vertical force component probability distribution is robust and in agreement with predictions of the scalar q model while the distribution of horizontal force components is qualitatively different and depends on the details of implementation.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures (with subfigures), 1 table. Uses revtex, epsfig,subfigure, and cite. Submitted to PRE. Plots have been bitmapped. High-resolution version is available. Email [email protected] or download from http://rainbow.uchicago.edu/~mbnguyen/research/vm.htm

    Bcc 4^4He as a Coherent Quantum Solid

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    In this work we investigate implications of the quantum nature of bcc 4^{4}% He. We show that it is a unique solid phase with both a lattice structure and an Off-Diagonal Long Range Order of coherently oscillating local electric dipole moments. These dipoles arise from the local motion of the atoms in the crystal potential well, and oscillate in synchrony to reduce the dipolar interaction energy. The dipolar ground-state is therefore found to be a coherent state with a well defined global phase and a three-component complex order parameter. The condensation energy of the dipoles in the bcc phase stabilizes it over the hcp phase at finite temperatures. We further show that there can be fermionic excitations of this ground-state and predict that they form an optical-like branch in the (110) direction. A comparison with 'super-solid' models is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Effective Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians for Studying Resonance Statistics in Open Disordered Systems

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    We briefly discuss construction of energy-dependent effective non-hermitian hamiltonians for studying resonances in open disordered systemsComment: Latex, 20 pages, 1 fig. Expanded version of a talk at the Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics IX, June 21-24 2010, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Accepted for publication in the Internationa Journal of Theoretical Physics (Springer Verlag

    Granular Solid Hydrodynamics

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    Granular elasticity, an elasticity theory useful for calculating static stress distribution in granular media, is generalized to the dynamic case by including the plastic contribution of the strain. A complete hydrodynamic theory is derived based on the hypothesis that granular medium turns transiently elastic when deformed. This theory includes both the true and the granular temperatures, and employs a free energy expression that encapsulates a full jamming phase diagram, in the space spanned by pressure, shear stress, density and granular temperature. For the special case of stationary granular temperatures, the derived hydrodynamic theory reduces to {\em hypoplasticity}, a state-of-the-art engineering model.Comment: 42 pages 3 fi