1,486 research outputs found

    The Demand for International Reserves and Monetary Equilibrium: Some Evidence From Developing Countries

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    Traditionally, two alternative explanations have been offered for the behavior of international reserves through time. On the one hand, the literature on the demand for international reserves postulates that reserves movements respond to discrepancies between desIred and actual reserves. Onthe other hand, according to the monetary approach to the balance of payments,changes in international reserves will be related to excess demands or excess supplies for money. The purpose of this paper is to empirically integrate these two basic explanations for international reserves movements. This is done by estimating a dynamic equation that explicitly allows reserves movements to reflect the monetary authority's excess demand for international reserves, and the public's excess demand for money. The results obtained,using a sample of 23 developing countries that maintained a fixed exchange rate during period 1965-1972, confirm the hypothesis that reserves movements respond both to monetary factors and to differences between actual and desired reserves. These results indicate that the exclusion of monetary considerations from the dynamic analysis of international reserves will yield biased coefficients.

    Is Tanzania a Success Story? A Long Term Analysis

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a historical perspective on the reform process initiated in Tanzania in 1986, and deepened in 1996. In order to do this I concentrate mostly on the period spanning from 1967, when the Arusha Declaration was adopted by the official political party the TANU, and 1996, when a new approach towards foreign aid was implemented. I am particularly interested in investigating how external aid affected Tanzania during the early years, and how it contributed to the demise of the economy in the 1970s and 1980s. I also analyze the role played by foreign aid in the subsequent (after 1996) recovery of the country. I emphasize both technical as well as political economy issues related to imbalances, disequilibria, devaluation, black markets, adjustment, and reform. Because of the emphasis on foreign aid and macroeconomics, I pay special attention to three important episodes in Tanzania’s economic history: (a) the exchange rate crisis of the late 1970’s and early 1980s; (b) the IMF Stand-by Program and the maxi-devaluation of 1986; and (c) The serious impasse between donors and the Tanzanian authorities in the mid 1990s. At the end of the analysis I ask whether Tanzania is, as officials from the multilateral institutions have claimed repeatedly, a “success story.”

    The Relationship Between Exchange Rates and Inflation Targeting Revisited

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    This paper deals with the relationship between inflation targeting and exchange rates. I address three specific issues: first, I analyze the effectiveness of nominal exchange rates as shock absorbers in countries with inflation targeting. This issue is closely related to the magnitude of the "pass-through" coefficient. Second, I investigate whether exchange rate volatility is different in countries with an inflation targeting regime than in countries with alternative monetary policy arrangements. And third, I discuss whether the exchange rate should play a role in determining the monetary policy stance under inflation targeting. An alternative way of posing this question is whether the exchange rate should have an independent role in an open economy Taylor rule.

    Capital Mobility and Economic Performance: Are Emerging Economies Different?

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    In this paper I use a new cross-country data set to investigate the effects of capital mobility on economic growth. The new indicator of capital mobility used in this analysis is superior to previously used indexes in two respects: (1) It allows for intermediate situations, where a country's capital account is semi-open; and (2) it is available for two different periods in time. The results obtained suggest that, after controlling for other variables (including aggregate investment), countries with a more open capital account have outperformed countries that have restricted capital mobility. There is also evidence, however, suggesting that an open capital account positively affects growth only after a country has achieved a certain degree of economic development. This provides support to the view that there is an optimal sequencing for capital account liberalization.

    Capital Controls, Capital Flow Contractions, and Macroeconomic Vulnerability

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    In this paper I analyze whether restrictions to capital mobility reduce vulnerability to external shocks. More specifically, I ask if countries that restrict the free flow of international capital have a lower probability of experiencing a large contraction in net capital flows. I use three new indexes on the degree of international financial integration and a large multi-country data set for 1970-2004 to estimate a series of random-effect probit equations. I find that the marginal effect of higher capital mobility on the probability of a capital flow contraction is positive and statistically significant, but very small. Having a flexible exchange rate greatly reduces the probability of experiencing a capital flow contraction. The benefits of flexible rates increase as the degree of capital mobility increases. A higher current account deficit increases the probability of a capital flow contraction, while a higher ratio of FDI to GDP reduces that probability.

    On the Interest Rate Elasticity of the Demand for International Reserves: Some Evidence from Developing Coutries

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    Contrary to what is suggested by the theory, most empirical studies on the demand for international reserves have failed to find a significant(negative) coefficient for the opportunity cost of holding reserves. In this paper it is argued that the reason for this is that the opportunity cost of holding international reserves has been measured incorrectly. In the empirical analysis presented in this paper the spread between the interest rate at which countries can borrow from abroad and LIBOR is used as a proxy for the net opportunity cost for holding reserves. The results obtained using data for a group of developing countries for 1976-198O show that when this net opportunity cost is used, the regression coefficient is significantly negative.