30 research outputs found

    Self-Assessment of the Pelvic Floor by Women Practicing Recreational Horseback Riding

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    The aim of this study was to compare the condition of the pelvic floor in women who are involved in regular recreational horseback riding, with both physically active women as well as women not undertaking any recreational physical activity. Taking into account horseback riding and physical activity, 140 healthy women aged 17 to 61 were divided into three groups: women practicing horseback riding (WPHR) (46 persons), physically active women (PAW) (47 persons) and women not physically active (WNPA) (47 persons). The Australian Pelvic Floor Questionnaire (APFQ) was used to measure the extent of pelvic floor dysfunctions in women from all three groups. The lowest average values were found in the group of women practicing recreational horseback riding, and the highest in the group of women not physically active (95% CI: 0.61–1.15 vs. 0.87–1.44 —bladder scores; 0.82–1.32 vs. 1.24–1.8—bowel scores; 0.07–0.33 vs. 0.08–0.35—prolapse of reproductive organs scores; 0.4–1.07 vs. 0.49–1.3—sexual function). Statistically significant intergroup differences were recorded only for the bowel function rate (p = 0.021). The overall pelvic floor dysfunction rate in the WPHR group was lower when compared with both control groups (95% CI: 2.15–3.62 vs. 2.34–3.54 in women from PAW group and vs. 3.0–4.56 in women from WNPA group). Based on this study, it can be concluded that all of the pelvic floor related symptoms, their frequency, and severity levels do not qualify recreational horseback riding as being a risk factor for developing pelvic floor dysfunction in women

    Inter- and Intra-Examiner Reliability Study of Two-Point Discrimination Test (TPD) and Two-Point Estimation Task (TPE) in the Sacral Area of Pain-Free Individuals

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    Tactile acuity is typically measured by a two-point discrimination test (TPD) and a two-point estimation task (TPE). In the back area, they are only conducted in the lumbar and cervical regions of the spine. Considering that such measurements have not been conducted in the sacral regions, the purpose of this study was to assess the inter- and intra-examiner reliability of the TPD and TPE at the level of the S3 segment. The study included 30 pain-free subjects aged 20–30 years. Tests were performed with a pair of stainless hardened digital calipers. The TPD was measured in two locations: 5 and 15 cm from the midline; for TPE both, points were located inside the measured area. Session 1 involved assessments by two examiners in 10-min intervals. Session 2 was measured by one examiner, at analogous intervals between tests. The TPD inter-rater reliability was excellent for mean measurements (ICC3.2: 0.76–0.8; ICC3.3: 0.8–0.92); the intra-rater reliability was excellent for mean measurements (ICC2.2: 0.79–0.85; ICC2.3: 0.82–0.86). The TPE inter-rater reliability was good to excellent for mean measurements (ICC3.2: 0.65–0.92; ICC3.3: 0.73–0.94); the intra-rater reliability for all studies (ICC2.1, ICC2.2, ICC2.3) was excellent (0.85–0.89). Two measurements are sufficient to achieve good reliability (ICC ≥ 0.75), regardless of the assessed body side

    Effect of Nordic Walking Training on Physical Fitness and Self-Assessment of Health of People with Chronic Non-Specific Lower Back Pain

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    In order to determine the impact of a four-week cycle of Nordic Walking (NW) training on the physical fitness of people with chronic non-specific lower back pain and the impact of this form of activity on their self-assessment of health quality, the study included 80 men and women aged 29 to 63 years. The subjects were divided into two equal (40-person) groups: experimental and control. In both study groups the degree of disability in daily activities caused by back pain was assessed with the FFb-H-R questionnaire, the physical fitness was evaluated with the modified Fullerton test and the sense of health quality was assessed with the SF-36 questionnaire. The same tests were repeated after four weeks. In the experimental group NW training was applied between the two studies. During four weeks, 10 training units were carried out, and each training session lasted 60 min with a two-day break between each training. The four-week NW training resulted in a statistically significant sense of disability due to back pain (p p p p p p p < 0.001) components. The four-week NW training has a positive impact on the physical fitness of men and women with chronic lower back pain. Participation in NW training also contributes to a significant reduction in the sense of disability caused by back pain and improvement in the self-assessment of health quality

    Statodynamic characteristics of the spine in a sitting position

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    Introduction. Due to the unprecedented development of media and information technology, modern lifestyles have been changing from active to passive (sedentary). A sitting position dominates today both in the professional and the non-professional sphere of people’s life. It seems that a human does not realize what is the position of individual segments of his body, especially the torso while sitting. The torso, as the segment with the highest mass, is the source of the highest mechanical loads acting on the spine. Hence, in the habitual sitting posture, the optimal spine position has been lost. Objective. The aim of this study is to analyze statodynamic parameters of the spine in a sitting position and answer the question which of them determine the habitual sitting posture. Material and methods. The study included 372 people declaring themselves as healthy. The research program consisted of statodynamic parameters of the spine in a standing position and in 6 sitting positions: sitting position freely, favourite sitting position, sitting position with a crossed leg over the right and left thigh, and sitting position with a feet resting on the left or right knee. Results. The conducted research has shown that setting the spine in a habitual sitting posture is determined only by a change in the statodynamic parameters in the sagittal plane and generally does not depend on the range of motion in other planes. Conclusions. Habitual sitting postures are determined by the size of angles of the thoracocervical and thoracolumbar transitions as well as the size of the amplitude of the pelvic movements. The research has indicated worrying trends to misuse of kinematic redundancy in the spine while sitting in the sagittal plane

    Statodynamic characteristics of the spine in a sitting position

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    Introduction. Due to the unprecedented development of media and information technology, modern lifestyles have been changing from active to passive (sedentary). A sitting position dominates today both in the professional and the non-professional sphere of people’s life. It seems that a human does not realize what is the position of individual segments of his body, especially the torso while sitting. The torso, as the segment with the highest mass, is the source of the highest mechanical loads acting on the spine. Hence, in the habitual sitting posture, the optimal spine position has been lost. Objective. The aim of this study is to analyze statodynamic parameters of the spine in a sitting position and answer the question which of them determine the habitual sitting posture. Material and methods. The study included 372 people declaring themselves as healthy. The research program consisted of statodynamic parameters of the spine in a standing position and in 6 sitting positions: sitting position freely, favourite sitting position, sitting position with a crossed leg over the right and left thigh, and sitting position with a feet resting on the left or right knee. Results. The conducted research has shown that setting the spine in a habitual sitting posture is determined only by a change in the statodynamic parameters in the sagittal plane and generally does not depend on the range of motion in other planes. Conclusions. Habitual sitting postures are determined by the size of angles of the thoracocervical and thoracolumbar transitions as well as the size of the amplitude of the pelvic movements. The research has indicated worrying trends to misuse of kinematic redundancy in the spine while sitting in the sagittal plane

    Ocena pozycji siedzącej za pomocą wskaźnika kyfotyzacji u osób aktywnych zawodowo

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    Introduction. The development of modern technology has changed human lifestyle from active to passive (sitting). According to many authors, prolonged sitting is a risk factor for overextension and painful conditions of the spine. However, it seems that this relationship can only occur in conjunction with other factors. The aim of this study is to assess a sitting position using a kyphotisation indicator constructed by the author. Material and methods. The study included 372 people living and working professionally in the Silesian Voivodeship. The research program consisted of an interview survey and measurements the length of the spine projections, which provided the calculation of a kyphotisation indicator. Results. The conducted assessment showed that the examined people receive automatically a kyphotic sitting position and this postural habit is moved to a standing position. In addition, the study highlighted the 2 types of habitual sitting positions, one with a higher kyphotisation indicator and the other with a lower kyphotisation indicator, reflecting the “dynamic” sitting and searching a comfortable (antalgic) sitting position by the researched people. Conclusions. A kyphotic sitting position is a risk factor for overextension and painful conditions of the spine, and the kyphotisation indicator can be a useful tool for further clinimetric research regarding a sitting position.Wstęp. Rozwój nowoczesnych technologii zmienił tryb życia człowieka z aktywnego na pasywny (siedzący). Zdaniem wielu autorów długotrwałe siedzenie stanowi czynnik ryzyka dolegliwości przeciążeniowo-bólowych kręgosłupa. Wydaje się jednak, że ta zależność może wystąpić dopiero w połączeniu z innymi czynnikami. Celem niniejszej pracy jest ocena pozycji siedzącej za pomocą skonstruowanego autorsko wskaźnika kyfotyzacji. Materiał i metody. Badaniami objęto 372 osoby mieszkające i pracujące zawodowo w województwie śląskim. Program badawczy składał się z ankiety wywiadu oraz pomiarów długości projekcyjnych kręgosłupa, na podstawie których obliczono wskaźniki kyfotyzacji. Wyniki. Przeprowadzona ocena pokazała, że badane osoby przyjmują automatycznie kyfotyczną pozycję siedzącą i ten posturalny nawyk przenoszą do pozycji stojącej. Ponadto badania zwróciły uwagę na 2 rodzaje siadu nawykowego: jeden o wyższym wskaźniku kyfotyzacji a drugi o niższym wskaźniku kyfotyzacji, co świadczy o „dynamicznym” siedzeniu i poszukiwaniu przez badanych pozycji siedzącej komfortowej (antalgicznej). Wnioski. Kyfotyczna pozycja siedząca stanowi czynnik ryzyka dolegliwości przeciążeniowo-bólowych kręgosłupa, zaś wskaźnik kyfotyzacji może być przydatnym narzędziem klinimetrycznym do dalszych badań pozycji siedzącej

    Influence of Stabilization Techniques Used in the Treatment of Low Back Pain on the Level of Kinesiophobia

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    The aim of this study was to try to compare the effectiveness of manual therapy techniques in combination with stabilization techniques: the so-called Australian method and the Neurac method in relation to pain sensations and the level of kinesiophobia. A total of 69 people were examined, divided into three groups of 23 people each. The Visual Analogue Scale was used to assess the antalgic effect, and the Kinesiophobia Causes Scale questionnaire was used to assess the level of kinesiophobia. Patients improved over four weeks, during which they were assessed three times. The evaluation of the desired parameters was also performed over a 24-week period to assess long-term performance. Stabilization techniques are an effective extension of manual therapy techniques in patients with low back pain. People in the groups additionally improved in terms of stabilization techniques, which are characterized by a lower level of kinesiophobia. Its lowest level was found in the group additionally improved with the Neurac method. In the long-term study, the level of kinesiophobia in this group was still maintained at a reduced level. The use of stabilization techniques involving patients in action may significantly affect the level of kinesiophobia, and thus have a much wider effect than just pain reduction

    Assessment of manual dysfunction in occupationally active women with carpal tunnel syndrome

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    Objectives The aim of this study is to evaluate 2-point discrimination sense (2PD), strength and kinesthetic differentiation of strength (KDS), range of motion (ROM) and kinesthetic differentiation of movement (KDM) dysfunctions in occupationally active women with mild and moderate forms of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) compared to a healthy group. Material and Methods The 2PD sense, muscle strength and KDS, as well as the ROM and KDM of the radiocarpal articulation were assessed. Results The results of the 2PD sense assessment showed significantly higher values in all the examined fingers in the CTS women group compared to healthy women (p < 0.01). There was a significant difference in the percentage value of error in the strength and KDS of pincer and cylindrical grips (p 0.05). There was a significant difference in the percentage value of error in the KDM of flexion and extension movement of the radiocarpal articulation (p < 0.01) between the studied groups. Conclusions There are significant differences in the 2PD sense, KDS and KDM in occupationally active women with mild and moderate forms of CTS compared to healthy women. There are no significant differences in ROM in professionally active women with mild and moderate forms of CTS compared to healthy women. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(2):185–9

    Impact of physical activity and fitness on the level of kinesiophobia in women of perimenopausal age

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    To determine the impact of physical activity and fitness on the level of physical activity barriers (kinesiophobia) in women of perimenopausal age, the study included 105 women between the ages of 48 and 58. A Baecke questionnaire was used to evaluate physical activity and a modified Fullerton test was used to evaluate the fitness level. The level of kinesiophobia was assessed using the Kinesiophobia Causes Scale questionnaire. A low level of habitual physical activity has a negative impact on the values of Biological Domain (r = –0.581), Psychological Domain (r = –0.451), and on the Kinesiophobia Cause Scale total score (r = –0.577). Lower physical activity expressed by a lower score in the Fullerton test also has a negative impact on the level of kinesiophobia. Upper body flexibility (r = –0.434) has the strongest influence on the Biological Domain, whereas upper body strength (r = –0.598) has the greatest impact on the Psychological Domain. A low level of upper body strength also has the greatest impact on the Kinesiophobia Cause Scale total score (r = –0.507). Low levels of physical activity and fitness in women of perimenopausal age favour kinesiophobic attitudes and thereby increase the level of barriers against undertaking physical activity