1,012 research outputs found

    Letter from Edward & Marion Parsons to John Muir, 1913 Jan 20.

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    Jan 20 1913My Dear Mr. Muir:Your Christmas present and reminder of your visit has at last arrived and been duly christened. It is in the form of a silver coffee pot to complete the silver service that Sierra Club friends gave us when we were married. The coffee pot from the club\u27s President continues the association most happily and we are very proud to have it.Thanking you again for the 05357 remembrance and hoping that we may pour your morning\u27s coffee from it very soon.Faithfully yours the Ever young elderly children of Miss Hill-Edward and Marion ParsonsM[illegible] RoadJanuary 20th 1913

    Letter from Edward & Marion Parsons to John Muir, 1913 Jan 20.

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    Jan 20 1913My Dear Mr. Muir:Your Christmas present and reminder of your visit has at last arrived and been duly christened. It is in the form of a silver coffee pot to complete the silver service that Sierra Club friends gave us when we were married. The coffee pot from the club\u27s President continues the association most happily and we are very proud to have it.Thanking you again for the 05357 remembrance and hoping that we may pour your morning\u27s coffee from it very soon.Faithfully yours the Ever young elderly children of Miss Hill-Edward and Marion ParsonsM[illegible] RoadJanuary 20th 1913

    Alien Registration- Parsons, Edward (Caribou, Aroostook County)

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    Model membrane structure and morphology studied by atomic force microscopy

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    The plasma membrane is comprised of a complex mixture of lipids and proteins that most simply acts to compartmentalise the cells interior from its external environment. The structure of the membrane adopts that of the lipid bilayer motif that acts as a supporting matrix in which integral and peripheral membrane proteins can diffuse. This results in a heterogeneous and dynamic environment that has a direct impact upon biomolecular function. An understanding such a complex system is often sought through minimal models that mimic the behaviour(s) of the native membrane but with a greatly reduced number of molecular components. Despite their relative simplicity, they can yield an insight in to the key driving forces of specific membrane processes. This thesis is concerned with the study of the structure and morphology adopted by model membrane systems, with atomic force microscopy providing a nanoscale view of the given membranes surface. Four distinct systems are studied: (i) By constructing phase-separated supported lipid bilayers with a systematic height mismatch between domains, it is demonstrated how height mismatch increases line tension, and drives the formation of smaller, more circular domains. (i) The sphingomyelin ripple phase is shown to be disrupted by cholesterol and ceramide dopants via two very different mechanisms, with cholesterol ‘melting’ the gel-like regions with little increase in ripple periodicity, whilst ceramide adds to the gel and elongates the periodicity. (iii) Thin films of inverse lipid phases are prepared and visualized, with the terminating lattice observable for the bicontinuous cubic phase of pure monoolein, although imaging of other inverse lattices remains elusive. (iv) It is shown that cholesterol is not required for collapse of the intermedilysin pre-pore complex prior to perforation, thus uncovering this collapse as a distinct mechanistic step. Each of these systems studied demonstrate the power of model systems in revealing the physicochemical behaviour that underpins membrane processes.Open Acces

    Parental choice in secondary education : socio-spatial dynamics and motivation

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    This thesis has two main aims. First, to establish whether the strengthening in 1988 of the right of parents to choose a secondary school for their child has led to increased travel to out-of-catchment schools in a case study area. Second, to identify the extent of socio-spatial variation of patterns and trends in choice of school. Secondary school transfer data relating to over 16,000 children for 1991 and 1993 to 1995 was analysed in a Geographical Information System (GIS). One hundred and sixty two parents of children about to transfer to secondary school were interviewed with the objective of revealing the contextual factors underlying the patterns and trends of pupil movements identified in the course of the GIS analysis. The practice and outcomes of parental choice were examined at four scales: the parent, the neighbourhood, the school and the LEA Area. Whilst the main value of this thesis lies in its presentation of empirical evidence of the socio-spatial outcomes of school choice, the results are placed in the context of relevant theoretical perspectives. The study finds that the proportion of children transferring to out-of-catchment secondary school has increased between 1991 and 1995 but that any increase in parental choice is constrained by a variety of factors that interact in complex ways to produce substantial socio-spatial variation in its expression. It is concluded that policy and practice relating to school choice can substantially affect educational equity and efficiency. It is recommended that the operation of local education markets be more closely monitored by LEAs and that GIS analysis, as used in this study, is an important tool for this purpose.University of Plymouth

    Assessment of the surface energy of powders and its use in predicting the stability of nonpolar nonaqueous suspensions.

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    The concept and application of solid surface energy values have been studied from a pharmaceutical perspective. The derivation of solid surface energy is usually based on the contact angle formed between a liquid of known surface energy and the test solid. Three commonly used methods of contact angle determination have been investigated, namely the Wilhelmy plate and sessile drop techniques (which utilise the sample in the form of a flat plate), and the liquid penetration technique which utilises a powdered sample of the solid. A system of model particles and plates has been used which allows systems of differing geometry to be studied, without altering the surface energy. Contact angles obtained by the Wilhelmy plate and sessile drop techniques were found to be in good agreement with, but consistently lower than, those obtained by liquid penetration experiments. A linear relationship was found to exist between the liquid penetration and Wilhelmy plate results, suggesting that the rate of liquid penetration through a packed powder bed is not adequately described by the Washburn model of a bundle of parallel capillaries. Surface energy values have been derived for the model systems studied by a variety of methods. The harmonic and geometric mean variants of the theory of surface energy components, the theory of non-additive surface energy components and an equation of state have been applied. The derived values of surface energy were comparable for the theoretical models studied. Values for individual components of surface energy were dependent upon both the theoretical model and liquid pair used. The stability of pharmaceutical nonaqueous nonpolar suspensions has been studied. The ease of dispersion, degree of aggregation and extent of powder adhesion to the container wall has been investigated for five solids (indomethacin, isoprenaline, aspirin, PTFE and beclomethasone) and related to surface energy data. Each phenomenon could be related to calculated surface and interfacial parameters

    Needs and interests of Iowa State University alumni in continuing education

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    Letter from E[dward] T. Parsons to James R. Garfield, 1908 Mar 14.

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    3/14/1908Hon. James Rudolph Garfield,Secretary of The Interior,Washington. D. C.Sir:-In a letter of February 2C, from your Department, over the signature of your Chief Clerk, Edward M. Dawson, acknowledging one of mine, he styles it: protesting against the granting of so much of the application of the City of San Francisco for reservoir SITES in the Yosemite National Park as relates to the Hetch Hetchy Valley I wish to state thai the general public of this city and elsewhere have never heard [Illegible]the application being for SITES or DIFFERENT SITES. Only here and there is it becoming known that application hae been made for the Hetch Hetchy Valley as a reservoir site.If the proponents of this scheme have included in their application other sites in the Yosemite National Park besides letch Hetchy Valley, it has been done in a way surreptitiously, and is by no means a matter of general knowledge.The reasons given against this scheme in my letters of protest now on file in your Department apply equally to any and all sites in this National Park, and in fact my protest was and is intended to cover and protect the entire park from this proposed encroachment, as is doubtless the case with all the protests so far filed. Hetch Hetchy Valley was named because it was not known that application had been made for anything further in addition in tha Park.Is it too much to ask for a copy of the application as made to you?I sincerely trust that no action may be taken by your Department on this application until the widest publicity may have given opportunity for the intelligence of the nation, whose property is involved, to become cognizant of the proposition, and pass upon the equities and ethics of the question at issue.Very respectfully,E. T.[Illegible]0624

    Letter from E[dward] T. Parsons to Adelbert Cronise , 1912 Sep 4.

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    San Francisco, Sept. 4t 1912.JAdelbert Cronies Esq., Rochester, N.Y.My Dear Cronise:-The question of water sanitation\u27 has been debated with me by several Of ray friends, and among other instances of lake reservoirs, Rochester and Hemlock Lake were named I have a dim recollection that during mt seven years in Rochester, an epidemic of typhoid occurred through Hemlock Lake having been polluted, or was it possibly an epidemic on the water shed to Hemlock Lake that caused the city to fear an epidemic in Rochester? May I not ask you at your early convenience to write me briefly anything you recollect of typhoid fever in connection with Hemlock Lake water supply andalso send me if possible a certified copy of any laws or ordinances enforced either by the City of Rochester or by the state relative to the sanitation of the Hemlock Lake water shed. Also please advise if Rochester filters the waters from Hemlock Lake or from any other sources, and if so the kind of filter used.Also advise me of the death rate last year of the City of Rochester and the typhoid rate as shown by the records of your Health Department.I am asking a good deal of you, but this Is a matter of considerable interest to me and I feel that you will be interested to supply the desired information. Thanking you for the courtesy involved,I amVery truly yours,[illegible]0632