10 research outputs found

    Modified Lemaire Lateral Tenodesis Associated With an Intra-articular Reconstruction Technique With Bone-Tendon-Bone Graft Using an Adjustable Fixation Mechanism

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    The goal of this study was to report a surgical technique used in a revision anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction case, consisting of an adaptation of the anterolateral iliotibial band tenodesis technique (modified Lemaire technique) combined with ACL reconstruction using an adjustable fixation mechanism. Rotational overload was one of the most likely hypotheses for failure of primary surgery, despite correct positioning and secure fixation. We performed a review of the most pertinent factors related to ACL reconstruction failure, as well as surgical strategies for its treatment. After this, we described, step by step, a combination of the 2 forms of surgical intervention that were already presented isolated with good clinical results, correcting the common anterior and rotational instabilities found in these cases. Knowing new techniques for intra- and extra-articular ligament reconstruction is imperative in the present day, when more patients are seeking a full return to their preinjury recreational, labor, and sports activities. We believe that the combination of these surgical techniques is able to achieve these goals effectively and reproducibly

    Continuous Meniscal Suture Technique of the Knee

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    The menisci are fibroelastic structures interposed between the articular surfaces of the femur and tibia. They absorb impact and transmit load. Meniscal injury may compromise function and cause rapid joint degeneration, leading to the development of secondary osteoarthritis. Surgical treatment of meniscal injury is usually performed by arthroscopy, and meniscectomy or meniscal suture may be associated with such treatment. Meniscal suture should be considered when the injury compromises the proper functioning of the meniscus to recover its anatomy and function. Different meniscal suture techniques exist; the most widely used are the inside-out, outside-in, and all-inside techniques. The gold-standard repair technique is the inside-out technique. A drawback of this technique is the need to alternate between intra- and extra-articular structures for every stitch, which makes it even more laborious. We describe the continuous meniscal suture technique, also called “meniscal stitching,” for a medial meniscal bucket-handle injury. This technique is performed from the inside out and allows the surgeon to perform multiple stitches with the same thread quickly and effectively. This surgical technique is performed using a single meniscal suture device that was developed by our group, called the “Meniscus 4 A-II” device

    Positioning Technique of the Fixed Knee in Hyperflexion for the Transportal Femoral Tunnel During Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament

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    During reconstruction surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament, the evolution of the femoral tunnel from the transtibial to the transportal path provides greater accuracy in reaching the desired anatomic point. However, there are also some new challenges, such as correct execution, reproducibility, and minimizing the risk of iatrogenic injury from its use. In an effort to overcome these challenges, we have proposed the use of a positioner, which was developed by our group and allows the leg to stay in the desired position, without variations in the operation or aid from a medical assistant. This manuscript presents our femoral tunnel preparation technique and its application in clinical practice

    Surgical Treatment for Chronic Rupture of the Patellar Tendon Performed in 2 Stages

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    Patellar tendon rupture is an uncommon but disabling lesion. It usually occurs in men younger than 40 years, through direct or indirect trauma. Obtaining satisfactory results with treatment of chronic injuries and re-ruptures in which the patella retracts owing to quadriceps contraction is a challenge. This is of major concern especially in cases in which the patella cannot be positioned in its anatomic position when distal traction is performed. In these cases, V-Y stretching of the quadriceps can be performed in an attempt to perform reconstruction in 1 stage. Instead, a 2-stage procedure can be chosen, in which the first stage relies on patellar trans-skeletal traction to achieve distalization of the patella. In 1981, a technique for the treatment of chronic injuries of the patellar tendon in 2 stages was described. In that procedure, the first stage consisted of transpatellar traction and the second stage was tendon-tendon suturing with fascia lata reinforcement. We describe a surgical technique performed in 2 stages; in the first stage, trans-skeletal traction is performed, and in the second stage, the technique of Kelikian et al. with our modification is performed. This technique is used in patients with chronic rupture of the patellar tendon associated with a high patella with nonreducible quadriceps shortening

    Surgical Treatment of Chronic Rupture of the Quadriceps Using a Modified Pulvertaft Weave Technique

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    The extensor mechanism provides active knee joint extension and stability of the patellofemoral joint. Rupture of the quadriceps tendon, although uncommon, is therefore associated with impairment in knee joint stability and, thus, requires surgical repair. Although various techniques provide excellent clinical outcomes for acute rupture, treatment of chronic rupture remains clinically challenging. We describe our modified technique for quadriceps tendon repair using a semitendinosus tendon autograft, with suturing of the quadriceps tendon stump to the patella via transosseous sutures, wherein the use of allograft and anchors is avoided. Our modified Pulvertaft weave technique is simple and reproducible

    Vertical Continuous Meniscal Suture Technique

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    Meniscal injuries are common in the population, representing the major cause of functional impairment in the knee. Vertical longitudinal injuries of the meniscus can be stable or unstable. When extensive, they are commonly unstable and can lead to clinical signs of significant functional disability. Vertical longitudinal injuries have the best prognosis for repair, especially when occurring in the meniscal periphery, called the red-red zone. A recently developed type of meniscal suture device called Meniscus 4 A-II enables the surgeon to perform a meniscal suture from the inside-out continuously, reducing surgical time. Because it allows the surgeon to use a single and inexpensive device to repair the entire injury, costs are significantly reduced. Here, an approach to carry out continuous meniscal repair with vertical sutures is described. This technique warrants excellent stability to the meniscal repair, increasing the chances of a successful outcome. We believe that the popularization of the repair technique from the inside out using the Meniscus 4-All device will help many surgeons around the world save menisci that otherwise would have a great chance of being excised, since it is a cheap, reproducible, and easy-to-handle device

    Posterior Meniscal Root Repair Using a Meniscal Suture Device

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    A greater understanding of the deleterious consequences that a meniscal root tear brings to the knee joint and how its surgical repair can be advantageous over the previously used treatment strategies brings the need for the development of surgical techniques that make the procedure less complex and more reproducible. When meniscal root rupture occurs, a mechanical overload occurs in the affected compartment similar to a total meniscectomy. Several authors have concluded that meniscal root reinsertion significantly improves postoperative outcomes and patient satisfaction, regardless of age or laterality of the meniscal injury. The Meniscus 4 A-II device (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) allows stitching at the root of the medial and lateral menisci. In this article, we describe the surgical repair technique for posterior-medial and -lateral meniscal root tears using this meniscal suture device. This technique is fast and effective

    Stress Radiography for Multiligament Knee Injuries: A Standardized, Step-by-Step Technique

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    Physical examination in the presence of a multiligament knee injury can be complex and challenging. Hence, stress radiography is a useful and inexpensive tool that is widely used in the assessment of this type of injury. It guarantees an objective analysis of the magnitude of knee instability, which may reduce the observer's interpretation bias in relation to the physical examination. However, for the radiographic analysis to be reproducible, it is necessary to standardize the technique to evaluate each of the main knee ligaments. This article aims to describe in detail how to perform stress radiography to assess the sufficiency of the posterior cruciate ligament and collateral ligaments in the context of a multiligament injury

    Outside-in Continuous Meniscal Suture Technique of the Knee

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    The meniscus is largely responsible for the health and longevity of the knee. It has diverse functions, being fundamental in load absorption and distribution and even in joint stability. To preserve meniscal functions and prevent the occurrence of osteoarthritis after meniscectomy, several meniscal repair techniques have been developed. To perform meniscal repair in anterior horn, the outside-in technique is the most used. There are few devices for performing them, with most of the surgical techniques described using needles. Our group uses a device capable of performing meniscal repair in different ways. Our objective is to describe a continuous outside-in meniscal repair technique, especially indicated for anterior horn and meniscus body tears, with the “Meniscus 4-All suture device.” The continuous outside-in meniscal suture technique using this device is easy to perform, inexpensive, fast, and reproducible, minimizing the risk of soft-tissue entrapment. In addition, it allows the surgeon to perform meniscal repair in the posterior horn in extensive injuries with the same repair device, just switching to inside-out technique

    Posterior Root Repair of Medial Meniscus Combined With Valgus Opening Wedge Tibial Osteotomy

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    The medial meniscal root tear, a particular meniscal injury at the level of its posterior bone insertion, leads to a loss of impact absorption and load distribution capacity, similar to total meniscectomy. Therefore, its repair is fundamental for knee joint longevity. This type of injury often occurs in middle-aged patients with lower limbs varus malalignment, which results in mechanical overloading of the medial compartment and induces premature cartilage wear out. The success of meniscal root repair, with meniscal bone reinsertion, depends on the correction and realignment of varus deformities greater than 5° for physiological levels. In this situation, corrective tibial osteotomy combined with meniscal repair is indicated. Our goal is to describe the step-by-step technique of the valgus opening wedge tibial osteotomy combined with the arthroscopic reinsertion of the posterior meniscal root in tibia during the treatment of a patient with varus deformity and medial meniscus root tear