15 research outputs found

    Electron States and Light Absorption in Strongly Oblate and Strongly Prolate Ellipsoidal Quantum Dots in Presence of Electrical and Magnetic Fields

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    In framework of the adiabatic approximation the energy states of electron as well as direct light absorption are investigated in strongly oblate and strongly prolate ellipsoidal quantum dots (QDs) at presence of electric and magnetic fields. Analytical expressions for particle energy spectrum are obtained. The dependence of energy levels’ configuration on QD geometrical parameters and field intensities is analytically obtained. The energy levels of electrons are shown to be equidistant both for strongly oblate and prolate QDs. The effect of the external fields on direct light absorption of a QD was investigated. The dependence of the absorption edge on geometrical parameters of QDs and intensities of the electric and magnetic fields is obtained. Selection rules are obtained at presence as well as absence of external electric and magnetic fields. In particular, it is shown that the presence of the electric field cancels the quantum numbers selection rules at the field direction, whereas in radial direction the selection rules are preserved. Perspectives of practical applications for device manufacturing based on ellipsoidal quantum dots are outlined

    Electronic States and Light Absorption in a Cylindrical Quantum Dot Having Thin Falciform Cross Section

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    Energy level structure and direct light absorption in a cylindrical quantum dot (CQD), having thin falciform cross section, are studied within the framework of the adiabatic approximation. An analytical expression for the energy spectrum of the particle is obtained. For the one-dimensional “fast” subsystem, an oscillatory dependence of the wave function amplitude on the cross section parameters is revealed. For treatment of the “slow” subsystem, parabolic and modified Pöschl-Teller effective potentials are used. It is shown that the low-energy levels of the spectrum are equidistant. In the strong quantization regime, the absorption coefficient and edge frequencies are calculated. Selection rules for the corresponding quantum transitions are obtained

    Oblate spheroidal quantum dot: electronic states, direct interband light absorption and pressure dependence

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    Exitonic states and direct interband light absorption are considered in an oblate spheroidal quantum dot. The problem of finding the one electron wave function and energy spectrum has been exactly solved. Three regimes of size quantization have been considered. Absorption edge dependence on the small semiaxes of the spheroid and its hydrostatic pressure dependencies have been obtained. It has been shown that the exact value of the electron ground state in the oblate spheroidal quantum dot coincides with high accuracy to the value of ground state in strongly oblate ellipsoidal quantum dot obtained in the framework of the adiabatic approximation. The dependences of the electron ground state energy on the hydrostatic pressure and temperature have been studied

    Long-wave Absorption of Few-Hole Gas in Prolate Ellipsoidal Ge/Si Quantum Dot: Implementation of Analytically Solvable Moshinsky Model

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    In this paper, the behavior of a heavy hole gas in a strongly prolate ellipsoidal Ge/Si quantum dot has been investigated. Due to the specific geometry of the quantum dot, the interaction between holes is considered one-dimensional. Based on the adiabatic approximation, it is shown that in the z-direction, hole gas is localized in a one-dimensional parabolic well. By modeling the potential of pair interaction between holes in the framework of oscillatory law, the problem is reduced to a one-dimensional, analytically solvable Moshinsky model. The exact energy spectrum of the few-hole gas has been calculated. A detailed analysis of the energy spectrum is presented. The character of long-wave transitions between the center-of-mass levels of the system has been obtained when Kohn theorem is realized

    Exciton States and Optical Absorption in CdSe and PbS Nanoplatelets

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    The exciton states and their influence on the optical absorption spectrum of CdSe and PbS nanoplatelets (NPLs) are considered theoretically in this paper. The problem is discussed in cases of strong, intermediate, and weak size quantization regimes of charge carrier motion in NPLs. For each size quantization regime, the corresponding potential that adequately describes the electron–hole interaction in this mode of space quantization of charge carriers is chosen. The single-particle energy spectra and corresponding wave functions for strong intermediate and weak size quantization regimes have been revealed. The dependence of material parameters on the number of monolayers in the sample has been considered. The related selection rules and the dependence of the absorption coefficient on the frequency and polarization direction of the incident light wave were obtained. The interband transition threshold energy dependencies were obtained for each size quantization regime. The effect of dielectric coefficient mismatch and different models of electron–hole interaction potentials have been studied in CdSe and PbS NPLs. It is also shown that with an increase in the linear dimensions of the structure, the threshold frequency of absorption decreases. The binding energies and absorption coefficient results for NPL with different thicknesses agree with the experimental data. The values of the absorption exciton peaks measured experimentally are close to our calculated values for CdSe and PbS samples