269 research outputs found

    Rearranging the Family? Income Support and Elderly Living Arrangements in a Low Income Country

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    Despite the importance of living arrangements for well-being and production, the effect of changes in household income on living arrangements is not well understood. This study overcomes the identification problems that have limited the study of the link between income and living arrangements by exploiting a discontinuity in the benefit formula for the social pension in South Africa. In contrast to the findings of the existing literature from wealthier populations, we find no evidence that pension income is used to maintain the independence of black elders in South Africa. Rather, potential beneficiaries alter their household structure. Prime working age women depart, and we observe an increase in children under 5 and young women of child-bearing age. These shifts in co-residence patterns are consistent with a setting where prime age women have comparative advantage in work away from extended family relative to younger women. The additional income from old age support may induce a change in living arrangements to exploit this advantage.

    Modified Dark Matter: Relating Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Baryonic Matter

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    Modified dark matter (MDM) is a phenomenological model of dark matter, inspired by gravitational thermodynamics. For an accelerating Universe with positive cosmological constant (Λ\Lambda), such phenomenological considerations lead to the emergence of a critical acceleration parameter related to Λ\Lambda. Such a critical acceleration is an effective phenomenological manifestation of MDM, and it is found in correlations between dark matter and baryonic matter in galaxy rotation curves. The resulting MDM mass profiles, which are sensitive to Λ\Lambda, are consistent with observational data at both the galactic and cluster scales. In particular, the same critical acceleration appears both in the galactic and cluster data fits based on MDM. Furthermore, using some robust qualitative arguments, MDM appears to work well on cosmological scales, even though quantitative studies are still lacking. Finally, we comment on certain non-local aspects of the quanta of modified dark matter, which may lead to novel non-particle phenomenology and which may explain why, so far, dark matter detection experiments have failed to detect dark matter particles

    A comparison of methodologies for the staining and quantification of intracellular components of Arbuscular Mychorrizal (AM) fungi in the root cortex of two varieties of winter wheat

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    © 2019 The Authors. The definitive peer reviewed, edited version of this article is published in Access Microbiology, https://doi.org/10.1099/acmi.0.000083. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.Arbuscular Mychorrizal (AM) fungi are one of the most common fungal organisms to exist in symbiosis with terrestrial plants facilitating the growth and maintenance of arable crops. Wheat has been studied extensively for AM fungal symbiosis using the carcinogen trypan blue as the identifying stain for fungal components, namely arbuscles, vesicles and hyphal structures. The present study uses SheafferŸ blue ink with a lower risk as an alternative to this carcinogenic stain. Justification for this is determined by stained wheat root sections (n = 120), with statistically significant increases in the observed abundance of intracellular root cortical fungal structures stained with SheafferŸ blue ink compared to trypan blue for both Zulu (P = 0.003) and Siskin (P = 0.0003) varieties of winter wheat. This new alternative combines an improved quantification of intracellular fungal components with a lower hazard risk at a lower cost.Peer reviewe

    Cylindrical gravitational waves in expanding universes: Models for waves from compact sources

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    New boundary conditions are imposed on the familiar cylindrical gravitational wave vacuum spacetimes. The new spacetime family represents cylindrical waves in a flat expanding (Kasner) universe. Space sections are flat and nonconical where the waves have not reached and wave amplitudes fall off more rapidly than they do in Einstein-Rosen solutions, permitting a more regular null inifinity.Comment: Minor corrections to references. A note added in proo

    Tillage, Glyphosate and Beneficial Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: Optimising Crop Management for Plant–Fungal Symbiosis

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    Zero till cropping systems typically apply broad-spectrum herbicides such as glyphosate as an alternative weed control strategy to the physical inversion of the soil provided by cultivation. Glyphosate targets 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase in plants. There is growing evidence that this may have a detrimental impact on non-target organisms such as those present in the soil microbiome. Species of commercial importance, such as arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi that form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots are an important example. This study investigates the impact of soil cultivation and glyphosate application associated with conventional tillage (CT) and zero tillage (ZT) respectively on AM fungi populations under field and glasshouse conditions. Topsoil (<10 cm) was extracted from CT and ZT fields cropped with winter wheat, plus non-cropped control plots within the same field boundary, throughout the cropping year. Glyphosate was applied in glasshouse experiments at rates between 0 and 350 g L−1. Ergosterol, an indicator of fungal biomass, was measured using high performance liquid chromatography before and after glyphosate application. Fungal root arbuscules, an indicator of AM fungi–root symbiosis, were quantified from the roots of wheat plants. Under glasshouse conditions root arbuscules were consistently higher in wheat grown in ZT field extracted soils (P = 0.01) compared to CT. Glyphosate application however inhibited fungal biomass in both the ZT (P < 0.00001) and CT (P < 0.001) treatments. In the absence of glyphosate, the number of stained root arbuscules increased significantly. Ergosterol levels, used as a proxy for fungal biomass, remained lower in the soil post glyphosate application. The results suggest that CT has a greater negative impact on AM fungal growth than ZT and glyphosate, but that glyphosate is also detrimental to AM fungal growth and hinders subsequent population recovery.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Approaching the Singularity in Gowdy Universes

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    It has been shown that the cosmic censorship conjecture holds for polarized Gowdy spacetimes. In the more general, unpolarized case, however, the question remains open. It is known that cylindrically symmetric dust can collapse to form a naked singularity. Since Gowdy universes comprise gravitational waves that are locally cylindrically symmetric, perhaps these waves can collapse onto a symmetry axis and create a naked singularity. It is known that in the case of cylindrical symmetry, event horizons will not form under gravitational collapse, so the formation of a singularity on the symmetry axis would be a violation of the cosmic censorship conjecture.To search for cosmic censorship violation in Gowdy spacetimes, we must have a better understanding of their singularities. It is known that far from the symmetry axes, the spacetimes are asymptotically velocity term dominated, but this property is not known to hold near the axes. In this thesis, we take the first steps toward understanding on and near axis behavior of Gowdy spacetimes with space-sections that have the topology of the three-sphere. Null geodesic behavior on the symmetry axes is studied, and it is found that in some cases, a photon will wrap around the universe infinitely many times on its way back toward the initial singularity
