1,980 research outputs found


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    Plaintiff, a minor child, brought a tort action against defendant for enticing her mother to desert her, thereby depriving plaintiff of support, maintenance, and maternal care and affection. The trial court sustained defendant\u27s demurrer. On appeal, held, affirmed. The statutes of the state provide other means of support of the child, and he has no right of action for the deprivation of a parent\u27s love and affection. Nelson v. Richwagen, (Mass. 1950) 95 N.E. (2d) 545


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    Plaintiffs sought dissolution of defendant corporation pursuant to a statute allowing a petition for dissolution to be made to the chancellor by the holders of one-half of the voting stock upon a deadlock in management and voting shares. The evidence showed that there was no chance of compromise by the warring factions, that the corporate function could not be carried out, and that the plaintiffs\u27 interests might be jeopardized. The chancellor held that unless a harmonious solution was effectively formulated within fifteen days after the filing of an opinion, a judgment containing appropriate provisions for a dissolution would be entered. On appeal, held, affirmed. The chancellor had the power to dissolve the corporation because sufficient equitable grounds besides deadlock were shown. RKO Theatres, Inc. v. Trenton-New Brunswick Theatres Co., (N.J. 1950) 74 A. (2d) 914


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    Defendant, in violation of a city ordinance requiring every owner or custodian of a dog to keep the animal on his own premises unless on a leash and under control of a competent person, allowed his dog to run loose on the street. On collision of the dog with plaintiff\u27s motor scooter, plaintiff brought suit for injuries incurred, claiming negligence per se by defendant through violation of the ordinance. The trial court sustained defendant\u27s demurrer. On appeal, held, reversed. The violation of the ordinance was negligence per se, since the purpose of the ordinance included the protection of people in traffic against the dangers that dogs may cause running loose. Brotemarkle v. Snyder, (Cal. App. 1950) 221 P. (2d) 992

    Peer Teaching and Social Interaction

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the affect of peer teaching on the social and academic interactions of children in an early childhood setting. The research took place at a Montessori school with two classrooms containing 56 students ages three to six. The duration of the study was six weeks. During the study the data collected included number of peer interactions per week and overall number of children working at each half hour increment of the day. Data also included positive and negative behaviors during peer teaching interactions, and the children’s level of understanding during a peer presentation. Data was mostly inconclusive during this study except that the number of children distracted during the day decreased over the six-week period

    Addiction through the Ages: a review of the development of concepts and ideas about addiction in European countries since the nineteenth century and the role of international organisations in the process

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    The work on addiction through the ages proceeded through 4 interlinked studies: The emergence of concepts of addiction across Europe at the national level, 1860-1980 The framing of the alcohol question at the international alcohol conferences The role of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and its expert committees in defining addiction from the 1940s to the early twenty first century The role of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) in defining concepts of addiction The long view of addiction concepts at the country level over time points to continuities and changes across countries. They have also played a significant role in international organisations, the pre World War Two alcohol conferences and the World Health Organisation (WHO) after that war. The European level through the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction has also come into the picture in more recent times with discussion of a different set of concepts. Although a degree of stability has been achieved around addiction concepts, these still encapsulate a variety of meanings which translate into different treatment and policy approaches and traditions within Europe. By understanding the history of such concepts and how and why they came in and out of use, we can better understand addiction terminology and substance use policy today

    Updates from the International Criminal Courts

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    It is the purpose of this comment to examine the admissibility and probative value of the tests available for determining the amount of alcohol in the human system
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