506 research outputs found

    Individual agency in the social construction of Green Public Procurement: Emergence and implications in Stavanger Municipality

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    Given the urgent global climate challenges we face today, it is imperative for actors at all levels - international, national, and local - to take decisive action. In this context, green public procurement (GPP) emerges as a valuable environmental policy tool employed by public authorities. GPP involves the procurement of goods and services that have a reduced environmental impact compared to alternatives that serve the same purpose. This thesis examines the institutionalization of GPP at the municipal level through a case study of Stavanger Municipality in Norway. Concepts from institutional theory were used to deepen the understanding of the current situation of GPP in Stavanger. Expert interviews and document analysis, as well as a comprehensive examination of 32 tenders from six sectors, provide a broad empirical foundation that is used to gain an understanding of GPP at the municipal level. The findings reveal a disconnect between the municipality's ambitious emission targets and its actual actions, leading to a decoupling of commitments and behavior relating to climate and environmental efforts, including the strategic use of GPP. The analysis highlights the importance of individual competence and motivation in a complex institutional environment and suggests that leadership should invest in individuals with environmental expertise to accelerate sustainability transitions. By identifying weaknesses in current practices and opportunities for improvement, this study provides valuable insights into how GPP could be used more strategically to align with municipal environmental goals.Given the urgent global climate challenges we face today, it is imperative for actors at all levels - international, national, and local - to take decisive action. In this context, green public procurement (GPP) emerges as a valuable environmental policy tool employed by public authorities. GPP involves the procurement of goods and services that have a reduced environmental impact compared to alternatives that serve the same purpose. This thesis examines the institutionalization of GPP at the municipal level through a case study of Stavanger Municipality in Norway. Concepts from institutional theory were used to deepen the understanding of the current situation of GPP in Stavanger. Expert interviews and document analysis, as well as a comprehensive examination of 32 tenders from six sectors, provide a broad empirical foundation that is used to gain an understanding of GPP at the municipal level. The findings reveal a disconnect between the municipality's ambitious emission targets and its actual actions, leading to a decoupling of commitments and behavior relating to climate and environmental efforts, including the strategic use of GPP. The analysis highlights the importance of individual competence and motivation in a complex institutional environment and suggests that leadership should invest in individuals with environmental expertise to accelerate sustainability transitions. By identifying weaknesses in current practices and opportunities for improvement, this study provides valuable insights into how GPP could be used more strategically to align with municipal environmental goals

    Integral Boundary Layer Methods in Python

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    This thesis presents a modern approach to two Integral Boundary Layer methods implemented in the Python programming language. This work is based on two 2D boundary layer methods: Thwaites\u27 method for laminar boundary layer flows and Head\u27s method for turbulent boundary layer flows. Several novel enhancements improve the quality and usability of the results. These improvements include: a common ordinary differential equation (ODE) integration framework that generalizes computational implementations of Integral Boundary Layer methods; the use of a dense output Runge-Kutta ODE solver that allows for querying of simulation results at any point with accuracy to the same order as that of the solver; and an edge velocity treatment method using cubic spline interpolation that improves the simulation performance using only points from an inviscid edge velocity distribution. Both the laminar and turbulent methods are shown to benefit from smoothing of the edge velocity distribution. The choice of ODE solver alleviates the need to artificially limit step sizes. Comparisons against analytic solutions, experimental data and XFOIL results provide a wide varity of verification and validation cases with which to compare. The implementation of Thwaites\u27 method in this thesis avoids simplifications made in other implementations of this method, which results in more robust results. The implementation of Head\u27s method produces high-quality results typically found in other implementations while utilizing the common ODE integration framework. Utilizing the common ODE framework results in significantly less code needed to implement Thwaites\u27 and Head\u27s methods. In addition, the boundary layer solvers produce results in seconds for all results presented here. Boundary layer transition and separation criteria are implemented as a proof of concept, but require future work

    More Time to Play? A Study on Free-Play and its Effects on Behavior and Academics in School

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    Over the two-week study, the researcher collected data on how students’ academic growth and social-emotional behaviors were affected between having free-play and academic work during independent time. To study two dependent variables, the researcher asked two research questions: Research Question 1: How does free play and/or recess in schools affect students’ capacity to learn (how do test scores change when students engage in free play versus independent academic work)? Research Question 2: What effect does the amount of free play/recess have on students’ social/emotional skills and behaviors during academic lessons? The participants of the study were 5- and 6-year-olds in the researcher’s kindergarten class. An AB model was used to alter the independent variable week to week. During the A week, the students would have academic work to complete during independent time; during the B week, the students had free-play time. The participants were tested on their letters/sounds at the beginning and end of each week, and the number of times the researcher had to stop teaching to redirect a student or students was tally-marked on a table. The results of the study concluded that without social-emotional skills, students were not ready and able to learn


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    In this special issue of GEUS Bulletin, the many riddles regarding the platinum group elements and gold (PGE-Au) mineralisation of the East Greenland Skaergaard intrusion are untangled and discussed. The Skaergard PGE-Au mineralisation, as defined in this study, embodies an enigmatic and rich ore-formation that arguably could have been an economic resource, had it not been for its ice-locked position in central East Greenland. The authors of this study (Rudashevsky et al. 2023, this volume) characterise the systematic variability in the precious metal mineralogy from the contact towards the interior of the intrusion based on the analysis of more than 4000 individual PGE-Au grains. This variability is interpreted in the light of 90 years of research and over 1000 publications pertaining to magma chamber processes in the Skaergaard intrusion.  With such an impressive library of knowledge, on a comparatively simple magmatic system such as the Skaergard intrusion, we should have discovered a few islands of truth in igneous petrology and ore-deposit formation. And indeed, we have. But we are also enriched with an evolving story, where answering one question only serves to raise three new questions.  This study demonstrates the variability of PGE-Au phases throughout the ore-forming zone of the Skaergaard intrusion. As previously observed, PGE-Au mineralisation in the central parts is divided into several layers over 30–40 m of the cumulus stratigraphy with increasing Pd/Pt ratios upwards, an Au-rich upper part and a low sulphide content throughout all layers. Close to the contact the precious metal zonation is less pronounced, and it is significantly more sulphide rich. The PGE mineralogy deviates significantly from the centre to the margin. These complex lateral and vertical variations cannot be explained by one genetic model but require an intricate combination of igneous processes including silicate-melt liquid immiscibility, sulphide-melt immiscibility, sulphide-melt resorptions, precious metal transport by volatile-rich fluids and, finally, the solidification rate of the cumulus mushes.  For other well-preserved PGE-Au deposits throughout the world, we observe a great variation of ore-forming models. Remarkably, most of these models may be applied to various parts of the Skaergaard mineralisation. The authors suggest that the Skaergaard intrusion preserves different steps in PGE-Au ore-genesis which, in many other intrusions are obliterated by later igneous events. Therefore, the legacy of the Skaergaard mineralisation is the preservation of igneous ore-forming events that may also precede the genesis of other PGE-Au deposits in the world. After the last conclusion, I guarantee that you will be confused and perhaps a bit triggered but hopefully also inspired and bursting with new questions on the genesis of PGE-Au deposits in mafic and ultramafic igneous complexes. In light of the recent study, you may even be encouraged to look at your favourite PGE-Au deposit with fresh eyes. This study beautifully demonstrates that turning the next page in the book of magma chamber processes is more important than seeing ‘The End’

    Fylkeskommunenes tannhelsetilbud til rusmiddelmisbrukere. En kartlegging

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    Fylkeskommunene fikk i 2005 ansvar for å gi tilbud om tannhelsetjenester til rusmiddelmisbrukere som oppholdt seg i døgninstitusjon ut over tre måneder. I 2006 ble dette utvidet til å gjelde rusmiddelmisbrukere som mottok tjenester etter sosialtjenesteloven § 4–2 bokstav a-d, jf. § 4–3,og i 2008 til å gjelde pasienter i legemiddel assistert rehabilitering (LAR). SIRUS fikk i oppdrag av Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet (HOD) å kartlegge tilbudet. Datagrunnlaget er intervju med alle de 19 fylkestannlegene og aktuelle dokumenter gitt oss av fylkestannlegene. Fylkeskommunene hadde jevnt over problemer med å gi fyllestgjørende svar på mange av spørsmålene departementet ønsket besvart. Dette må sees i sammenheng med at det ikke var lagt opp til spesielle rapporteringsrutiner utover det som generelt gjelder for rammetilskudd. Det kan derfor være hensiktsmessig å gi fylkestannlegene informasjon om hva en i framtida ønsker at det skal rapporteres på. Godt i gang Kartleggingen viser at fylkeskommunene har fulgt opp ansvaret de er gitt, selv om det varierer noe «hvor langt en har kommet». Det rapporteres om engasjerte medarbeidere, og at etablering av tilbudet stort sett har gått greit. Fylkestannlegene rapporterer også at målgruppa jevnt over har vært enklere å behandle enn en på forhånd hadde antatt. Når tilbudet alle? Det er naturlig nok vanskelig å si i hvilken grad alle de aktuelle rusmiddelmisbrukerne har fått tilbudet. Dette har dels sammenheng med at fylkeskommunene ikke har den nødvendige oversikt over antall rusmiddelmisbrukere som omfattes av rettigheten, dels at ikke alle fylkeskommunene har lagt opp til et rapporteringssystem som kan gi formasjon om hvor mange i de aktuelle pasientgruppene som har mottatt tannbehandling. Fylkestannlegene rapporterer imidlertid om flere grupper de mener aller utenfor tilbudet slik det i dag er definert

    Potential implications of practice effects in Alzheimer's disease prevention trials.

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    IntroductionPractice effects (PEs) present a potential confound in clinical trials with cognitive outcomes. A single-blind placebo run-in design, with repeated cognitive outcome assessments before randomization to treatment, can minimize effects of practice on trial outcome.MethodsWe investigated the potential implications of PEs in Alzheimer's disease prevention trials using placebo arm data from the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study donepezil/vitamin E trial in mild cognitive impairment. Frequent ADAS-Cog measurements early in the trial allowed us to compare two competing trial designs: a 19-month trial with randomization after initial assessment, versus a 15-month trial with a 4-month single-blind placebo run-in and randomization after the second administration of the ADAS-Cog. Standard power calculations assuming a mixed-model repeated-measure analysis plan were used to calculate sample size requirements for a hypothetical future trial designed to detect a 50% slowing of cognitive decline.ResultsOn average, ADAS-Cog 13 scores improved at first follow-up, consistent with a PE and progressively worsened thereafter. The observed change for a 19-month trial (1.18 points) was substantively smaller than that for a 15-month trial with 4-month run-in (1.79 points). To detect a 50% slowing in progression under the standard design (i.e., a 0.59 point slowing), a future trial would require 3.4 times more subjects than would be required to detect the comparable percent slowing (i.e., 0.90 points) with the run-in design.DiscussionAssuming the improvement at first follow-up observed in this trial represents PEs, the rate of change from the second assessment forward is a more accurate representation of symptom progression in this population and is the appropriate reference point for describing treatment effects characterized as percent slowing of symptom progression; failure to accommodate this leads to an oversized clinical trial. We conclude that PEs are an important potential consideration when planning future trials

    NOx formation in iron ore rotary kilns

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    Iron ore pellets are often produced using the so-called Grate-Kiln process, which is designed to oxidize the magnetite (Fe3O4) to hematite (Fe2O3) and to sinter the pellets so they can be used in steel manufacturing. The heat required for this process comes from the combustion of a pulverized fuel in a rotary kiln, involving the formation of a jet flame. To oxidize the pellets, large amounts of air are introduced into the kiln, and an air-to-fuel equivalence ratio of 4–6 is obtained. Furthermore, the air is pre-heated to >1000\ub0C. High temperatures and large amounts of excess air are known to promote NOx formation and NOx emissions from iron ore processing plants are in general high.This thesis describes the NOx formation in the rotary kiln and identifies the governing parameters, with the aim of reducing the emissions. The work involves experiments in a pilot-scale kiln, as well as modeling work based on the same experiments. Data from a full-scale iron ore pelletization plant are also provided.From the experiments and the modeling work in this thesis, thermal NO is deemed to be of low importance in iron ore rotary kilns when solid fuels are combusted. Instead, the conditions during char combustion contribute significantly to the overall NOx formation. These results explain why many of the primary measures used to date have failed to achieve reductions in NOx emissions. Suggested additional primary measures include: raising the pyrolysis temperature (e.g., through oxygen addition) to deplete the char of nitrogen; or switching to a fuel with a lower nitrogen content (e.g., wood pellets). These are interesting alternatives for the future, and the latter may be tested in the coming years

    Utviklingen av vitenskapsdisiplinen egyptologi og dens betydning for fremveksten av moderne nyreligiøsitet

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    Artikkelen omhandler den gryende vitenskapsdisiplinen egyptologi sin rolle for samtidens populærkultur, og i forlengelse av dette den nyreligiøse blomstring utover på 1800-tallet. Endringen i holdninger til og kunnskap om Egypt fra det første til det siste kvartal av 1800-tallet, spores gjennom en komparativ analyse av to artikler om Egypt i det populærvitenskaplige samleverket Encyclopædia Britannica, samt gjennom den kunsthistoriske utviklingen i samme periode. Den nyreligiøse blomstringen under siste halvdel av det 19. århundre blir eksemplifisert spesielt ved den okkulte organisasjonen The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

    "Ein mann sto på vidda mælte skuggen sin": Ei økokritisk lesing av forholdet mellom menneske og ikkje-menneskeleg natur i eit utval dikt av Aslaug Vaa

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    Me lev i ei tid der mykje av samfunnsdebatten er prega av spørsmål knytt til klima- og miljøutfordringar. Mykje skjønnlitteratur i dag tematiserer korleis me kan opptre betre i møte med natur, og kva som skjer dersom me ikkje endrar åtferd. I denne oppgåva undersøker eg den nynorske diktaren Aslaug Vaa frå eit økokritisk perspektiv, med fokus på forhold mellom menneske og ikkje-menneskeleg natur i «Romet» (1954), «Eg» (1947) og «Moreld» (1947). Målet er å særleg finne ut kva tyding stadar i dikta har frå eit økokritisk perspektiv, korleis den ikkje-menneskelege naturen har handlekraft i dikta, og korleis dette kan relaterast til «poetisk tenking». For å gjere dette har eg fordjupa meg i økokritikk, der eg blant anna har henta teori frå Greg Garrard, Jonathan Bate og Jenna Coughlin. Som ei innføring i Vaa vel eg å ta med tidlegare lesingar av ho opp mot postmodernisme, feministisk vitalisme og økokritikk, for å vise korleis mi oppgåve byggjer på dette, samt tradisjonane pastoral, romantikk og folkedikting. I oppgåva viser eg korleis stadar med sine årstider, vêr og tid på døgnet, legg særleg til rette for «poetisk tenking», og at naturens handlekraft er synleg på fleire vis i desse dikta. Den endelege konklusjonen går på at menneska i desse dikta står i uløyseleg samband med omgjevnadane, og den poetiske tenkinga styrast av korleis den ikkje-menneskelege naturen i omgjevnadane reagerer eller har moglegheit til å kommunisere med menneske. Målet er også å utvide vår forståing for korleis naturen kan kommunisere i dikt