120 research outputs found

    Educación virtual (TIC) relatoría foro No. 3

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    En el foro de Educación matemática y TIC, se abordaron aspectos centrales respecto a la formación matemática y la virtualidad, en el marco del encuentro de educación Matemáticas en conmemoración a los 20 años del grupo de investigación en Educación matemática e Historia (UdeA - EAFIT) EDUMATH

    An?lisis faun?stico de las larvas de insectos del orden trichoptera en la cuenca del r?o Alvarado, Departamento del Tolima

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    118 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl orden Trichoptera es de gran importancia en la din?mica de los ecosistemas acu?ticos ya que constituyen unos de los pilares de la cadena tr?fica y presentan un rango variable de tolerancia a las condiciones ambientales. Durante dos periodos hidrol?gicos septiembre y diciembre se desarroll? la colecta de individuos en 9 estaciones a lo largo de la cuenca del rio Alvarado, teniendo en cuenta tramos impactados y no impactados por la urbanizaci?n y la agricultura, con el fin de evaluar la composici?n y estructura de la comunidad de tric?pteros y aspectos referentes a la ecolog?a, distribuci?n espacial y temporal de sus comunidades en esta cuenca. La colecta de organismos se realiz? con red Surber, en diferentes sustratos (roca, arena, grava-guijarro y hojarasca). Se registraron datos in situ de velocidad, temperatura ambiente y del agua, pH y ox?geno disuelto en el agua, adem?s se tomaron muestras de agua para an?lisis fisicoqu?micos en el Laboratorio de aguas de la Universidad del Tolima (LASEREX). Se colectaron 1234 espec?menes, correspondientes a 8 familias y 17 g?neros. La familia Hydropsychidae registr? la mayor abundancia (60,6%), mientras que las familias menos representativas fueron Glossosomatidae (1.1%) e Hydrobiosidae (0.1%). Los g?neros m?s abundantes fueron Smicridea (51.5%), Hydroptila (11,3%), y Leptonema (9.1%), Atopsyche (0.1%) present? la menor abundancia. Respecto a la distribuci?n espacial Leptonema y Smicridea se registraron en las 9 estaciones evaluadas, desde 351 a 1057 msnm, registr?ndose en un amplio rango, mientras que Atopsyche (1057 msnm), Protoptila (574 msnm) y Zumatrichia (977 msnm) presentaron un rango altitudinal restringido. Temporalmente se present? mayor abundancia de organismos en el mes de septiembre (pico de lluvias) (60.1%), siendo la familia Hydropsychidae la m?s dominante en ambos periodos de muestreo. De otra parte, con relaci?n a los sustrato se encontr? que grava present? mayor porcentaje de organismos (37.7%), mientras que arena el menor (12%). De las 9 estaciones evaluadas, Quebrada Chumba revel? la mayor diversidad (1.82 H?), Rio Alvarado Chucuni (0.57 H?) la menor. La mayor riqueza de Margalef se registr? en la Quebrada Cocare (D?=2.41) y la menor en R?o Alvarado Chucuni (D?=0.72). El an?lisis de similitud (Jaccard) define el grupo con mayor similitud al conformado por Quebrada la Chumba y Cocare (70 %), por otro lado la Quebrada Chembe present? el mayor grado de disimilitud con 35%. El an?lisis de correspondencia can?nica permiti? visualizar la relaci?n existente entre algunos g?neros de tric?pteros con las estaciones de muestreo y las variables fisicoqu?micas evaluadas en la cuenca del r?o Alvarado. Se observa que en las estaciones Rio Alvarado Chucuni y Puente el g?nero Protoptila est? asociado con las variables fosfatos y DQO; los g?neros Hydroptila y Mortoniella se encuentran pr?ximos a las estaciones Rio Alvarado Caldas Viejo y Quebrada La Caima y est?n influenciados por las variables ox?geno disuelto, velocidad media, alcalinidad y pH.ABSTRACT. Trichoptera are very important in the dynamics of aquatic ecosystems as hey constitute one of the pillars of the food chain and have a variable range of tolerance to environmental conditions. For two hydrological periods September and December the collection of individuals in 9 stations along the river basin development Alvarado, considering impacted sections and not impacted by urbanization and agriculture: In order to evaluate the composition and community structure of caddisflies and their aspects concerning ecology and taxonomy of this group for the spatial and temporal distribution of their communities in the basin. The collection of individuals was done with the Surber network. The characteristics of the sampling points are described in a note sheet. In Situ were measured speed, ambient and water temperature pH and dissolved oxygen; as well, water samples for physicochemical analysis were taken and sent to the laboratory. 1234 individuals, corresponding to 8 families and 17 genera were collected. The family Hydropsychidae registered the highest abundance (60.6%), whereas Glossosomatidae (1.1%) and Hydrobiosidae (0.1%) were the lowest in abundance. The most abundant genres were Smicridea (51.5%), Hydroptila (11.3%), and Leptonema (9.1%). Leptonema and Smicridea had a wide range of distribution, they were found in the 9 locations from 351to1057 m, while genres Atopsyche (1057 m), Protoptila (574 m) and Zumatrichia (977 m) had a restricted altitudinal range. As regards temporality present in greater abundance in September (60.1%), being the most dominant Hydropsychidae both sampling periods family. the gravel substrate showed higher percentage of agencies (37.7%), while the lower sand substrate (12%). The location with the greatest diversity was broken Chumba (1.82 H ') and the least diverse was the river Alvarado Chucuni (0.57 H'). Most Margalef richness was recorded in Cocare gorge (D '= 2.41) and the lowest in the river Alvarado Chucuni (D' = 0.72). Analysis of similarity (Jaccard) defines the group with the highest similarity to the gorge formed by Chucuni and Cocare (70%), on the other hand Chembe broken exhibits the highest degree of dissimilarity with 35%. analysis of the physicochemical parameters shows that less abundant genera are influenced by these variables while the most dominant and most abundant genera are not influenced by these factors. The canonical correspondence analysis allowed us to visualize the relationship between some genera of caddisflies with the sampling stations and the physicochemical variables evaluated in the Alvarado river basin. It is observed that the stations and Bridge Rio Alvarado Chucuni Protoptila genre associated with the phosphate and COD variables; Mortoniella and Hydroptila genres are close to stations Rio Viejo Caldas Alvarado and Quebrada La Caima and are influenced by variables dissolved oxygen, average speed, alkalinity and pH.INTRODUCCION 17 1 OBJETIVOS 19 1.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 19 1.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS19 2 MARCO REFERENCIAL 20 2.1 ANTECEDENTES 20 2.2 MARCO TE?RICO 27 2.2.1 Ecosistema Acu?tico 27 2.2.2 Orden Trichoptera 27 3 METODOLOG?A 32 3.1 METODOS DE CAMPO 32 3.1.1 ?rea de estudio 32 3.1.2 Estaciones de muestreo 33 3.1.3 Colecta de material biol?gico 33 3.1.4 Par?metros fisicoqu?micos y bacteriol?gicos 34 3.2 METODOS DE LABORATORIO 34 3.2.1 Determinaci?n del material Biol?gico 34 3.2.2 An?lisis fisicoqu?micos 35 3.3 ANALISIS DE INFORMACION 35 3.3.1 Abundancia relativa 35 3.3.2 ?ndices ecol?gicos 36 3.3.3 An?lisis estad?stico de variables fisicoqu?micas 37 4 RESULTADOS 39 4.1 Par?metros Biol?gicos 39 4.2 Distribuci?n Espacial 39 4.3 Distribuci?n Altitudinal 43 4.4 Distribuci?n Temporal 44 4.5 Abundancia por Sustratos 48 4.6 ?ndices ecol?gicos 51 4.7 Variables fisicoqu?micas 57 4.8 An?lisis de Varianza 66 4.9 An?lisis Multivariado. 67 4.9.1 An?lisis de Componentes Principales 67 4.9.2 An?lisis de Correspondencia can?nica 70 5 DISCUSI?N 73 5.1 Par?metros Biol?gicos 73 5.2 Abundancia del Orden 74 5.3 Distribuci?n Espacial 76 5.4 Distribuci?n altitudinal 78 5.5 Distribuci?n Temporal 80 5.6 Abundancia por Sustratos 82 5.7 ?ndices Ecol?gicos 83 5.8 Variables fisicoqu?micas 88 6 CONCLUSIONES 92 7 RECOMENDACIONES 94 BIBLIOGRAFIA 95 ANEXOS 10

    The main dilemmas of taekwondo training of students with disabilities: analysis of the opinion of professional coaches

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    Inserted in the sporting context, people with disabilities are also part of martial arts and combat sports. In this study was addressed a specific sport, taekwondo for people with disabilities, also known as para-taekwondo, recently inserted in the Summer Paralympic Games program. The purpose of this study was knowledge of the professional qualification of coaches on taekwondo training of people with disabilities, as well as the knowledge related to this practice and how they perceive the student with disabilities in the sporting context. The participants chosen were physical education professionals (n = 17) who also act as taekwondo coaches in gyms or clubs in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The coaches participated in a semi-structured interview and the data were analysed using qualitative content analysis method. The findings demonstrate that the study sample does not seem to be adequately prepared to teach students with disabilities in their taekwondo classes. Both level of knowledge about para-taekwondo and knowledge about disability specificities were shown below desirable level of preparation, even though more than half of the interviewed coaches have had or have students with disabilities in taekwondo classes. The coaches do not seem to be adequately prepared to receive students with disabilities in their taekwondo classes. The results indicated that is fundamental, for the quality of the taekwondo classes toward students with disabilities, a good professional training for coaches who teach classes to this population, in order to avoid compromising their learnin12159166COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESnão te


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    O estudo tem como objetivo analisar os fatores relacionados com a exclusão do aluno com deficiência nas aulas de educação física. O estudo contou com a participação de três estudantes (entre 12 e 21 anos) com deficiência visual ou física. Foram utilizados a entrevista semi-estruturada e anotações de campo como instrumentos de medida. As entrevistas seguiram roteiro pré-estruturado com questões relativas à percepção subjetiva de exclusão para o aluno com deficiência. Para estes, a exclusão está associada com a falta de adaptação nas aulas, isolamento social e sentimento de inferioridade. Estes três fatores se apresentam de forma associada e conjunta.  The study aims to analyze the factors related to the exclusion of disabled students in physical education classes. The study involved the participation of three students (between 12 and 21 years) with visual or physical disabilities. We used a semi-structured interview and field records as measuring instruments. The interviews followed a structured schedule with issues related to the subjective perception of exclusion for students with disabilities. For these, the exclusion is associated with a lack of adaptation classes, social isolation and feelings of inferiority. These three factors are presented in association and joint.    El estudio tiene como objetivo analizar los factores relacionados con la exclusión de estudiantes con discapacidad en las clases de educación física. Contó con la participación de tres estudiantes (entre 12 y 21 años) con discapacidades visuales o físicas. Se utilizó una entrevista semi-estructurada y registros de campo como instrumentos de medida. Las entrevistas siguieron un programa estructurado de cuestiones relacionadas con la percepción subjetiva de la exclusión de los estudiantes con discapacidades. Para éstos, la exclusión se asocia con la falta de clases de adaptación, el aislamiento social y sentimientos de inferioridad. Estos tres factores se presentan en la asociación y articulación.

    Loot box gambling addiction risk versus responsible computing: a systematic review

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    There are many ways to monetize video games: from the simple direct purchase to the system of “games as a service”. There are, however, forms of monetization that show strong indications of being detrimental to consumers, such as the so-called “loot boxes” that are offered during gameplay. No study so far has categorically proven whether or not loot boxes cause a dependency or lead to gambling addiction, therefore this study seeks to perform a systematic literature review to determine which studies and experiments were performed, in order to: 1) determine the harmful effects of loot box consumption; 2) compare the results found in these studies; 3) identify gaps in the methodology applied to suggest further research that might lead to stronger conclusions and 4) check if there are studies in the field of responsible computing of articles that aim to minimize the harmful effects of loot box in humans. These studies could be useful in, for example, supporting the drafting of regulatory legislation for the use of microtransactions in video games, and consumer protection and the need to research computational algorithms to try to reduce potential addictive effects generated by loot boxes, which is part of responsible computing. In this study, although this systematic review shows that these studies still do not prove that loot boxes lead to gambling addiction, they do show that there is a correlation between them and there is still a need for more studies in the field of computing area dedicated to the research of algorithms that seek to minimize the potentially harmful effects of loot box in humans

    A percepção dos alunos com deficiência sobre a sua inclusão nas aulas de Educação Física escolar: um estudo de caso

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    O estudo tem como objetivo investigar a inclusão a partir da perspectiva do aluno com deficiência dentro do contexto das aulas de educação física escolar. Participaram do estudo três estudantes entre 12 e 21 anos com deficiência física ou visual do sexo feminino. Foram aplicadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com roteiro pré-definido e anotações de campo como instrumentos de medida. A inclusão no contexto das aulas de educação física esteve vinculada a três fatores: adaptação, participação social e capacidade. Estes fatores agiram de forma dependente e complementar para a construção de um senso de pertencimento, aceitação e valor dentro do grupo.The study aims to investigate the inclusion from the perspective of disabled students within the context of physical education classes. Participants were three female students between 12 and 21 years with physical disabilities or visual. The study used semi-structured interviews with pre-defined schedule and field records as measuring instruments. Inclusion in the context of physical education classes is linked to three key factors: adaptation, social participation and capacity. These factors act dependent and complementary to building a sense of belonging, acceptance and value within the group


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    Introduction: growth as a significant indicator of child health has been widely studied. However, the number of studies regarding this indicator in children and adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) in Brazil is still limited. Objective: the purpose of this study is to analyse the somatic growth of Brazilian children and adolescents with DS. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study. The sample was comprised of 68 children, 37 boys and 31 girls with DS, from nine to eleven years old. The anthropometric measurements taken were : body weight, height and skinfold thickness. Children with mosaicism and severe heart disease were excluded. For statistical analysis, the value of p<0.05 was adopted. Results: increases in body mass, height and body mass index (BMI) were identified, according to increasing age for both genders. Regarding height, boys had higher values than did girls. However, at age of eleven , there was a slight inversion of the data because the average stature in girls was higher. Regarding body mass, there was a significant difference for boys at nine and eleven years old. Conclusion: boys are taller than girls, with a slight inversion at the age of eleven years old. Further, it was verified that children with normal growth have behaviour similar to children with DS. Significant differences were observed in both genders in relation to BMI and body mass. However, there was no difference in relation to Tricipital and Subscapular skinfolds, as well as to BMI measurements