7 research outputs found

    Implementación del expediente electrónico, en el procedimiento de reclamos EPSEL S.A. Chiclayo

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    La presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo dar a conocer para su futura implementación, un novedoso criterio tecnológico, para el procesamiento de los expedientes electrónicos y la debida tramitación de los reclamos en la Entidad Prestadora de Servicios de Saneamiento de Lambayeque. De esta manera poder optimizar el servicio del tratamiento documentario, obteniendo rapidez, eficacia y respetando el debido proceso de los usuarios del servicio de alcantarillado y agua potableTesisCiencias jurídica

    Planeamiento estratégico para la industria peruana de carrocerías metálicas

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    Las economías en desarrollo deben mantener un constante dinamismo dentro de sus sectores productivos, de servicios y de manufactura, para convertirse en motores que impulsen las actividades económicas y respalden a las futuras generaciones, por lo que la promoción de estos sectores se convierte en objetivo fundamental de los países que pretenden salir de situaciones económicas deficitarias. En los últimos períodos, el sector manufactura peruano ha presentado un retroceso, lo cual ha generado índices productivos muy por debajo de lo esperado; asimismo, los niveles actuales de competitividad de tal sector reflejan la existencia de un escaso compromiso por parte de las empresas que lo conforman para salir de tal situación. Estos acontecimientos impactan también en el sub-sector metal mecánico y en la industria de carrocerías metálicas, por lo que mejorar los lineamientos para afrontar tal coyuntura se convierte en una necesidad prioritaria nacional. Así como muchos sectores industriales, la industria de carrocerías metálicas requiere de proyectos específicos y planes estratégicos ad hoc que se ajusten a todo aquello que el segmento requiere para mejorar sus niveles de rendimiento; por ello, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo formular el planeamiento estratégico del sector industrial de carrocerías metálicas, en un contexto en el cual se priorice la fabricación, producción y comercialización de productos terminados, tanto en el mercado interno a través de la creación de demanda y utilización, como en el mercado externo mediante la identificación de la demanda internacional, impactando a la vez los sistemas de gestión y sirviendo de referencia para los demás participantes dentro del sector manufacturero a nivel nacional. A través del aumento de las ventas y facturación, la medición de indicadores de rentabilidad como el ROA, y el incremento de la productividad administrando de manera eficiente el recurso humano, se busca mejorar el desempeño actual de los segmentos industrial y de manufactura, los cuales son de vital importancia y necesarios para el desarrollo económico del país.Developing economies must maintain a constant dynamism within their productive, services and manufacturing sectors, to become engines that drive economic activities and support future generations, so the promotion of these sectors becomes a fundamental objective of the countries that intend to come out of deficit economic situations. In recent periods, the Peruvian manufacturing sector has experienced a setback, which has generated productive indices well below expectations; likewise, the current levels of competitiveness of this sector reflect the existence of a low commitment on the part of the companies that comprise it to get out of this situation. These events also impact the metal-mechanic subsector and the metal body industry, so improving the guidelines to face such a situation becomes a national priority need. As well as many industrial sectors, the metal body industry requires specific projects and ad hoc strategic plans that adjust to everything that the segment requires to improve its performance levels; For this reason, the present work aims to formulate the strategic planning of the metal body industrial sector, in a context in which the manufacturing, production and marketing of finished products is prioritized, both in the domestic market through the creation of demand and utilization, as in the external market by identifying international demand, while impacting management systems and serving as a reference for other participants within the manufacturing sector nationwide. Through the increase of sales and billing, the measurement of profitability indicators such as ROA, and the increase in productivity by efficiently managing human resources, we seek to improve the current performance of the industrial and manufacturing segments, which are of vital importance and necessary for the economic development of the country.Tesi

    Análisis del nivel de riesgos sísmicos en asientos mineros del Sur del Perú

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    TesisEl diseño, ubicación y seguridad de las grandes infraestructuras y obras de ingeniería de los Asientos Mineros, requiere el conocimiento básico de los fenómenos naturales, tales como los terremotos, reactivación de fallas y fenómenos tectónicos, por lo tanto la evaluación del Riesgo y Peligro Sísmico asociado a la ocurrencia de estos eventos sísmicos y tectónicos son de gran importancia. La Región sur del Perú presenta un nivel alto de actividad sísmica con presencia de eventos catastróficos generados principalmente por dos factores: el proceso de subducción y la presencia de fallas en la zona de estudio (*). Los objetivos principales del presente estudio son determinar los niveles de sismicidad, períodos de retorno y valores de aceleración que se presenta en los lugares donde se encuentran ubicados los principales Asientos Mineros como; Cerro Verde, Cuajone, Quellaveco y Toquepala. Para el Estudio del Peligro sísmico se ha evaluado y efectuado un análisis detallado del Catálogo Sísmico utilizado, lo que ha permitido obtener resultados óptimos y coherentes. Se ha determinado que existe una actividad superficial relacionada con la activación de fallas en la zona sur del Perú, determinándose que los sismos que se producen en la parte superficial de la corteza, generan sismos hasta de una magnitud de Mw=8.2, la ocurrencia de este tipo de sismos es muy heterogénea y de características destructivas a diferencia de los sismos intermedios. El período de retorno para un sismo superficial de una magnitud Mw=8, es de 38 años y la generación de sismos intermedios tienen un comportamiento casi homogéneo, siendo la máxima magnitud alcanzada de Mw=7, estos son menos destructivos en relación a los sismos superficiales. El período de retorno para un sismo intermedio con una magnitud máxima de Mw=7 es de 35 años. Las minas, son afectadas por tres fuentes sísmicas principales; Una fuente superficial principal ubicado en la Plataforma Continental y el margen costero. La segunda fuente intermedia, ubicada al sur del Perú y la tercera fuente por la presencia de fallas en los lugares donde están ubicadas las minas. El valor de la aceleración generada por los sismos superficiales es de 0.26 g, afectando en primer lugar a la Mina de Cerro Verde, para un período medio de retorno de 50 años y para sismos intermedios es de 0.34 g, afectando en primer lugar a la Mina de Toquepala, para un período medio de retorno de 50 años. El valor de la aceleración generada por activación o reactivación de una Falla en el mismo lugar de la Mina es de 0.5 g

    Hydrologic Analysis of an Intensively Irrigated Area in Southern Peru Using a Crop-Field Scale Framework

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    Majes is one of the largest agricultural areas in the Arequipa region (southern Peru). Low seasonal precipitation and increasing water demands for agricultural irrigation, industry, and human consumption have made water supply projections a major concern. Agricultural development is becoming more extensive in this dry, sunny climate where crops can be grown year-round. However, because this type of project usually involves significant perturbations to the regional water cycle, understanding the effects of irrigation on local hydrology is crucial. Based on the watershed-scale Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), this investigation focuses on the impacts of intensive irrigation on hydrological responses in the Majes region. This study is unique because we allow for crop-field scale input within our regional-scale model to provide information at this smaller scale, which is important to inform local stakeholders and decision makers. Each hydrologic response unit (HRU) was generated to represent an individual crop field, so that management practices could be applied according to real-world scenarios. The management file of each HRU was modified to include different operation schedules for crop rotation, irrigation, harvest, and tillage. The model was calibrated and validated against monthly observed stream discharge during the 2009–2020 period. Additionally, evapotranspiration, irrigation water volume, and daily stream discharge downstream of the local river (Siguas) were used to verify the model performance. A total of 49 sub-basins and 4222 HRUs were created, with 3000 HRUs designated to represent individual crop fields. The simulation results revealed that infiltration from agricultural activities in Majes represents the majority of annual groundwater return flow, which makes a substantial contribution to streamflow downstream of the Siguas River. Simulations also suggested that groundwater flow processes and the interactions between surface and groundwater have a major impact on the water balance of the study area. Additionally, climate variability had a higher impact on surface runoff than on groundwater return flow, illustrating that the groundwater component in the study area is important for future water resources resiliency under expected climate change scenarios. Finally, there is a need to perform a follow-up implementation to provide a guideline for decision-makers to assess future sustainable water resources management under varying climatic conditions for this arid irrigated system

    Hydrologic Analysis of an Intensively Irrigated Area in Southern Peru Using a Crop-Field Scale Framework

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    Majes is one of the largest agricultural areas in the Arequipa region (southern Peru). Low seasonal precipitation and increasing water demands for agricultural irrigation, industry, and human consumption have made water supply projections a major concern. Agricultural development is becoming more extensive in this dry, sunny climate where crops can be grown year-round. However, because this type of project usually involves significant perturbations to the regional water cycle, understanding the effects of irrigation on local hydrology is crucial. Based on the watershed-scale Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), this investigation focuses on the impacts of intensive irrigation on hydrological responses in the Majes region. This study is unique because we allow for crop-field scale input within our regional-scale model to provide information at this smaller scale, which is important to inform local stakeholders and decision makers. Each hydrologic response unit (HRU) was generated to represent an individual crop field, so that management practices could be applied according to real-world scenarios. The management file of each HRU was modified to include different operation schedules for crop rotation, irrigation, harvest, and tillage. The model was calibrated and validated against monthly observed stream discharge during the 2009–2020 period. Additionally, evapotranspiration, irrigation water volume, and daily stream discharge downstream of the local river (Siguas) were used to verify the model performance. A total of 49 sub-basins and 4222 HRUs were created, with 3000 HRUs designated to represent individual crop fields. The simulation results revealed that infiltration from agricultural activities in Majes represents the majority of annual groundwater return flow, which makes a substantial contribution to streamflow downstream of the Siguas River. Simulations also suggested that groundwater flow processes and the interactions between surface and groundwater have a major impact on the water balance of the study area. Additionally, climate variability had a higher impact on surface runoff than on groundwater return flow, illustrating that the groundwater component in the study area is important for future water resources resiliency under expected climate change scenarios. Finally, there is a need to perform a follow-up implementation to provide a guideline for decision-makers to assess future sustainable water resources management under varying climatic conditions for this arid irrigated system

    The Impact of Agricultural Irrigation on Landslide Triggering: A Review from Chinese, English, and Spanish Literature

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    Landslides are considered a natural process, with hundreds of events occurring every year in many regions of the world. However, human activities can significantly affect how stable a slope or cliff is, increasing the chances of slope collapses. Moreover, agricultural irrigation has potential to saturate subsurface materials well below ground level and is known to be an important factor that can trigger landslides in many countries. A macroregional literature review of irrigation-induced landslides was developed in this investigation, considering what has been published in Chinese, English, and Spanish. A total of 115 peer-reviewed papers, books and book chapters, graduate and undergraduate theses, and government reports were found, including 82 case studies (23 in Chinese, 26 in English, and 33 in Spanish). Results from this analysis indicate that studies focusing on this important topic have increased exponentially since the 1960s, with most irrigation-induced landslides occurring in dry climates (precipitation less than 600 mm/year), with rainfall concentrated during summer months. The majority of studies have been done in the loess region of China (Asian region), followed by Peru (Latin American region), though cases were found from other macroregions (African, Indian, Russian, Angloamerican, and Indonesian). Based on this global review, new agricultural irrigation projects located in collapsible areas must include a landslide risk analysis. Cultivated areas can follow a series of measures to minimize the chances of triggering a landslide, which would put human lives, ecosystems, food production, and infrastructure at risk