4,837 research outputs found

    Dirac equation in the confining SU(3)-Yang-Mills field and the relativistic effects in quarkonia spectra

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    The recently obtained solutions of Dirac equation in the confining SU(3)-Yang-Mills field in Minkowski spacetime are applied to describe the energy spectra of quarkonia (charmonium and bottomonium). The nonrelativistic limit is considered for the relativistic effects to be estimated in a self-consistent way and it is shown that the given effects are extremely important for both the energy spectra and the confinement mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Hadronic Equation of State and Speed of Sound in Thermal and Dense Medium

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    The equation of state p(ϵ)p(\epsilon) and speed of sound squared cs2c_s^2 are studied in grand canonical ensemble of all hadron resonances having masses ≤2 \leq 2\,GeV. This large ensemble is divided into strange and non-strange hadron resonances and furthermore to pionic, bosonic and femionic sectors. It is found that the pions represent the main contributors to cs2c_s^2 and other thermodynamic quantities including the equation of state p(ϵ)p(\epsilon) at low temperatures. At high temperatures, the main contributions are added in by the massive hadron resonances. The speed of sound squared can be calculated from the derivative of pressure with respect to the energy density, ∂p/∂ϵ\partial p/\partial \epsilon, or from the entropy-specific heat ratio, s/cvs/c_v. It is concluded that the physics of these two expressions is not necessarily identical. They are distinguishable below and above the critical temperature TcT_c. This behavior is observed at vanishing and finite chemical potential. At high temperatures, both expressions get very close to each other and both of them approach the asymptotic value, 1/31/3. In the HRG results, which are only valid below TcT_c, the difference decreases with increasing the temperature and almost vanishes near TcT_c. It is concluded that the HRG model can very well reproduce the results of the lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) of ∂p/∂ϵ\partial p/\partial \epsilon and s/cvs/c_v, especially at finite chemical potential. In light of this, energy fluctuations and other collective phenomena associated with the specific heat might be present in the HRG model. At fixed temperatures, it is found that cs2c_s^2 is not sensitive to the chemical potential.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures with 13 eps graph

    Unstable particle's wave-function renormalization prescription

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    We strictly define two set Wave-function Renormalization Constants (WRC) under the LSZ reduction formula for unstable particles at the first time. Then by introducing antiparticle's WRC and the CPT conservation law we obtain a new wave-function renormalization condition which can be used to totally determine the two set WRC. We calculate two physical processes to manifest the consistence of the present wave-function renormalization prescription with the gauge theory in standard model. We also prove that the conventional wave-function renormalization prescription which discards the imaginary part of unstable particle's WRC leads to physical amplitude gauge dependent.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    New Recursion Relations and a Flat Space Limit for AdS/CFT Correlators

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    We consider correlation functions of the stress-tensor or a conserved current in AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d computed using the Hilbert or the Yang-Mills action in the bulk. We introduce new recursion relations to compute these correlators at tree level. These relations have an advantage over the BCFW-like relations described in arXiv:1102.4724 and arXiv:1011.0780 because they can be used in all dimensions including d=3. We also introduce a new method of extracting flat-space S-matrix elements from AdS/CFT correlators in momentum space. We show that the (d+1)-dimensional flat-space amplitude of gravitons or gluons can be obtained as the coefficient of a particular singularity of the d-dimensional correlator of the stress-tensor or a conserved current; this technique is valid even at loop-level in the bulk. Finally, we show that our recursion relations automatically generate correlators that are consistent with this observation: they have the expected singularity and the flat-space gluon or graviton amplitude appears as its coefficient.Comment: 22+6 pages (v2) typos fixe

    Spin constraints on Regge predictions and perturbative evolution in high energy collisions

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    Two key issues in the application of perturbative QCD and Regge predictions to high energy processes are whether the hard and soft pomerons should be considered as two separate distinct exchanges and whether the Regge intercepts are Q^2 independent or not. Models involving a distinct hard pomeron exchange predict much larger values for the LHC total cross-section. Here we argue that there is a polarized analogue of this issue in the isovector part of the spin structure function g_1 and that the spin data appear to favour a distinct hard exchange.Comment: 8 page

    Nuclear G-Matrix Elements from Nonlocal Potentials

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    We study effects of nonlocality in the nuclear force on the G-matrix elements for finite nuclei. Nuclear G-matrix elements for \O16 are calculated in the harmonic oscillator basis from a nonlocal potential which models quark exchange effects between two nucleons. We employ a simple form of potential that gives the same phase shifts as a realistic local nucleon potential. The G-matrix elements calculated from the nonlocal potential show moderate increase in repulsion from those derived from the local potential.Comment: 11 page, LaTeX, 2 PS figures, uses epsf.st

    Constructing Gravity Amplitudes from Real Soft and Collinear Factorisation

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    Soft and collinear factorisations can be used to construct expressions for amplitudes in theories of gravity. We generalise the "half-soft" functions used previously to "soft-lifting" functions and use these to generate tree and one-loop amplitudes. In particular we construct expressions for MHV tree amplitudes and the rational terms in one-loop amplitudes in the specific context of N=4 supergravity. To completely determine the rational terms collinear factorisation must also be used. The rational terms for N=4 have a remarkable diagrammatic interpretation as arising from algebraic link diagrams.Comment: 18 pages, axodraw, Proof of eq. 4.3 adde

    Exploring the S-Matrix of Massless Particles

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    We use the recently proposed generalised on-shell representation for scattering amplitudes and a consistency test to explore the space of tree-level consistent couplings in four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. The extension of the constructible notion implied by the generalised on-shell representation, i.e. the possibility to reconstruct at tree level all the scattering amplitudes from the three-particle ones, together with the imposition of the consistency conditions at four-particle level, allow to rediscover all the known theories and their algebra structure, if any. Interestingly, this analysis seems to leave room for high-spin couplings, provided that at least the requirement of locality is weakened. We do not claim to have found tree-level consistent high-spin theories, but rather that our methods show signatures of them and very likely, with a suitable modification, they can be a good framework to perform a systematic search.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figur

    Trident pair production in strong laser pulses

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    We calculate the trident pair production amplitude in a strong laser background. We allow for finite pulse duration, while still treating the laser fields nonperturbatively in strong-field QED. Our approach reveals explicitly the individual contributions of the one-step and two-step processes. We also expose the role gauge invariance plays in the amplitudes and discuss the relation between our results and the optical theorem.Comment: 4 pages, 1 .eps figure. Version 2: reference added, published versio

    Unified Chew-Mandelstam SAID analysis of pion photoproduction data

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    A unified description of single-pion photoproduction data, together with pion- and eta-hadroproduction data, has been achieved in a Chew-Mandelstam parametrization which is consistent with unitarity at the two-body level. Energy-dependent and single-energy partial wave analyses of pion photoproduction data have been performed and compared to previous SAID fits and multipoles from the Mainz and Bonn-Gatchina groups.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, and 2 table
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