14 research outputs found

    Linear Index Coding via Semidefinite Programming

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    In the index coding problem, introduced by Birk and Kol (INFOCOM, 1998), the goal is to broadcast an n bit word to n receivers (one bit per receiver), where the receivers have side information represented by a graph G. The objective is to minimize the length of a codeword sent to all receivers which allows each receiver to learn its bit. For linear index coding, the minimum possible length is known to be equal to a graph parameter called minrank (Bar-Yossef et al., FOCS, 2006). We show a polynomial time algorithm that, given an n vertex graph G with minrank k, finds a linear index code for G of length O~(nf(k))\widetilde{O}(n^{f(k)}), where f(k) depends only on k. For example, for k=3 we obtain f(3) ~ 0.2574. Our algorithm employs a semidefinite program (SDP) introduced by Karger, Motwani and Sudan (J. ACM, 1998) for graph coloring and its refined analysis due to Arora, Chlamtac and Charikar (STOC, 2006). Since the SDP we use is not a relaxation of the minimization problem we consider, a crucial component of our analysis is an upper bound on the objective value of the SDP in terms of the minrank. At the heart of our analysis lies a combinatorial result which may be of independent interest. Namely, we show an exact expression for the maximum possible value of the Lovasz theta-function of a graph with minrank k. This yields a tight gap between two classical upper bounds on the Shannon capacity of a graph.Comment: 24 page

    Detecting High Log-Densities -- an O(n^1/4) Approximation for Densest k-Subgraph

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    In the Densest k-Subgraph problem, given a graph G and a parameter k, one needs to find a subgraph of G induced on k vertices that contains the largest number of edges. There is a significant gap between the best known upper and lower bounds for this problem. It is NP-hard, and does not have a PTAS unless NP has subexponential time algorithms. On the other hand, the current best known algorithm of Feige, Kortsarz and Peleg, gives an approximation ratio of n^(1/3-epsilon) for some specific epsilon > 0 (estimated at around 1/60). We present an algorithm that for every epsilon > 0 approximates the Densest k-Subgraph problem within a ratio of n^(1/4+epsilon) in time n^O(1/epsilon). In particular, our algorithm achieves an approximation ratio of O(n^1/4) in time n^O(log n). Our algorithm is inspired by studying an average-case version of the problem where the goal is to distinguish random graphs from graphs with planted dense subgraphs. The approximation ratio we achieve for the general case matches the distinguishing ratio we obtain for this planted problem. At a high level, our algorithms involve cleverly counting appropriately defined trees of constant size in G, and using these counts to identify the vertices of the dense subgraph. Our algorithm is based on the following principle. We say that a graph G(V,E) has log-density alpha if its average degree is Theta(|V|^alpha). The algorithmic core of our result is a family of algorithms that output k-subgraphs of nontrivial density whenever the log-density of the densest k-subgraph is larger than the log-density of the host graph.Comment: 23 page

    Improved Approximation of the Minimum Cover Time

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    Feige and Rabinovich, in [FR], gave a deterministic O(log 4 n) approximation for the time it takes a random walk to cover a given graph starting at a given vertex. This approximation algorithm was shown to work for arbitrary reversible Markov Chains. We build on the results of [FR], and show that the original algorithm gives a O(log 2 n) approximation as it is, and that it can be modified to give a O ( log n(log log n) 2) approximation. Moreover, we show that given any c(n)approximation algorithm for the maximum cover time (maximized over all initial vertices) of a reversible Markov chain, we can give a corresponding algorithm for the general cover time (of a random walk or reversible Markov chain) with approximation ratio O(c(n) · log n).

    How to play unique games using embeddings

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    In this paper we present a new approximation algorithm for Unique Games. For a Unique Game with n vertices and k states (labels), if a (1 − ε) fraction of all constraints is satisfiable, the algorithm finds an assignment satisfying a 1 − O(ε √ log n log k) fraction of all constraints. To this end, we introduce new embedding techniques for rounding semidefinite relaxations of problems with large domain size.