50 research outputs found

    Relationship between Exclusive Breastfeeding and Nutritional Status of Infants Aged 12 months

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    Background: Exclusive breastfeeding has a high nutrient content to fulfill the nutritional needs of infants aged 0−6 months. The aim of this study was to describe thenutritional status of infants aged 12 months and to determine the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding and nutritional status of infants aged 12 months in Pos Pelayanan Terpadu (Posyandu) Cipacing Village Jatinangor.Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out to 102 mothers with infants aged 12 months in Posyandu Cipacing Village from September to October 2013. The infants’ body weight were weighed with weight scales which had been calibrated and the body length were measured with the Seca 210 baby length measuring mat, then the mother was interviewed with a questionnaire which had been validated to inquire about the exclusive breastfeeding history. The Fisher exact test was used to assess relationship between both variables.Results: There were 81.3% of infants with good nutritional status and 83.3% of infants who did not get exclusive breastfeeding. The analysis test showed that the p-value of relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and nutritional status was 0.458 with odds ratio 3.343.Conclusions: Most of the infants are in good nutritional status although they do not get exclusive breastfeeding. Consequently, there is not a significant relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and nutritional status. [AMJ.2015;2(4):534–40] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n4.63

    Score of Fine Motor Skill in Children with Down Syndrome using Nintendo Wii

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    Background: Down syndrome occurs due to an extra chromosome 21, known as Trisomy 21. In addition to delayed cognitive and speech development, children with Down syndrome may also experience delayed gross and fine motor development. Virtual Reality Therapy, such as Nintendo Wii is a computer-based technology that allows users to interact with a virtual three-dimensional scenario and the most innovative physical rehabilitation method. High scores indicate that the player has a good motor skill. This study aimed to examine the difference between the score of fine motor skill in children with and without Down syndrome.Methods: An analytic cross-sectional study was conducted from August to November 2015 to 40 children aged between 9–12 years old who came from public primary schools and special needs schools in Bandung, West Java. They were divided into 2 groups using random gender and age pairing; one group was children with Down syndrome and another other group was normal children. The children’ scores of Nintendo Wii game were collected three times. The collected data were statistically analyzed by Chi-Square test.Results: The proportion of children with low-grade fine motor skill in Down syndrome group was larger than those with high-grade fine motor skill. In the other hand, in normal children group, the proportion was reversed compared to Down syndrome group. There was a significant difference in score of fine motor skill between children with Down syndrome and normal children (p=0.000).Conclusions: The fine motor skill of children with Down syndrome is poorer than normal children’s. [AMJ.2016;3(3):371–5] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v3n3.882

    Peer Pressure and Smoking Behavior in Elementary School Students

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    Background:Adolescence is an important period in which many individuals are vulnerable to onset and progression of smoking. Peers are strongly associated with adolescent smoking initiation. This study is conducted to determine whether there is a relationship between peer pressure and smoking behavior in male elementary school students.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in October 2014. Respondents were male students from grade four and five from state elementary schools (SDN) in Jatinangor district who voluntarily followed the research procedure. The sampling method used in this study was two-stage cluster sampling. A validated questionnaire was provided after getting informed consent from the respondents. The data analysis was performed using chi-square test.Results: As much as 110 male subjects were included in the study. Data showed that 57 students (51.8%) which were more than half of the number of students ever smoked and 53 students never smoked. Out of 110 students, 69 students (62.7 %) experienced peer pressure and 41 students (37.3%) never experienced peer pressure. The result of chi-square test from the study showed that the p-value is 0.000.Conclusions: There is a relationship between peer pressure and smoking behavior in male elementary school students in Jatinangor district. [AMJ.2017;4(1):1–5]DOI: 10.15850/amj.v4n1.101

    Association between Exclusive Breastfeeding and Child Development

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    Background: Child development highly correlates with child’s quality. The fastest child development period is during the first three years, also called golden period. This research was aimed to discover correlation between exclussive breastfeeding and child development in Cipacing Village Jatinangor, district of Sumedang.Methods: This research was conducted using cross-sectional method in thirteen Pos Pelayanan Terpadu (Posyandu) Cipacing Village in Jatinangor. One hundred and two children aged 12−24 months with their caregiver were recruited as respondents by using cluster sampling method. Hist ory of exclusive breastfeeding was assessed with questionnaire while child development status was assesed with Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP) in September 2013 after informed consent was obtained. Chi-square test analysis was performed to determine correlation between exclusive breastfeeding and child development status.Results: Overall, children in Cipacing Village had non-exclusive breastfeeding history (83.3%), and only 16.7% respondents had exclusive breastfeeding history. Meanwhile, 89.2% of children had normal development status, and 10.8% had delayed development status. Statistic analysis using chi-square test in the level of 95% confidence between exclusive breastfeeding and child development showed p=0.686 and odds ratio 2.133.Conclusions: There is no significant relationship between history of exclusive breastfeeding and child development status. [AMJ.2016;3(1):79–84] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v3n1.72

    Immunogenicity and safety of a trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine

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    Score of Fine Motor Skill in Children with Down Syndrome using Nintendo Wii

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    Background: Down syndrome occurs due to an extra chromosome 21, known as Trisomy 21. In addition to delayed cognitive and speech development, children with Down syndrome may also experience delayed gross and fine motor development. Virtual Reality Therapy, such as Nintendo Wii is a computer-based technology that allows users to interact with a virtual three-dimensional scenario and the most innovative physical rehabilitation method. High scores indicate that the player has a good motor skill. This study aimed to examine the difference between the score of fine motor skill in children with and without Down syndrome.Methods: An analytic cross-sectional study was conducted from August to November 2015 to 40 children aged between 9–12 years old who came from public primary schools and special needs schools in Bandung, West Java. They were divided into 2 groups using random gender and age pairing; one group was children with Down syndrome and another other group was normal children. The children’ scores of Nintendo Wii game were collected three times. The collected data were statistically analyzed by Chi-Square test.Results: The proportion of children with low-grade fine motor skill in Down syndrome group was larger than those with high-grade fine motor skill. In the other hand, in normal children group, the proportion was reversed compared to Down syndrome group. There was a significant difference in score of fine motor skill between children with Down syndrome and normal children (p=0.000).Conclusions: The fine motor skill of children with Down syndrome is poorer than normal children’s. [AMJ.2016;3(3):371–5] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v3n3.882

    Peer Pressure and Smoking Behavior in Elementary School Students

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    Background:Adolescence is an important period in which many individuals are vulnerable to onset and progression of smoking. Peers are strongly associated with adolescent smoking initiation. This study is conducted to determine whether there is a relationship between peer pressure and smoking behavior in male elementary school students.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in October 2014. Respondents were male students from grade four and five from state elementary schools (SDN) in Jatinangor district who voluntarily followed the research procedure. The sampling method used in this study was two-stage cluster sampling. A validated questionnaire was provided after getting informed consent from the respondents. The data analysis was performed using chi-square test.Results: As much as 110 male subjects were included in the study. Data showed that 57 students (51.8%) which were more than half of the number of students ever smoked and 53 students never smoked. Out of 110 students, 69 students (62.7 %) experienced peer pressure and 41 students (37.3%) never experienced peer pressure. The result of chi-square test from the study showed that the p-value is 0.000.Conclusions: There is a relationship between peer pressure and smoking behavior in male elementary school students in Jatinangor district. [AMJ.2017;4(1):1–5]DOI: 10.15850/amj.v4n1.101


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    Kematian perinatal berhubungan dengan peristiwa obstetri seperti lahir mati dan kematian neonatal dini. Kasus kematian bayi di Kabupaten Garut menduduki peringkat kedua tertinggi kematian bayi di Jawa Barat. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk menurunkan kasus kematian perinatal namun, belum memperlihatkan hasil maksimal. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis penyebab kematian perinatal yang dapat dicegah. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah Sequential Explanatory Mixed Method. Tahap pertama melakukan teknik  kuantitatif dengan studi dokumentasi terhadap dokumen Otopsi Verbal Perinatal (OVP) berjumlah 78 kasus. Uji statistik menggunakan fisher exact. Tahap kedua dengan teknik kualitatif dengan indepth interview pada empat orang keluarga bayi yang meninggal, dua orang petugas kesehatan dan dua orang penanggungjawab pencatatan dan pelaporan dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) pada satu orang kepala seksi kesehatan keluarga Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Garut dan empat orang bidan koordinator puskesmas. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Oktober sampai November 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan jarak kelahiran, penyakit penyerta, ketersediaan fasilitas dan rujukan dengan kematian perinatal yang dapat dicegah (p<0,05). Jarak kelahiran dan penyakit penyerta masih berkontribusi terhadap kematian perinatal yang dapat dicegah terkait dengan keterbatasan pengetahuan ibu dan juga deteksi dini baik tingkat keluarga maupun tenaga kesehatan, sedangkan ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan terkait dengan keterbatasan alat dan sumber daya manusia kesehatan. Sebagian besar kematian perinatal dapat dicegah. Perlu kerjasama semua elemen masyarakat maupun pemerintah dalam upaya menurunkan kematian perinatal yang dapat dicegah.

    Safety and immunogenicity of the DTP/HB /Hib combination vaccine: phase I study

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    Background The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended the introduction ofhepatitis B (HB) and Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib) vaccines into routine childhood vaccination programs. A new diptheria/tetanus/pertussis (DTP) /hepatitis B/Hib pentavalent combination vaccine has been developed. Objective To evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of a new combination DTP/HB/Hib liquid vaccin e in infants. Met hods An open-label, uncontrolled, prospective intervention phase I study was con ducted on 30 healthy infants aged 6- 11 weeks. Each subject received 3 doses of DTP/HB/Hib vaccine, formulated by Bio Fanna, 0.5 mL intramuscularly at the left anterolateral thigh region using a 25-gauge n eedle of 25 mm length . Subjects were followed for 1 month after administration of each vaccine dose to evaluate its safety, while serum anti-diphteria, tetanus, HB, Hib, and per tussis antibodies were measured prior to the l '' dose and 1 month after the Jtd dose. Results Among 30 vaccinated subjects, 18 infants had fever within 24 hours after the first vaccination. Most cases of fever were mild in intensity and resolved within 24 hours. No other systemic or local reactions, or serious adverse events were observed in our subjects during the study. The immunogenicity results after Jtd vaccine dose showed that the geometric mean titer of the antipolyribosylribitol phosphate (PRP) antibody levels increased significantly from 0.0041μ,g/mL to 4.3 7 μ,g/mL after vaccination, and most infants h ad a fourfo ld or greater rise in antibody levels over their pre-injection levels . All subjects who received DTP/ HB/Hib liquid vaccine had seropro tective antibodies against tetanus, diphtheria,a and hepatitis B, while 29/30 infants had seroprotective antibodies against pertussis. Conclusion This new diphtheria/tetanus/pertusis/hepatitis B/Hib combination vaccine has excellent safety profile and antibody responses in infants. These results encourage further clinical evaluation in phase II

    Safety and Preliminary Immunogenicity of Recombinant Hepatitis B (Bio Farma) Vaccine in Adults and Children: A Phase 1 Clinical Trial

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    Background: In order to fulfil the requirements of the national immunization program and sustain the production capacity of the monovalent Hepatitis B vaccine, this study aimed to assess the safety and immunogenicity of the recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine (Bio Farma) using the new Hepatitis B bulk. Methods: This study was an experimental, randomized, double-blinded, and controlled Phase I clinical trial, with 100 healthy subjects divided into 50 adults and 50 adolescents. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive either the Bio Farma registered Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine (group A) or a new source of Hepatitis B bulk (group B). Subjects received one or three doses of vaccine, depending on the baseline anti-Hbs titer. Subjects were given diary cards to record solicited and unsolicited adverse events for 28 days following vaccination. Vaccine immunogenicity was assessed by measuring the level of HBsAg antibody titer elevation.Results: No serious adverse events were reported during clinical trials. The frequencies of adverse events were not significantly different between the two vaccine-randomized groups. The most immediately observed local reaction was local pain, reported by 35.7–42.8% of adults and 24.0–26.3% of adolescents, without any systemic reactions. Seroconversion in adults in group B reached 100% and 78.5% in group A, meanwhile in adolescent subjects in both groups it reached 100%. A substantial increase in geometric mean titer (GMT) was observed in the majority of subjects after immunization.Conclusion: Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine with a new source of HBsAg B bulk is safe, well tolerated, and highly immunogenic