468 research outputs found

    Direct and noisy transitions in a model shear flow

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    The transition to turbulence in flows where the laminar profile is linearly stable requires perturbations of finite amplitude. "Optimal" perturbations are distinguished as extrema of certain functionals, and different functionals give different optima. We here discuss the phase space structure of a 2-d simplified model of the transition to turbulence and discuss optimal perturbations with respect to three criteria: energy of the initial condition, energy dissipation of the initial condition and amplitude of noise in a stochastic transition. We find that the states that trigger the transition are different in the three cases, but show the same scaling with Reynolds number

    Noise Correlations in Shear Flows

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    We consider the effects of a shear on velocity fluctuations in a flow. The shear gives rise to a transient amplification that not only influences the amplitude of perturbations but also their time correlations. We show that, in the presence of white noise, time correlations of transversal velocity components are exponential and that correlations of the longitudinal components are exponential with an algebraic prefactor. Cross correlations between transversal and downstream components are strongly asymmetric and provide a clear indication of non-normal amplification. We suggest experimental tests of our predictions.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, gzipped tar fil