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    Resumen: Se dise帽贸 y valid贸 una escala para obtener informaci贸n sobre las pr谩cticas paternas y los dominios espec铆ficos de interacci贸n para la alfabetizaci贸n sexual en hijos adolescentes. Se llevaron a cabo dos estudios, el primero para determinar el significado psicol贸gico de diferentes pr谩cticas paternas de socializaci贸n sexual y obtener una muestra de estos comportamientos espec铆ficos para la creaci贸n de 铆tems. Se utilizaron Redes Sem谩nticas Naturales Modificadas en una muestra de 200 universitarios. El segundo estudio determin贸 la confiabilidad y validez del instrumento (26 铆tems); se utiliz贸 un muestreo aleatorio (n=690 universitarios) y a trav茅s del An谩lisis Factorial Exploratorio de Componentes Principales se determinaron tres factores que explican el 47.89 % de la varianza total y un coeficiente de consistencia interna global de 0.937. Se concluye que la escala es un instrumento v谩lido para conocer las pr谩cticas paternas y dominios de interacci贸n desde donde los padres generan la alfabetizaci贸n sexual en sus hijos.Abstract: A scale was designed and validated to obtain information about the paternal practices and the specific domains of interaction for sexual alphabetization in teenage children. Two studies were developed, the first one to determine the psychological meaning of different paternal practices of sexual socialization and to obtain a sample of these specific behaviors (n=200 college students) to create items. Modified Natural Semantic Networks were used. The second study determined the reliability and validity of the instrument (26 items); a random sampling was used (n=690 college students) and through the Factorial Exploratory Analysis of Principal Components, three factors were determined that explain the 47.89 % of the total variance and a 0.937 of global internal consistency coefficient. It was concluded that the scale is a valid instrument to know the paternal practices and the domains of interaction from where fathers generate the sexual alphabetization in their adolescents