5 research outputs found

    Differential distribution pattern of native Ruditapes decussatus and introduced Ruditapes philippinarum clam populations in the Bay of Santander

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    The aim of the present study is to provide a first characterization of the grooved carpet shell clam Ruditapes decussatus (native) and the Manila clam Ruditapes phillippinarum (nonindigenous) populations in the Bay of Santander in order to improve the management of these commercially exploited resources. For this purpose a field survey was carried out in different fishing areas where samples were taken on transects, following artisanal shellfisher exploitation techniques. Biometric relationships, size frequency distributions, densities and stocks were evaluated for different fishing zones. In addition, a hydrodynamic model was applied in order to understand larval transport and recruitment patterns associated to the tidal currents and water flow. Within this context, the first evaluation of the clam populations in the Bay of Santander showed: (a) that fishing activity is performed on individuals under the minimum legal size (40 mm) and in closed areas, (b) a significant differences on density by zone (c) a distribution pattern with areas where both species coexist and areas where one of them dominates, (d) R. decussatus occurs at relatively low density in stations near the culture parks and (e) a limited recruitment in the inner parts of Cubas tidal fresh for R. phillippinarum and in the southern zones for R. decussatus. Based on this study, some managing guidelines are presented mainly focused on avoiding the overfishing of the native clam R. decussatus.The work described in this paper was partially supported by the Department of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries from the Regional Government of Cantabria, through the Regional Fisheries and Food Administration and by the VI National Plan (2008–2011) for Research in Science & Technological Innovation of the Spanish Government (Project CGL2009-10620)

    Restauración hidrodinámica del Molino de Mareas de Santa Olaja (Estuario de Joyel en Cantabria)

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    Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Comisión Europea en el marco del proyecto CONVIVE-LIFE (LIFE14 NAT/ES/001213)

    Estudio de los efectos sobre el medio litoral derivados de la implantación de saneamientos integrales en la costa cantábrica

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    RESUMEN: La presente tesis "estudio de los efectos sobre el medio litoral derivados de la implantación de saneamientos integrales en la costa Cantábrica" pretende evaluar la validez de los diseños ambientales de estos saneamientos integrales como instrumentos predictivos aplicables a la gestión de la calidad de los sistemas acuáticos litorales mediante la realización de estudios dirigidos a analizar la afección que originan los vertidos de aguas tratadas a través del emisario submarino sobre el estado de las aguas costeras, sobre la calidad de los fondos sedimentarios y sobre las comunidades bentónicas establecidas; así como, mediante el análisis de la evolución de la calidad de las masas de agua estuarinas afectadas por los vertidos de tormenta. Los resultados obtenidos han servido para proponer una serie de indicaciones para el diseño de los programas de control operativo planteados en la DMA, a aplicar en las masas de agua afectadas por este tipo de vertidos.ABSTRACT: This PhD thesis titled "Effects of coastal sanitations on Cantabrian littoral ecosystems (Bay of Biscay)" was carried out to evaluate the applicability of the environmental design of the sewer systems constructed in the north of Spain to the management of the aquatic ecosystems. This work has analysed the effects caused by the treated effluents discharged by the submarine outfall on the water and sediment quality and on the structure and composition of the hard-bottom benthic communities dwelling the outfall surroundings. On the other hand this study has analysed the recovery of the estuarine ecosystem (water, bacteriology, sediments and benthic organisms) directly affected in the past by the urban effluents and nowadays affected by storm discharges. Results obtained in both surveys have contributed to propose a guidance for the design of the Operative control of the water masses established in the EU Water Framework Directive in the north of Spain