2 research outputs found

    Analytical modeling and simulation of I-V characteristics in carbon nanotube based gas sensors using ANN and SVR methods

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    As one of the most interesting advancements in the field of nanotechnology, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been given special attention because of their remarkable mechanical and electrical properties and are being used in many scientific and engineering research projects. One such application facilitated by the fact that CNTs experience changes in electrical conductivity when exposed to different gases is the use of these materials as part of gas detection sensors. These are typically constructed on a field effect transistor (FET) based structure in which the CNT is employed as the channel between the source and the drain. In this study, an analytical model has been proposed and developed with the initial assumption that the gate voltage is directly proportional to the gas concentration as well as its temperature. Using the corresponding formulae for CNT conductance, the proposed mathematical model is derived. artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector regression (SVR) algorithms have also been incorporated to obtain other models for the current-voltage (I-V) characteristic in which the experimental data extracted from a recent work by N. Peng et al. has been used as the training data set. The comparative study of the results from ANN, SVR, and the analytical models with the experimental data in hand shows a satisfactory agreement which validates the proposed models. However, SVR outperforms the ANN approach and gives more accurate result

    Transmission of data with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing technique for communication networks using GHz frequency band soliton carrier

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    Microring resonators (MRRs) can be used to generate optical millimetre-wave solitons with a broadband frequency of 40-60 GHz. Non-linear light behaviours within MRRs, such as chaotic signals, can be used to generate logic codes (digital codes). The soliton signals can be multiplexed and modulated with the logic codes using an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique to transmit the data via a network system. OFDM uses overlapping subcarriers without causing inter-carrier interference. It provides both a high data rate and symbol duration using frequency division multiplexing over multiple subcarriers within one channel. The results show that MRRs support both single-carrier and multi-carrier optical soliton pulses, which can be used in an OFDM based on whether fast Fourier transform or discrete wavelet transform transmission/receiver system. Localised ultra-short soliton pulses within frequencies of 50 and 52 GHz can be seen at the throughput port of the panda system with respect to full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) and free spectrum range of 5 MHz and 2 GHz, respectively. The soliton pulses with FWHMs of 10 MHz could be generated at the drop port. Therefore, transmission of data information can be performed via a communication network using soliton pulse carriers and an OFDM technique