656 research outputs found

    Two-Pulse Propagation in a Partially Phase-Coherent Medium

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    We analyze the effects of partial coherence of ground state preparation on two-pulse propagation in a three-level Λ\Lambda medium, in contrast to previous treastments that have considered the cases of media whose ground states are characterized by probabilities (level populations) or by probability amplitudes (coherent pure states). We present analytic solutions of the Maxwell-Bloch equations, and we extend our analysis with numerical solutions to the same equations. We interpret these solutions in the bright/dark dressed state basis, and show that they describe a population transfer between the bright and dark state. For mixed-state Λ\Lambda media with partial ground state phase coherence the dark state can never be fully populated. This has implications for phase-coherent effects such as pulse matching, coherent population trapping, and electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). We show that for partially phase-coherent three-level media, self induced transparency (SIT) dominates EIT and our results suggest a corresponding three-level area theorem.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Cascade atom in high-Q cavity: The spectrum for non-Markovian decay

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    The spontaneous emission spectrum for a three level cascade configuration atom in a single mode high-Q cavity coupled to a zero temperature reservoir of continuum external modes is determined from the atom-cavity mode master equation using the quantum regression theorem. Initially the atom is in its upper state and the cavity mode empty of photons. Following Glauber, the spectrum is defined via the response of a detector atom. Spectra are calculated for the detector located inside the cavity (case A), outside the cavity end mirror (Case B-end emission), or placed for emission out the side of the cavity (Case C). The spectra for case A and case B are found to be essentially the same. In all the cases the predicted lineshapes are free of instrumental effects and only due to cavity decay. Spectra are presented for intermediate and strong coupling regime situations (where both atomic transitions are resonant with the cavity frequency), for cases of non-zero cavity detuning, and for cases where the two atomic transition frequencies differ. The spectral features for Cases B(A) and C are qualitatively similar, with six spectral peaks for resonance cases and eight for detuned cases. These general features of the spectra can be understood via the dressed atom model. However, Case B and C spectra differ in detail, with the latter exhibiting a deep spectral hole at the cavity frequency due to quantum interference effects.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures; v2: very minor correction to two equations, thicker lines in some figure

    The Geometry of Entanglement Sudden Death

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    In open quantum systems, entanglement can vanish faster than coherence. This phenomenon is usually called sudden death of entanglement. In this paper sudden death of entanglement is discussed from a geometrical point of view, in the context of two qubits. A classification of possible scenarios is presented, with important known examples classified. Theoretical and experimental construction of other examples is suggested as well as large dimensional and multipartite versions of the effect.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, references added, initial paragraph corrected, sectioning adopted, some parts rewritten; accepted by New J. Phy

    Two-Pulse Propagation in Media with Quantum-Mixed Ground States

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    We examine fully coherent two-pulse propagation in a lambda-type medium, under two-photon resonance conditions and including inhomogeneous broadening. We examine both the effects of short pulse preparation and the effects of medium preparation. We contrast cases in which the two pulses have matched envelopes or not, and contrast cases in which ground state coherence is present or not. We find that an extended interpretation of the Area Theorem for single-pulse self-induced transparency (SIT) is able to unify two-pulse propagation scenarios, including some aspects of electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). We present numerical solutions of both three-level and adiabatically reduced two-level density matrix equations and Maxwell's equations, and show that many features of the solutions are quickly interpreted with the aid of analytic solutions that we also provide for restricted cases of pulse shapes and preparation of the medium. In the limit of large one-photon detuning, we show that the two-level equations commonly used are not reliable for pulse Areas in the 2Ď€\pi range, which allows puzzling features of previous numerical work to be understood.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures. Replaced with version accepted in PR

    ν(νˉ)\nu(\bar\nu)-208^{208}Pb deep inelastic scattering

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    Nuclear-medium effects in the weak structure functions F2(x,Q2)F_2(x,Q^2) and F3(x,Q2)F_3(x,Q^2) in the charged current neutrino and antineutrino induced deep inelastic reactions in 208^{208}Pb have been studied. The calculations have been performed in a theoretical model using relativistic nuclear spectral functions which incorporate Fermi motion, binding and nucleon correlations. We also consider the pion and rho meson cloud contributions calculated from a microscopic model for meson-nucleus self-energies. Using these structure functions, the results for the differential cross section have been obtained and compared with the CERN Hybrid Oscillation Research apparatUS (CHORUS) data. The results for the ratios 2FiPb208FiD\frac{2F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^D}, 4FiPb208FiHe\frac{4F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^{He}}, 12FiPb208FiC\frac{12F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^C}, 16FiPb208FiO\frac{16F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^O}, and 56FiPb208FiFe\frac{56F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^{Fe}} (i=2,3) have also been obtained and a few have been compared with some of the phenomenological fits.Comment: 19Pages, 12 Fig

    Cooperating or Fighting with Decoherence in the Optimal Control of Quantum Dynamics

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    This paper explores the use of laboratory closed-loop learning control to either fight or cooperate with decoherence in the optimal manipulation of quantum dynamics. Simulations of the processes are performed in a Lindblad formulation on multilevel quantum systems strongly interacting with the environment without spontaneous emission. When seeking a high control yield it is possible to find fields that successfully fight with decoherence while attaining a good quality yield. When seeking modest control yields, fields can be found which are optimally shaped to cooperate with decoherence and thereby drive the dynamics more efficiently. In the latter regime when the control field and the decoherence strength are both weak, a theoretical foundation is established to describe how they cooperate with each other. In general, the results indicate that the population transfer objectives can be effectively met by appropriately either fighting or cooperating with decoherence

    Non-Markovian dynamics in atom-laser outcoupling from a double-well Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We investigate the dynamics of a continuous atom laser based on the merging of independently formed atomic condensates. In a first attempt to understand the dynamics of the system, we consider two independent elongated Bose-Einstein condensates which approach each other and focus on intermediate inter-trap distances so that a two-mode model is well justified. In the framework of a mean-field theory, we discuss the quasi steady-state population of the traps as well as the energy distribution of the outcoupled atoms.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure, to appear in J. Phys.

    Atom-photon entanglement generation and distribution

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    We extend an earlier model by Law {\it et al.} \cite{law} for a cavity QED based single-photon-gun to atom-photon entanglement generation and distribution. We illuminate the importance of a small critical atom number on the fidelity of the proposed operation in the strong coupling limit. Our result points to a promisingly high purity and efficiency using currently available cavity QED parameters, and sheds new light on constructing quantum computing and communication devices with trapped atoms and high Q optical cavities.Comment: 7 fig

    Spatial evolution of short pulses under coherent population trapping

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    Spatial and temporal evolution is studied of two powerful short laser pulses having different wavelengths and interacting with a dense three-level Lambda-type optical medium under coherent population trapping. A general case of unequal oscillator strengths of the transitions is considered. Durations of the probe pulse and the coupling pulse T1,2T_{1,2} (T2>T1T_2>T_1) are assumed to be shorter than any of the relevant atomic relaxation times. We propose analytical and numerical solutions of a self-consistent set of coupled Schr\"{o}dinger equations and reduced wave equations in the adiabatic limit with the account of the first non-adiabatic correction. The adiabaticity criterion is also discussed with the account of the pulse propagation. The dynamics of propagation is found to be strongly dependent on the ratio of the transition oscillator strengths. It is shown that envelopes of the pulses slightly change throughout the medium length at the initial stage of propagation. This distance can be large compared to the one-photon resonant absorption length. Eventually, the probe pulse is completely reemitted into the coupling pulse during propagation. The effect of localization of the atomic coherence has been observed similar to the one predicted by Fleischhauer and Lukin (PRL, {\bf 84}, 5094 (2000).Comment: 16 pages revtex style, 7 EPS figures, accepted to Physical Review

    Double Ionization by Strong Elliptically Polarized Laser Pulses

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    We join the tribute to Professor N.B. Delone in this memorial issue by presenting the results of new calculations on the effects of ellipticity on double ionization by short and strong near-optical laser pulses.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Professor N.B. Delone's memorial issu
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