47 research outputs found

    Religion in global perspective: SSSR presidential panel

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    Global processes present a challenge for scholarly work on religion, necessitating new concepts, theoretical and analytical models, intellectual sensitivity, and imagination. This calls for focusing on (1) cross-border interpenetration of religious organizations, beliefs, and practices; (2) variations in the potential for religious beliefs and institutions to be transported; and (3) the use of multiple frames of reference to examine the dispersion of religious cultures and communities. A presidential panel presents the need for generating new research questions, improving measurement tools, and updating methodological techniques so that social scientists of religion accurately and authentically portray the nature and expression of religion in the 21st century

    Faith-Based Social Service Organizations and Government Funding: Data from a National Survey

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    The objective of the research reported in this article is to test four hypotheses concerning government funding among faith-based social service coalitions: that it is positively related to size and organizational professionalism; positively related to attitudes toward government funding; positively related to social activism; and negatively related to organizational religiosity. Copyright (c) 2005 by the Southwestern Social Science Association.