505 research outputs found

    Temperature-dependent photoemission spectral weight transfer and chemical potential shift in Pr1−x_{1-x}Cax_xMnO3_3 : Implications for charge density modulation

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    We have studied the temperature dependence of the photoemission spectra of Pr1−x_{1-x}Cax_xMnO3_3 (PCMO) with x=0.25x=0.25, 0.3 and 0.5. For x=0.3x=0.3 and 0.5, we observed a gap in the low-temperature CE-type charge-ordered (CO) phase and a pseudogap with a finite intensity at the Fermi level (EFE_F) in the high-temperature paramagnetic insulating (PI) phase. Within the CO phase, the spectral intensity near EFE_F gradually increased with temperature. These observations are consistent with the results of Monte Carlo simulations on a model including charge ordering and ferromagnetic fluctuations [H. Aliaga {\it et al.} Phys. Rev. B {\bf 68}, 104405 (2003)]. For x=0.25x=0.25, on the other hand, little temperature dependence was observed within the low-temperature ferromagnetic insulating (FI) phase and the intensity at EFE_F remained low in the high-temperature PI phase. We attribute the difference in the temperature dependence near EFE_F between the CO and FI phases to the different correlation lengths of orbital order between both phases. Furthermore, we observed a chemical potential shift with temperature due to the opening of the gap in the FI and CO phases. The doping dependent chemical potential shift was recovered at low temperatures, corresponding to the disappearance of the doping dependent change of the modulation wave vector. Spectral weight transfer with hole concentration was clearly observed at high temperatures but was suppressed at low temperatures. We attribute this observation to the fixed periodicity with hole doping in PCMO at low temperatures.Comment: 5pages, 7figure

    Orbital ordering in La0.5_{0.5}Sr1.5_{1.5}MnO4_4 studied by model Hartree-Fock calculation

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    We have investigated orbital ordering in the half-doped manganite La0.5_{0.5}Sr1.5_{1.5}MnO4_4, which displays spin, charge and orbital ordering, by means of unrestricted Hartree-Fock calculations on the multiband pp-dd model. From recent experiment, it has become clear that La0.5_{0.5}Sr1.5_{1.5}MnO4_4 exhibits a cross-type (z2−x2/y2−z2)(z^2-x^2/y^2-z^2) orbital ordering rather than the widely believed rod-type (3x2−r2/3y2−r2)(3x^2-r^2/3y^2-r^2) orbital ordering. The calculation reveals that cross-type (z2−x2/y2−z2)(z^2-x^2/y^2-z^2) orbital ordering results from an effect of in-plane distortion as well as from the relatively long out-of-plane Mn-O distance. For the "Mn4+^{4+}" site, it is shown that the elongation along the c-axis of the MnO6_6 octahedra leads to an anisotropic charge distribution rather than the isotropic one.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Chemical potential shift induced by double-exchange and polaronic effects in Nd_{1-x}Sr_xMnO_3

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    We have studied the chemical potential shift as a function of temperature in Nd1−x_{1-x}Srx_xMnO3_3 (NSMO) by measurements of core-level photoemission spectra. For ferromagnetic samples (x=0.4x=0.4 and 0.45), we observed an unusually large upward chemical potential shift with decreasing temperature in the low-temperature region of the ferromagnetic metallic (FM) phase. This can be explained by the double-exchange (DE) mechanism if the ege_g band is split by dynamical/local Jahn-Teller effect. The shift was suppressed near the Curie temperature (TCT_C), which we attribute to the crossover from the DE to lattice-polaron regimes.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Military Children’s Difficulty with Reintegration after Deployment: A Relational Turbulence Model Perspective

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    This study drew on the relational turbulence model to investigate how the interpersonal dynamics of military couples predict parents’ reports of the reintegration difficulty of military children upon homecoming after deployment. Longitudinal data were collected from 118 military couples once per month for 3 consecutive months after reunion. Military couples reported on their depressive symptoms, characteristics of their romantic relationship, and the reintegration difficulty of their oldest child. Results of dyadic growth curve models indicated that the mean levels of parents’ depressive symptoms (H1), relationship uncertainty (H2), and interference from a partner (H3) were positively associated with parents’ reports of military children’s reintegration difficulty. These findings suggest that the relational turbulence model has utility for illuminating the reintegration difficulty of military children during the postdeployment transition

    Global density-dependent α\alpha-nucleon interaction for α\alpha-nucleus elastic scattering

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    We provide a global density-dependent 4^4He-nucleon (DD-αN\alpha N) interaction to construct the α\alpha-nucleus optical model potential (OMP) in a wide range of incident energies. The global parametrization for the DD-αN\alpha N interaction is obtained based on the proton-4^4He OMP which reproduces the elastic scattering cross-section data very well in the incident energies of 12.04--500 MeV per nucleon. We derive the α\alpha-nucleus potential by a folding procedure with the point-nucleon density obtained by a microscopic mean-field model using the present DD-αN\alpha N interaction. The density dependence of the DD-αN\alpha N interaction is fixed phenomenologically to reproduce the α\alpha-nucleus elastic scattering cross-section data by the 16^{16}O, 40^{40}Ca, 58^{58}Ni, 90^{90}Zr, and 208^{208}Pb targets at E/A=E/A = 10--342.5 MeV. We also show the total reaction cross sections, which are helpful in fixing one free parameter, the renormalization factor for the imaginary part of the α\alpha-nucleus potential. Lastly, we show some examples, which clearly demonstrate the validity and power of the present DD-αN\alpha N approach.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Depth profile photoemission study of thermally diffused Mn/GaAs (001) interfaces

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    We have performed a depth profile study of thermally diffused Mn/GaAs (001) interfaces using photoemission spectroscopy combined with Ar+^+-ion sputtering. We found that Mn ion was thermally diffused into the deep region of the GaAs substrate and completely reacted with GaAs. In the deep region, the Mn 2pp core-level and Mn 3dd valence-band spectra of the Mn/GaAs (001) sample heated to 600 ∘^{\circ}C were similar to those of Ga1−x_{1-x}Mnx_xAs, zinc-blende-type MnAs dots, and/or interstitial Mn in tetrahedrally coordinated by As atoms, suggesting that the Mn 3dd states were essentially localized but were hybridized with the electronic states of the host GaAs. Ferromagnetism was observed in the dilute Mn phase.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Chemical potential landscape in band filling and bandwidth-control of manganites: Photoemission spectroscopy measurements

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    We have studied the effects of band filling and bandwidth control on the chemical potential in perovskite manganites R1−xAxR_{1-x}A_xMnO3_3 (RR : rare earth, AA : alkaline earth) by measurements of core-level photoemission spectra. A suppression of the doping-dependent chemical potential shift was observed in and around the CE-type charge-ordered composition range, indicating that there is charge self-organization such as stripe formation or its fluctuations. As a function of bandwidth, we observed a downward chemical potential shift with increasing bandwidth due to the reduction of the orthorhombic distortion. After subtracting the latter contribution, we found an upward chemical potential shift in the ferromagnetic metallic region 0.3<x<0.50.3<x<0.5, which we attribute to the enhancement of double-exchange interaction involving the Jahn-Teller-split ege_g band.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Chemical potential shift and spectral weight transfer in Pr1−x_{1-x}Cax_xMnO3_3 revealed by photoemission spectroscopy

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    We have studied the chemical potential shift and changes in the electronic density of states near the Fermi level (EFE_F) as a function of carrier concentration in Pr1−x_{1-x}Cax_xMnO3_3 (PCMO, 0.2≤x≤0.650.2 \le x \le 0.65) through the measurements of photoemission spectra. The results showed that the chemical potential shift was suppressed for x \agt 0.3, where the charge exchange (CE)-type antiferromagnetic charge-ordered state appears at low temperatures. We consider this observation to be related to charge self-organization such as stripe formation on a microscopic scale in this composition range. Together with the previous observation of monotonous chemical potential shift in La1−x_{1-x}Srx_xMnO3_3, we conclude that the tendency toward the charge self-organization increases with decreasing bandwidth. In the valence band, spectral weight of the Mn 3dd ege_g electrons in PCMO was transferred from ∼\sim 1 eV below EFE_F to the region near EFE_F with hole doping, leading to a finite intensity at EFE_F even in the paramagnetic insulating phase for x \agt 0.3, probably related with the tendency toward charge self-organization. The finite intensity at EFE_F in spite of the insulating transport behavior is consistent with fluctuations involving ferromagnetic metallic states.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Theoretical demonstration of highly efficient cw THz generation by using composite photonic-structure elements

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    We theoretically propose one-dimensional composite photonic structures for high-resolution THz spectroanalysis. We compare the performance of two GaAs/AlAs composite photonic-structure devices, one with usual 1/4-wavelength layers of distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs), and the other with the designed DBRs. The device with designed DBRs shows the optical-to-terahertz conversion efficiency up to 10^-5 and wide frequency tunability ranging from sub-THz to 3 THz. We found that the composite photonic structure allows us to control photonic modes with a high degree of freedom by flexible structure designs. This device achieve a cw THz source with a highly narrow bandwidth operating at room temperature
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