13 research outputs found

    Self-Determination as a Psychological and Positive Youth Development Construct

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    This paper presents a review of self-determination as a positive youth development construct. The definition and conceptualization of the concept are examined from the perspective of self-determination theory and the functional theory of self-determination. Theories of self-determination from the perspective of motivation and skills enhancement are examined. Factors contributing to self-determination, such as autonomy-supportive teaching and parenting style, culture, efficacy of intervention programmes, and the educational benefits of self-determination for students, are discussed. Strategies to promote self-determination in an educational context and implications for further research and practice are discussed

    Cognitive Competence as a Positive Youth Development Construct: A Conceptual Review

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    This paper focuses on discussing critical thinking and creative thinking as the core cognitive competence. It reviews and compares several theories of thinking, highlights the features of critical thinking and creative thinking, and delineates their interrelationships. It discusses cognitive competence as a positive youth development construct by linking its relationships with adolescent development and its contributions to adolescents' learning and wellbeing. Critical thinking and creative thinking are translated into self-regulated cognitive skills for adolescents to master and capitalize on, so as to facilitate knowledge construction, task completion, problem solving, and decision making. Ways of fostering these thinking skills, cognitive competence, and ultimately positive youth development are discussed

    Bystander Position Taking in School Bullying: The Role of Positive Identity, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Determination

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    School bullying has become an explicit, burgeoning problem challenging the healthy development of children and adolescents in Hong Kong. Many bullying prevention and intervention programs focus on victims and bullies, with bystanders treated as either nonexistent or irrelevant. This paper asserts that bystanders actually play pivotal roles in deciding whether the bullying process and dynamics are benign or adversarial. Bystanders' own abilities and characteristics often influence how they respond to victims and bullies. “P.A.T.H.S. to Adulthood: A Jockey Club Youth Enhancement Scheme” (P.A.T.H.S. = Positive Adolescent Training through Holistic Social Programmes) is an evidence-based positive youth development program which shows that primary intervention programs have constructive impacts on junior secondary school students' beliefs and behavior. This paper asserts that intrapsychic qualities, namely identity, self-efficacy, and self-determination, greatly influence how bystanders react in school bullying situations. The paper also explains how classroom-based educational programs based on the P.A.T.H.S. model have been designed to help junior secondary school students strengthen these characteristics, so that they can be constructive bystanders when they encounter school bullying

    Positive Identity as a Positive Youth Development Construct: A Conceptual Review

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    Identity is a core construct in psychology because it refers to how a person addresses issues dealing with who that person is. Important theorists studying the concept of identity, like Erikson, Marcia, and Higgins, assert that identity is organized,is learned, and is dynamic, and a subjective evaluation of an individual's identity has emotional consequences for that individual. Adolescents who can cultivate a clear and positive identity after their developmental struggles during adolescence often advance more smoothly into adulthood. This paper reviews literature on the nature and structure of identity and examines its importance on adolescent developmental outcomes. It traces significant determinants of identity and proposes strategies for cultivation of positive identity. Observations on current research gaps in the study of identity and future research directions will also be discussed

    Combating School Bullying through Developmental Guidance for Positive Youth Development and Promoting Harmonious School Culture

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    Bullying and violence, which can bring detrimental effects, are situations which young people have to face in their process of development. Though school bullying has been a spreading and explicit problem in Hong Kong schools, most of the programs or guidelines dealing with the problem lack citywide, recognized initiatives and the effectiveness of these programs is unknown due to the lack of evaluation. The present paper discusses preventing school bullying from a developmental guidance perspective, using the positive youth development paradigm and promoting the values of harmony and forgiveness at the whole-school level to cultivate a harmonious school culture as a way of combating school bullying

    The cientificWorldJOURNAL Review Article Self-Efficacy as a Positive Youth Development Construct: A Conceptual Review

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    Self-efficacy denotes people's beliefs about their ability to perform in different situations. It functions as a multilevel and multifaceted set of beliefs that influence how people feel, think, motivate themselves, and behave during various tasks. Selfefficacy beliefs are informed by enactive attainment, vicarious experience, imaginal experiences, and social persuasion as well as physical and emotional states. These beliefs are mediated by cognitive, motivational, affective, and selection processes to generate actual performance. Self-efficacy development is closely intertwined with a person's experiences, competencies, and developmental tasks in different domains at different stages in life. This paper reviews the literature to outline the definition and theoretical conceptualizations of the construct originally devised by Bandura that have flourished since the 1990s. Drawing from the studies of the construct to assess self-efficacy, and to inform positive youth development, the paper will present the determinants of the development of self-efficacy beliefs and identify the connection between self-efficacy and adolescent developmental outcomes. The paper will conclude with strategies to enhance youth self-efficacy and proposals for future research directions. Background Since the 1970s, the social cognitive theory proposed by Bandura [1-3] has been one of the most influential theories used to guide the understanding of human behavior and the motivational determinants of such behavior. The theory advocates a theme of "triadic reciprocity" which asserts that a person's behavior is constantly under the reciprocal influence of the environment and personal cognitions. When applied in the context of adolescent development, such as academic performance, this theory suggests that an adolescent's academic performance (behavior) is influenced by how this adolescent's beliefs (cognitions) are affected by the support provided by his or her significant others, including parents, teachers, and peers (the environment). Bandura argues that self-efficacy is the most pivotal factor affecting a person's cognition, and his assertion has popularized self-efficacy studies since the 1990s. The following sections aim to present findings and observations from a review of the literature on the definition, assessment, theoretical conceptualizations, adolescent development outcomes, and promotion strategies of self-efficacy, with specific reference to positive youth development. Identified research gaps and suggestions for future research will also be presented

    The cientificWorldJOURNAL Review Article Positive Identity as a Positive Youth Development Construct: A Conceptual Review

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    Identity is a core construct in psychology because it refers to how a person addresses issues dealing with who that person is. Important theorists studying the concept of identity, like Erikson, Marcia, and Higgins, assert that identity is organized,is learned, and is dynamic, and a subjective evaluation of an individual's identity has emotional consequences for that individual. Adolescents who can cultivate a clear and positive identity after their developmental struggles during adolescence often advance more smoothly into adulthood. This paper reviews literature on the nature and structure of identity and examines its importance on adolescent developmental outcomes. It traces significant determinants of identity and proposes strategies for cultivation of positive identity. Observations on current research gaps in the study of identity and future research directions will also be discussed

    [[alternative]]Exploring the impact of peer-assessment on the 8th grades students' digital production

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    碩士[[abstract]]本研究旨在探討同儕互評導入國中八年級數位作品創作歷程之成效,即透過製作數位作品,探究同儕互評對國中生的數位作品創作自我效能與作品品質是否有影響。本研究採用不等組實驗研究設計。研究對象為國中八年級生共計114人,採隨機分派方式,將其中兩個班指派為實驗組(評分組)58人,另外兩班則為控制組(接收組)56人。在實驗過程會製作三份數位作品,電子繪本、電子報與預告片,依據這三份作品進行三次的同儕互評。教學方式皆以數位敘事與專題導向的方式帶領學生進行數位作品製作流程。研究結果如下:學生在數位作品創作過程中融入同儕互評的機制,對於學生的資訊課數位作品創作自我效能有正向的影響。而在同儕互評中扮演不同的角色(接收者或評分者)的學生的資訊課數位作品創作自我效能8的成長具顯著差異,且兩者在所製作的數位作品的品質亦有顯著差異。[[abstract]]The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of peer assessment on the 8th grades students’ self-efficacy on digital production and the quality of the digital products they created. The quasi-experimental design was adopted.144 students were involved. 58 students were randomly assigned to the experimental group while were assigned to the control group. Throughout the experiment, the participants needed to produce three digital products, including electronic books, e-papers and movie trailers. An peer-assessment activity was conducted immediately after students produced their digital productsion. The results showed that the peer-assessement activity had positive impact on students self-efficacy on digital production. Besides, students playing different roles (assessor or assesse) in peer assessment were significantly different in students’ self-efficacy and quality of digital products.[[tableofcontents]]目次 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 第三節 研究範圍與限制 7 第四節 名詞解釋 9 第五節 研究貢獻 10 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 數位作品創作之教學 11 第二節 同儕互評 19 第三節 數位作品製作之評估 27 第三章 研究方法 33 第一節 研究對象 33 第二節 研究架構與變項 34 第三節 實驗設計與研究流程 36 第四節 研究工具 43 第四節 資料處理 56 第四章 研究結果與討論 57 第一節 數位作品創作自我效能研究結果 57 第二節 學生在同儕互評過程中扮演不同角色對創作自我效能的影響 60 第三節 同儕互評中接收組與評分組學生的數位作品品質 61 第三節 綜合討論與分析 64 第五章 結論與建議 67 第一節 研究結論 67 第二節 研究建議 69 參考文獻 72 中文部分: 72 英文部分: 75 附錄一、家長同意書 80 表目錄 表2-1-1數位敘事實證研究 13 表2-1-2專題導向學習實證研究 15 表2-2-1相關實證研究 21 表3-3-1實驗設計 36 表3-4-1電子繪本教學流程表 43 表3-4-2教師任務與學生任務表 45 表3-4-3教師任務與學生任務表 47 表3-4-4電子繪本評分指標 49 表3-4-5電子報評分指標 51 表3-4-6預告片評分指標 52 表4-1-1自我效能前後測描述性統計摘要 58 表4-1-2全體受試者自我效能的前後測之成對樣本T檢定摘要表 58 表4-1-3接收組在工作價值與自我效能的前後測之成對樣本T檢定摘要表 59 表4-2-1自我效能量表總分共變數分析 60 表4-3-1三份數位作品描述性統計表 61 表4-3-2 Brown-Forsythe & Welch 校正表 62 表4-3-3 Brown-Forsythe & Welch 校正表 63 圖目錄 圖3-1-1研究架構圖 34 圖3-3-1實驗流程 38 圖3-3-2同儕互評流程 40[[note]]學號: 601730038, 學年度: 10