37 research outputs found
The antioxidative protecting role of the Mediterranean diet [Antioksidativno protektivno djelovanje mediteranske dijete]
Recent meta-analysis shows that adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MD) can significantly decrease the risk of overall mortality, mortality from cardiovascular diseases, as well as incidence of mortality from cancer, and incidence of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. All of these diseases could be linked to oxidative stress (OS) as antioxidative effect of MD is getting more attention nowadays. Although a lot of research has been done in this area and it suggests antioxidative protective role of MD, the presented evidence is still inconclusive. The aim of this paper is to review studies investigating the effect of MD on OS, as well as to identify the areas for further research
UnatoÄ svim dostupnim modalitetima lijeÄenja incidencija i progresija Å”eÄerne bolesti je u stalnom porastu. Bubrežno oÅ”teÄenje kod ovih bolesnika je posebno devastirajuÄa komplikacija buduÄi da je povezana i s kraÄim trajanjem života i sa smanjenom kvalitetom života. Uz dijabetiÄku nefropatiju, kod oboljelih od Å”eÄerne bolesti prisutni su i drugi oblici bubrežnog oÅ”teÄenja kao Å”to je ishemijsko oÅ”teÄenje povezano s oÅ”teÄenjem krvnih žila i hipertenzijom, ali i drugi oblici oÅ”teÄenja koji nisu povezani s dijabetesom. Nakon detaljnog pretraživanja literature dostupne na PubMed-u u ovom Älanku ukratko opisujemo kljuÄne trenutke u kojima je posebno bitna uloga lijeÄnika obiteljske medicine (LOM). Tijekom skrbi za oboljele od Å”eÄerne bolesti posebnu pozornost zahtijeva probir bubrežnog oÅ”teÄenja, ispravno praÄenje i lijeÄenje i pravodobno upuÄivanje nefrologu. Na osobu usmjeren holistiÄki pristup karakteristiÄan za rad LOM prepoznat je kao poseban izazov u praÄenju ovih bolesnika.The alarming rates of diabetes mellitus incidence and progression continue despite deployment of all current treatments. Kidney disease can be a particularly devastating complication, as it is associated with signifi cant reductions in both length and quality of life. A variety of forms of kidney disease can be seen in people with diabetes, including diabetic nephropathy, ischemic damage related to vascular disease and hypertension, as well as other renal diseases that are unrelated to diabetes. Following an extensive PubMed search, this review provides a brief view on the screening for chronic kidney disease (CKD) in people with diabetes, how to treat them to slow down the progression of CKD and when to refer them to specialist care. This review also emphasizes the basic challenge in treating diabetic patients, which is to shift the main criterion from the disease-oriented to person-centered approach in the context of treating the patient as a whole
Dijetoterapija dispepsije, ulkusne bolesti i gastroezofagealne refluksne bolesti
KroniÄne nezarazne bolesti povezane s naÄinom života sve su uÄestalije. U svakoj zemlji, ovisno o stupnju razvoja, kroniÄne bolesti poput dispepsije, ulkusne bolesti i GERB-a imaju ubrzan porast ili su veÄ na visokoj razini. Debljina, nepravilna prehrana, nedostatak tjelesne aktivnosti, puÅ”enje i alkohol Äimbenici su rizika za nastanak bolesti gastrointestinalnog sustava. Upravo zbog toga uz terapiju medikamentima, bolesnicima s ulkusom preporuÄuje se promjena životnih navika te izbjegavanje hrane koja uzrokuje smetnje. Populacijske studije pokazuju da prehrana znatno utjeÄe na tijek bolesti. Poznato je da namirnice i piÄa poput kave, alkoholnih piÄa, gaziranih piÄa, slastica i oÅ”trih zaÄina mogu pogorÅ”ati simptome bolesti. S druge strane, prehrana bogata voÄem, povrÄem, probioticima te lako probavljivim namirnicama može poboljÅ”ati kvalitetu života i nadopuniti medikamentno lijeÄenje
Dijetoterapija bolesti jetre
Kod jetrenih bolesti mijenjaju se metaboliÄki procesi pa se time mijenjaju nutritivne i energetske potrebe. U veÄine bolesnika s jetrenom boleÅ”Äu postoji malnutricija najÄeÅ”Äe uzrokovana smanjenim unosom hrane zbog povraÄanja i muÄnine. Dijetoterapijom je potrebno bolesnicima osigurati dovoljnu koliÄinu makronutrijenata i mikronutrijenata kako bi se sprijeÄila malnutricija. U bolesnika s razvijenom slikom jetrene encefalopatije, u kojih s obzirom na patogene mehanizme, veÄi unos proteina pogorÅ”ava postojeÄe stanje, potrebno je voditi raÄuna o ograniÄenom unosu proteina. Takvim se bolesnicima preporuÄuje unos razgrananih aminokiselina koje dovode do poboljÅ”anja kliniÄke slike. Kod svih bolesnika oboljelih od jetrenih bolesti važno je postiÄi promjenu ustaljenih životnih navika i uspostaviti nove u svrhu poboljÅ”anja kvalitete života
Glycemic Index in Diabetes
The Glycemic Index (GI) is a rating system that ranks carbohydrate-containing foods according to their postprandial
blood glucose response relative to the same quantity of available carbohydrate of a standard such as white bread or glucose.
The concept of GI was first introduced in the early 80ās by Jenkins and coworkers. Since then, numerous trials have
been undertaken, many indicating benefits of a low GI diet on glycemic control, as well as lipid profiles, insulin and
C-peptide levels, inflamatory and thrombolytic factors, endothelial function and regulation of body weight. As a result, a
low-GI diet may prevent or delay the vascular complications of diabetes. However, despite many studies supporting the
benefits of the Glycemic Index as part of the treatment of diabetes mellitus, several areas of controversy have been raised
in the literature and are addressed here. Clinicians treating diabetic patients should be aware of the potential benefits of
low-GI foods in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications
Karcinom postaje sve veÄi javnozdravstveni problem danaÅ”njice, Äija prevalencija je u kontinuiranom porastu diljem svijeta. MeÄu vodeÄim je uzrocima smrtnosti, a glavni riziÄni Äimbenici su oni na koje zapravo možemo utjecati te time prevenirati od 30 do 50 % razliÄitih vrsta karcinoma. Jedan od kljuÄnih i glavnih koraka u prevenciji je održavanje normalne/zdrave tjelesne mase, pravilnom, uravnoteženom i raznolikom prehranom uz redovnu tjelesnu aktivnost. Ne postoji āsuper hranaā za koju možemo reÄi da sprjeÄava razvoj karcinoma, kao niti toÄno odreÄena hrana koja ga uzrokuje, ali postoje naÄini prehrane koji mogu doprinijeti prevenciji odnosno razvoju ove bolesti u sklopu prevencije. PreporuÄuje se opÄenito dati prednost hrani biljnog podrijetla, Å”to je najbolje obuhvaÄeno principima Mediteranske prehrane. Takva prehrana obiluje povrÄem (osobito zelenim lisnatim, crvenim i naranÄastim te krucifernim), voÄem (bobiÄastim, citrusima, crvenim i naranÄastim), mahunarkama i cjelovitim žitaricama te maslinovim uljem. Od hrane životinjskog podrijetla preporuÄuje se ÄeÅ”Äa konzumacija ribe i mlijeÄnih proizvoda. S druge strane, preporuÄuje se izbjegavati konzumaciju industrijski procesirane hrane bogate solju, mastima niske nutritivne kvalitete i dodanim Å”eÄerom te ograniÄiti konzumaciju crvenog mesa i paziti na sam proces pripreme hrane kako ne bi doÅ”lo do stvaranja Å”tetnih/kancerogenih spojeva. PreporuÄuje se izbaciti mesne preraÄevine, kao i prekomjernu konzumaciju alkohola. Usvajanje preporuka o promjeni naÄina života, Å”to ukljuÄuje pravilnu prehranu i redovitu tjelesnu aktivnost, važan je dio prevencije razvoja karcinoma
Preporuke za praÄenje, prevenciju i lijeÄenje proteinsko-energijske pothranjenosti u bolesnika s kroniÄnom bubrežnom bolesti [Croatian guidelines for screening, prevention and treatment of protein-energy wasting in chronic kidney disease patients]
There is a high incidence of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality among patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and malnutrition is a powerful predictor of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in this population of patients. A multitude of factors related to CKD and renal replacement therapy can affect the nutritional status of CKD patients and lead to the development of malnutrition. In patients with CKD, protein energy wasting (PEW) is a condition that is distinct from undernutrition and is associated with inflammation, increased resting energy expenditure, low serum levels of albumin and prealbumin, sarcopenia, weight loss and poor clinical outcomes. Nutritional and metabolic derangements are implicated for the development of PEW in CKD and leading to the development of chronic catabolic state with muscle and fat loss. Prevention is the best way in treating PEW. Appropriate management of CKD patients at risk for PEW requires a comprehensive combination of strategies to diminish protein and energy depletion, and to institute therapies that will avoid further losses. The mainstay of nutritional treatment in MHD patients is nutritional counselling and provision of an adequate amount of protein and energy, using oral supplementation as needed. Intradialytic parenteral nutrition and total enteral nutrition should be attempted in CKD patients who cannot use the gastrointestinal tract efficiently. Other strategies such as anemia correction, treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism and acidosis, delivering adequate dialysis dose can be considered as complementary therapies in CKD patients. Multidisciplinary work of nephrologists, gastroenterologist and dietician is needed to achieve best therapeutic goals in treating CKD patients with PEW