5 research outputs found
Convenient one-pot synthesis of resin acid Mannich bases as novel anticancer and antifungal agents
- Author
- A Monks
- AS Aboraia
- BM Kotecka
- CI Keeling
- D Sriram
- Elena V. Salimova
- Elena V. Tret’yakova
- EV Tretyakova
- EV Tretyakova
- EV Tret’yakova
- GA Tolstikov
- GAC Justino
- GJ Zhang
- Gul’sasyak F. Zakirova
- H Xu
- K Yao
- LU Zalkov
- Lyudmila V. Parfenova
- M Arend
- M Pirttimaa
- M Tramontini
- MA Ali
- MM Abdulla
- MR Boyd
- MR Grever
- OB Kazakova
- Olga S. Kukovinets
- P Skehan
- R Gowda
- S Batuta
- Victor N. Odinokov
- W Gu
- W Herz
- W Herz
- W Hou
- W Nong
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Floral resource availability and hummingbird territorial behaviour on a Neotropical savanna shrub
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Genome rearrangements in Escherichia coli during de novo acquisition of resistance to a single antibiotic or two antibiotics successively
- Author
- A Cannatelli
- A Colavecchio
- A Greener
- A Mistry
- A Olliver
- A Seoane
- AO Olaitan
- AS Jellen-Ritter
- B Jaurin
- B Snel
- Benno H. ter Kuile
- BJ Staskawicz
- BP Nichols
- C Canchaya
- C Heritier
- C Miller
- D Schneider
- D Schneider
- D Vinella
- DJ Wurpel
- DM Musher
- E Maiques
- E Martinez
- EA Groisman
- EF Boyd
- EV Koonin
- F Medaney
- G Klambauer
- H Lee
- H Long
- H Nicoloff
- H Nicoloff
- H Nicoloff
- HY Kuo
- HY Lin
- I Brook
- J Domka
- J Vila
- JF Turton
- JG Lawrence
- JR Johnson
- Keshia Bel
- L Guo
- L saiSree
- L Sandegren
- LE Bryan
- LS Frost
- M Brochet
- M Velasco
- MA Kohanski
- Marloes Hoeksema
- Martijs J. Jonker
- MC Justino
- ME Pettersson
- N Handel
- N Handel
- O Ciofu
- P Mehta
- P Siguier
- RE Hancock
- S Baucheron
- S Casjens
- S Corvec
- S Corvec
- S Normark
- S Sun
- SR Partridge
- ST Gregory
- Stanley Brul
- X Wang
- Y Feng
- Y Zhang
- Z Eichenbaum
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Morphological and molecular description of three commercial Capsicum varieties: a look at the correlation of traits and genetic distancing
- Author
- A Ben-Chaim
- A Hulse-Kemp
- A Rivera
- A Xanthopoulou
- AA Snow
- AC Martínez
- AN Onus
- B Carrizo-García
- B Perkins
- B Pickergill
- B Pickersgill
- B Pickersgill
- B Pickersgill
- BM Walsh
- C Carrizo-García
- C Pardey
- C Sansaloni
- C Stewart
- CO Nwokem
- E Rodríguez
- E-M Willing
- EV Justino
- F Aguilar
- F Taranto
- G Castañón-Nájera
- G Castañón-Nájera
- G Savitha
- GE Barbosa
- GE de Barboza
- GF Barbero
- H-J Jeong
- H-Y Lee
- Heiber Cárdenas
- I Bosmali
- I Ganopoulos
- I Nagy
- J Defaveri
- JC Avise
- JH Kang
- JJ Doyle
- JM Lee
- JS Yumnam
- K Hamer
- K Iwai
- Ks Basu
- Leidy Laura Arias
- LM Pérez-Castañeda
- M Restrepo
- M Romero-Lozada
- Mauricio Peñuela
- MJ Míngez-Mosquera
- MJ Rodríguez-Maza
- Nelson Rivera Franco
- R Peakall
- RG Olmstead
- RK Varshney
- RL Jarret
- Ronald Viáfara-Vega
- S González-Pérez
- S Kumar
- S Sun
- S Zijlstra
- SD Tanksley
- T Jombart
- T Jombart
- T Särkinen
- T Tsykun
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Interannual Variation in Temperature and Rainfall can Modulate the Physiological and Photoprotective Mechanisms of a Native Semiarid Plant Species
- Author
- Antunes WC Daloso DM, Pinheiro DP, Williams TCR, Loureiro ME.
- Antunes WC Mendes KR, Chaves ARM, Ometto JP, Jarma�Orozco A, Pompelli MF.
- Apel J Hirt H.
- Barros V Frosi G, Santos M, Ramos DG, Falcao HM, Santos MG.
- Bates LS Waldren RP, Teare ID.
- Campos MLO Hsie BS, Granja JAA, Correia RM, Silva SRS, Almeida�Cortez JS, Pompelli MF.
- Demmig�Adams B Adams III WW.
- Distefano T Kelly S.
- Dombroski JLD Praxedes SC, de Freitas RMO, Pontes FM.
- Drake PL Froend RH, Franks PJ.
- Dubois M Gilles KA, Hamilton JK, Reders PA, Smith F.
- Falcao HM Medeiros CD, Silva BLR, Sampaio EVSB, Almeida�Cortez JS, Santos MS.
- Fanourakis D Heuvelink E, Carvalho SMP.
- Farquhar GD von Caemmerer S, Berry JA.
- Flexas J Medrano H.
- Flood PJ Hancock AM.
- Fuchs R Dupouy C, Douillet P, Caillaud M, Mangin A, Pinazo C.
- Galmes J Abadia A, Cifre J, Medrano H, Flexas J.
- Gatti LV Gloor M, Miller JB, Doughty CE, Malhi Y, D LG, B LS, M A, C CSC, Borges VF, Freitas S, Braz R, Anderson LO, Rocha H, Grace J, Phillips OL, Lloyd J.
- Giday H Kjaer KH, Fanourakis D, Ottosen C�O.
- Glotfelty T Zhang Y.
- Hsie BS Mendes KR, Antunes WC, Endres L, Campos MLO, Souza FC, Santos ND, Singh B, Arruda ECP, Pompelli MF. Jatropha curcas L.
- Kirilenko AP Sedjo RA.
- Klein RW.
- Klemes JJ Varbanov PS, Lam HL, Yusup S.
- Liu F Stutzel H.
- Lloyd J Farquhar GD.
- Manter DK Kerrigan J.
- Mate CJ Hudson GS, von Caemmerer S, Evans JR, Andrews TJ.
- Medlyn BE Badeck F�W, De Pury DGG, Barton CVM, Broadmeadow M, Ceulemans R, De Angelis P, Forstreuter M, Jach ME, Kellomaki S, Laitat E, Marek M, Philippot S, Rey A, Strassemeyer J, Laitinen K, Liozon R, Portier B, Roberntz P, Wang K, Jarvis PG.
- Mendes KR Granja JAA, Ometto JP, Antonino ACD, Menezes RSC, Pereira EC, Pompelli MF.
- Moore S Stein WH.
- Niyogi KK.
- O�Neill BC Oppenheimer M, Warren R, Hallegatte S, Kopp RE, Porter HO, Scholes R, Birkmann J, Foden W, Licker R, Mach KJ, Marbaix P, Mastrandrea MD, Price J, Takahashi K, van Ypwesele J�P, Yoke G.
- Pagotto MA Roig FA, Ribeiro AS, Lisi CS.
- Parry MAJ Andralojc PJ, Khan S, Lea PJ, Keys AJ.
- Pereira MPS Justino F, Malhado ACM, Barbosa H, Marengo JA.
- Pompelli MF Antunes WC, Ferreira DTRG, Cavalcante PPGS, Wanderley�Filho HCL, Endres L.
- Pompelli MF Barata�Luis R, Vitorino HS, Goncalves ER, Rolim EV, Santos MS, Almeida�Cortez JS, Ferreira VM.
- Pompelli MF Barata�Luis RM, Vitorino HS, Goncalves ER, Rolim EV, Santos MG, Almeida�Cortez JS, Endres L.
- Pompelli MF Barata�Luis RM, Vitorino HS, Goncalves ER, Rolim EV, Santos MG, Almeida�Cortez JS, Ferreira VM, Lemos EE, Endres L.
- Pompelli MF Martins SCV, Antunes WC, Chaves ARM, DaMatta FM.
- Pompelli MF Franca SCS, Tigre RC, Oliveira MT, Sacilot M, Pereira ECG.
- Pussinen A Nabuurs GJ, Wieggers HJJ, Reinds GJ, Wamelink GWW, Kros J, Mol�Dijkstra JP, de Vries W.
- Rivas R Frosi G, Ramos DG, Pereira S, Benko�Iseppon NA, Santos MG.
- Sage RF Way DA, Kubien DS.
- Santos CM Verissimo V, Wanderley�Filho HCL, Ferreira VM, Cavalcante PGS, Rolim EV, Endres L.
- Santos MG Oliveira MT, Figueiredo KV, Falcao HM, Arruda ECP, Almeida�Cortez JS, Sampaio EVSB, Ometto JPHB, Menezes RSC, Oliveira AFM, Pompelli MF, Antonino ACD.
- Schindler C Lichtenthaler HK.
- Schleuning M Frund J, Schweiger O, Weld E, Albrecht J, Albrecht M, Beil M, Benadi G, Bluthgen N, Bruelheide H, Bohning�Gaese K, Dehling DM, Dormann CF, Exeler N, Farwig N, Harpke A, Hickler T, Kratochwil A, Kuhlmann M, Kuhn I, Michez D, Mudri�Stojnic S, Plein M, Rasmont P, Schwabe A, Settele J, Vujic A, Weiner CN, Wiemers M, Hof C.
- Scholander PF Bradstreet ED, Hemmingsen EA, Hammel HT.
- Shao HB Chu L�Y, Jaleel CA, Zhao D.
- Shrestha P Yun J�H, Ko Y�J, KIm M, Bae YS, Lee W.
- Sohngen B Tian X.
- Torga R Mander U, Soosaar K, Kupper P, Tullus A, Rosenvald K, Ostonen I, Kutti S, Jaagus J, Sober J, Maddison M, Kaasik A, Lohmus K.
- Trentacoste ER Contreras�Zanessi O, Beya�Marshall V, Puertas CM.
- Wullschleger SD.
- Publication venue
- 'Indian Society for Education and Environment'
- Publication date
- Field of study