6 research outputs found
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Diagnosed by Immunocytochemical and Genetic Analysis of Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Cell Clusters Found in Chylous Pleural Effusion
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Japanese Society of Internal Medicine'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Long-term Remission of Primary Gastric T Cell Lymphoma Associated with Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type 1: A Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature
- Author
- Hiroyasu S Shiraishi M, Shimabukur
- Horie R Yatomi Y, Wakabayashi T, e
- Isaacson PG
- Katoh A Ohshima K, Kanda M, et al
- Kojima H Ikeda H, Kubo T, et al
- Kubonishi I Daibata M, Yano S, Fuj
- Lewin KJ Ranchod M, Dorfman RF
- Nakamura S Iida M, Matsui T, et al
- Nozoe T Matsumata T
- Obata S Matsuzaki H, Nishimura H,
- Sakata H Iwakiri R, Koyama T, et a
- Shimamoto Y Yamaguchi M, Tokunaga
- Shimoyama M
- Takimoto Y Tanaka H, Tanabe O, Kur
- Tokioka T Shimamoto Y, Tokunaga O,
- Tokunaga O Watanabe T, Shimamoto Y
- Utsunomiya A Hanada S, Terada A, e
- Yatabe Y Mori N, Oka K, Nakazawa M
- Publication venue
- 'Japanese Society of Internal Medicine'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Pancreas preservation for pancreas and islet transplantation
- Author
- Agrawal A Gurusamy K, Powis S, Gra
- Baldan N Rigotti P, Furian L, et a
- Belzer FO Ashby BS, Dunphy JE
- Boggi U Vistoli F, Del Chiaro M, e
- Caballero-Corbalan J Eich T, Lundg
- Collins GM Bravo-Shugarman M, Tera
- Dreikorn K Horsch R, Rohl L
- Englesbe MJ Moyer A, Kim DY, et al
- Florack G Sutherland DE, Heil J, S
- Fridell JA Mangus RS, Powelson JA
- Fujino Y Kuroda Y, Suzuki Y, et al
- Garcia-Gil FA Gonzalvo E, Garcia-G
- Hering BJ Kandaswamy R, Ansite JD,
- Hering BJ Kandaswamy R, Harmon JV,
- Hiraoka K Trexler A, Eckman E, et
- Idezuki Y Feemster JA, Dietzman RH
- Kawamura T Kuroda Y, Suzuki Y, et
- Kuroda Y Fujino Y, Kawamura T, Suz
- Kuroda Y Fujino Y, Morita A, Tanio
- Kuroda Y Kawamura T, Suzuki Y, Fuj
- Kuroda Y Morita A, Fujino Y, Tanio
- Kuroda Y Tanioka Y, Morita A, et a
- Lakey JR Rajotte RV, Warnock GL, K
- Lakey JR Warnock GL, Rajotte RV, e
- Manrique A Jimenez C, Herrero ML,
- Matsumoto S Kandaswamy R, Sutherla
- Matsumoto S Kuroda Y, Hamano M, et
- Matsumoto S Noguchi H, Takita M, e
- Matsumoto S Noguichi H, Shimoda M,
- Matsumoto S Okitsu T, Iwanaga Y, e
- Matsumoto S Rigley TH, Qualley SA,
- Matsumoto S Rigley TH, Reems JA, K
- Moers C Smits JM, Maathuis MH, et
- Noguchi H Levy MF, Kobayashi N, Ma
- Noguchi H Naziruddin B, Onaca N, e
- Noguchi H Ueda M, Hayashi S, et al
- Noguchi H Ueda M, Hayashi S, et al
- Ramachandran S Desai NM, Goers TA,
- Ricordi C Fraker C, Szust J, et al
- Saito T Gotoh M, Satomi S, et al
- Sawada T Matsumoto I, Nakano M, Ki
- Stewart ZA Cameron AM, Singer AL,
- Takita M Matsumoto S, Noguchi H, e
- Tanioka Y Hering BJ, Sutherland DE
- Tanioka Y Kuroda Y, Kim Y, et al
- Tsujimura T Kuroda Y, Avila JG, et
- Tsujimura T Kuroda Y, Kin T, et al
- Uhlmann D Armann B, Ludwig S, et a
- Wahlberg JA Love R, Landegaard L,
- Wahlberg JA Southard JH, Belzer FO
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Pancreas Society'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
Amitriptyline and Lorazepam Improved Catatonia and Occipital Hypoperfusion in a Patient with DLB
- Author
- Aarsland D Bronnick K, Karlsen K
- Alisky JM
- Black KJ Carl JL, Hartlein JM, War
- Buracchio T Arvanitakis Z, Gorbien
- Fernandez HH Trieschmann ME, Burke
- Gomez-Tortosa E Irizarry MC, Gomez
- Iwasaki K Maruyama M, Tomita N, et
- McKeith IG Ballard CG, Harrison RW
- Minett TS Thomas A, Wilkinson LM,
- Mori T Ikeda M, Fukuhara R, Nestor
- Perry EK Marshall E, Thompson P, e
- Tanaka M Kita T
- Xiong GL Palomino A, Kahn DR, Bour
- Yano T Ono Y, Mori H, Nagao S, Fuj
- Publication venue
- 'Japanese Society of Internal Medicine'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
Effect of Nilvadipine on the Cerebral Ischemia-Induced Impairment of Spatial Memory and Hippocampal Apoptosis in Rats
- Author
- Driscoll M
- Ferrer I Planas AM
- Hoffmeister F Bentz U, Heise A, Kr
- Isa T Itazawa S, Iino M, Tuzuki K,
- Iwasaki K Mishima K, Fujiwara M
- Iwasaki K Sunderland T, Kusiak JW,
- Kaushal GP Singh AB, Shah SV
- Kawamura S Shirakusa M, Fukasawa H
- Kuwai T Satoh H, Ono T, Shibayama
- Li Y Kawamura S, Yasui N, Shirasaw
- Ohtsuka M Ono T, Hiroi J, Esumi K,
- Ozawa Y Hayashi K, Nagahama T, Fuj
- Pulsinelli WA Brierley JB, Plum F
- Rosenbaum D Zabramski J, Frey J, e
- Rotonda J Nicholson, DW, Fazil KM,
- Tanaka R Mochizuki H, Suzuki A, et
- Publication venue
- 'Japanese Pharmacological Society'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study
Validation of a unidimensional and probabilistic measurement scale for pro-environmental behaviour by travellers
- Author
- AB Smith
- B Wright
- BD Wright
- BD Wright
- C Magno
- C Pronello
- C Pronello
- CA Stone
- Cristina Pronello
- D Andrich
- D Borsboom
- D Leonard-Barton
- DT Campbell
- E Hirst
- EB Andersen
- EB Wilson
- ET Fuj
- FG Kaiser
- FG Kaiser
- FG Kaiser
- FG Kaiser
- FG Kaiser
- FG Kaiser
- FG Kaiser
- FG Kaiser
- FM Lord
- G Karabatsos
- G Karabatsos
- G Rasch
- GF Kuder
- HC Triandis
- I Ajzen
- I Ajzen
- I Green-Demers
- I Koller
- I Ponocny
- J Linacre
- J Vining
- JE Heimlich
- Jean-Baptiste Gaborieau
- JM Linacre
- JM Linacre
- JM Ramsey
- JP Peter
- KB Christensen
- KD Van Liere
- KJ Korfiatis
- L Steg
- L Steg
- LA Guttman
- LJ Axelrod
- M Hunecke
- M Hunecke
- M Kroesen
- M Van Vugt
- M Wright
- MP Maloney
- N Jaspen
- ND Verhelst
- O Arnold
- P Harland
- P Mair
- P Mair
- P Martin-Löf
- PC Stern
- RJ Gamba
- RM Smith
- RM Smith
- S Bamberg
- S Fejer
- S Haustein
- S Otto
- S Otto
- SE Embretson
- SH Schwartz
- T Gärling
- T-J Seong
- TG Bond
- U Olsson
- V Corral-Verdugo
- WC Wang
- WP Fisher
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study