3 research outputs found
Incidência de úlceras por pressão em pacientes de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Cardiopneumológica
- Author
- Alderden J
- Bavaresco T
- Chen HL
- Coleman C
- Corniello AL
- Cox J
- Cox J
- De Laat EH
- Diccini S
- Fernandes LM
- Karadag M
- Kelly Cristina Strazzieri-Pulido
- Lewicki LJ
- Lumbley JL
- Manzano F
- Nassaji M
- O’Brien DD
- Paula Cristina Nogueira
- Pereira LC
- Priscilla de Brito Mendes Thomaz
- Rodrigues Junior GR
- Rogan J
- Rogenski NMB
- Rogenski NMB
- Sayar S
- Schoonhoven L
- Serpa LF
- Sewchuk D
- Shahin ESM
- Shanin ES
- Ticiane Carolina Gonçalves Faustino Campanili
- Ventura JA
- Vera Lúcia Conceição de Gouveia Santos
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Nurses’ Bedsore-Related Knowledge in Sanandaj Educational Healthcare Centers
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Kowsar Medical Institute'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Prophylaxen in der Intensivmedizin
- Author
- A Banerjee
- A Encke
- A Mahmoodpoor
- A Rouze
- A Schiemann
- AC Trompeo
- AM Smet de
- AN Barkun
- AS Tarnawski
- AT Rocha
- B Dorner
- B Pun
- B Rompaey Van
- B Rompaey Van
- B Walder
- BA Duplaga
- BF Gage
- BT Bateman
- C Geffers
- C Guerin
- C Hammerstingl
- C Mietto
- C Perme
- C Theaker
- CA Nieuwenhoven van
- CM Dennis
- CM Nylund
- D Cook
- DESTATIS Statistisches Bundesamt
- DJ Cook
- DJ Cook
- DJ Scholten
- DL Bowton
- EE Matthews
- EE Vasilevskis
- ER Marcantonio
- ESM Shahin
- European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel
- EW Ely
- F Fourrier
- FA Scannapieco
- G Gilman
- GJJ Bours
- GL Weinhouse
- H Aly
- H Frankel
- H Terekeci
- I Bourdel-Marchasson
- J Anders
- J Black
- J Cox
- J Douketis
- J Kirchheiner
- J Kottner
- J Muscedere
- J Muscedere
- J Poelaert
- J Rello
- J Stausberg
- J Thomason
- JBK Kottner
- JF Barletta
- JF Peterson
- JG Muscedere
- JR Maldonado
- JTM Weststrate
- K Reinhart
- K Vanderwee
- KJ Bosma
- KJ Kalisvaart
- KM Holt
- L Bélanger
- L Michaud
- L Silvestri
- M Gamberini
- M Gould
- M Lindgren
- M Schubert
- M Starlinger
- MB Drakulovic
- MC Amaral
- MJ Borkgren-Onkonek
- MJ Dubois
- MM Eijk Van
- MM Eijk Van
- MT Rondina
- MW Kruse
- N Nijs
- NA Lahmann
- NA Lahmann
- OR Brea
- P Gastmeier
- P Pandharipande
- P Pandharipande
- P Pandharipande
- PD Marsh
- PE Marik
- PE Spronk
- PL Pancorbo-Hidalgo
- R Kahn
- R Klamroth
- RA Sherman
- RF Hu
- RH Houwing
- RJ Morris
- RO Hopkins
- Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI)
- RR Riker
- RS Bourne
- S Sayar
- Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network - SIGN
- Shi
- SK Inouye
- SM Lin
- SR Eachempati
- Statistisches Bundesamt - DESTATIS
- T Defloor
- T Mauri
- T Young
- TD Girard
- TD Girard
- U Klotz
- U Prakanrattana
- V Pengo
- VG Alexiou
- W Alhazzani
- W Alhazzani
- W Wang
- WD Schweickert
- WH Geerts
- Y Shehabi
- Z Shi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study