102 research outputs found

    Sastav masnih kiselina vrhnja fermentiranog probiotičkim bakterijama

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    The production of fatty acids in cream containing one of the three probiotic microorganisms (Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus) was evaluated at 4±1 °C for up to 15 days. Gas chromatographic analysis of the fatty acid content showed that during storage the amount of linoleic and α-linolenic acids increased in the probiotic cream fermented with B. lactis compared to the control cream. Probiotic bacteria were all associated with increases in medium chain and polyunsaturated fatty acid content in fermented cream. The highest amounts of saturated fatty acids were found in cream fermented with L. acidophilus, while the highest amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids were found in cream fermented with B. lactis. The results of this study demonstrate that probiotic bacteria could improve the fatty acid profile of fermented creams and provide high value-added dairy products.Proizvodnja masnih kiselina u vrhnju, koji sadrži jednu od tri vrste probiotičkih mikroorganizama (Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus i Lactobacillus rhamnosus) istraživana je na 4±1 ° C u trajanju do 15 dana. Analiza masnih kiselina plinskom kromatografijom pokazala je da udjeli linolne i α-linolenske kiseline rastu tijekom skladištenja u probiotičkom vrhnju fermentiranom s B. lactis u usporedbi s kontrolnim vrhnjem. Probiotičke bakterije povezane su s povećanjem udjela masnih kiselina srednjeg lanca i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina u fermentiranom vrhnju. Najveći udio zasićenih masnih kiselina utvrđen je u vrhnju fermentiranom s L. acidophilus, dok je najveći udio mononezasićenih i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina utvrđen u vrhnju fermentiranom s B. lactis. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da probiotičke bakterije mogu poboljšati profil masnih kiselina u fermentiranom vrhnju i osigurati veću dodanu vrijednost mliječnih proizvoda

    Tradicionalni turski mliječni deserti

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    Traditional foods are the reflection of cultural inheritance and affect the lifestyle habits. Culture can be viewed as a system of socially transmitted patterns of behaviour that characterises a particular group. Despite the fact of globalisation, these are key elements to accurately estimate a population’s dietary patterns and how these have been shaped through time. In Turkey, a meal with family or friends traditionally ends with a dessert, which is a testimony to the hosts’ hospitality or to the housewife’s love and affection for her husband and children, since sweets and desserts are important elements of Turkish cuisine. However, the consciousnesses of nutrition and healthy eating, due to rapid change in popular life style and dietary patterns, has contributed to the increased interest in traditional foods with potential health benefits, with increased uncertainty for dessert consumption. Dairy desserts are extensively consumed due to their nutritive and sensoric characteristics. Some of traditional dairy desserts are Mustafakemalpasa, Gullac, Kazandibi, Hosmerim and Tavukgogsu, which are mainly made from milk or fresh cheese, and the current paper discusses their manufacturing processes and composition.Tradicionalna hrana odraz je kulturalnog naslijeđa te utječe na životne navike. Kultura se može promatrati kao sustav socijalno prenešenih okvira ponašanja koja karakteriziraju pojedinu grupaciju. Usprkos globalizaciji, postoje ključni elementi koji točno mogu procijeniti prehrambene navike populacije te kako su one tijekom vremena nastale. U Turskoj, obrok s obitelji ili s prijateljima tradicionalno završava desertom, što je dokaz gostoljubivosti domaćina ili ljubavi domaćice prema njenoj obitelji, s obzirom da su deserti važni element turske kuhinje. Međutim, svjesnost o važnosti zdrave prehrane zbog značajnih promjena u načinu življenja i prehrambenim navikama, povećala je interes za tradicionalnom hranom s mogućim zdravstvenim pogodnostima uz smanjenje konzumacije deserata. Mliječni deserti obilato se konzumiraju zbog njihove nutritivne vrijednosti ali i senzorskih karakteristika. Neki od tradicionalnih mliječnih deserata su Mustafakemalpasa, Gullac, Kazandibi, Hosmerim i Tavukgogsu, koji se uglavnom pripremaju od mlijeka ili svježeg sira, a njihov postupak izrade objašnjava se u ovom radu

    Membranski procesi u proizvodnji funkcionalnih sastojaka sirutke

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    In recent years, whey has been recognised as a major source of nutritional and functional ingredients for the food industry. Commercial whey products include various powders, whey protein concentrates and isolates, and fractionated proteins, such as a-lactalbumin and b-lactoglobulin. The increased interest in separation and fractionation of whey proteins arises from the differences in their functional, biological and nutritional properties. In response to concerns about environmental aspects, research has been focused on membrane filtration technology, which provides exciting new opportunities for large-scale protein and lactose fractionation. Membrane separation is such technique in which particles are separated according to their molecular size. The types of membrane processing techniques are ultrafiltration, microfiltration, reverse osmosis, pervaporation, electrodialysis and nanofiltration. A higher purification of whey proteins is possible by combining membrane separation with ion-exchange. This paper provides an overview of types and applications of membrane separation techniquesPosljednjih godina sirutka je prepoznata kao značajan izvor nutritivnih i funkcionalnih sastojaka u prehrambenoj industriji. Komercijalni sirutkini proizvodi uključuju različite tipove sirutke u prahu, koncentrate proteina sirutke i izolate, te frakcionirane proteine, kao što su a-laktalbumin and b-laktoglobulin. Povećani interes u separaciji i frakcinaciji proteina sirutke dolazi iz različitosti njihovih funkcionalnih, bioloških i nutritivnih svojstava. Zbog zabrinutosti radi ekoloških aspekata, istraživači su se fokusirali na tehnologiju membranske separacije, što osigurava nove mogućnosti za široki raspon separacije proteina i laktoze. Membranska separacija je proces u kojem se čestice odvajaju prema molekularnoj veličini. Tipovi membranskih procesa su ultrafiltracija, mikrofiltracija, reverzna osmoza, elektrodijaliza i nanofiltracija. Veća pročišćenost sirutkinih proteina moguća je kombiniranjem membranske separacije s ionskom izmjenom. Ovaj rad prikazuje pregled mogućih kombinacija membranske separacije u preradi sirutke i proizvodnji funkcionalnih sastojaka koji potječu iz sirutke

    Membranski procesi u proizvodnji funkcionalnih sastojaka sirutke

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    In recent years, whey has been recognised as a major source of nutritional and functional ingredients for the food industry. Commercial whey products include various powders, whey protein concentrates and isolates, and fractionated proteins, such as a-lactalbumin and b-lactoglobulin. The increased interest in separation and fractionation of whey proteins arises from the differences in their functional, biological and nutritional properties. In response to concerns about environmental aspects, research has been focused on membrane filtration technology, which provides exciting new opportunities for large-scale protein and lactose fractionation. Membrane separation is such technique in which particles are separated according to their molecular size. The types of membrane processing techniques are ultrafiltration, microfiltration, reverse osmosis, pervaporation, electrodialysis and nanofiltration. A higher purification of whey proteins is possible by combining membrane separation with ion-exchange. This paper provides an overview of types and applications of membrane separation techniquesPosljednjih godina sirutka je prepoznata kao značajan izvor nutritivnih i funkcionalnih sastojaka u prehrambenoj industriji. Komercijalni sirutkini proizvodi uključuju različite tipove sirutke u prahu, koncentrate proteina sirutke i izolate, te frakcionirane proteine, kao što su a-laktalbumin and b-laktoglobulin. Povećani interes u separaciji i frakcinaciji proteina sirutke dolazi iz različitosti njihovih funkcionalnih, bioloških i nutritivnih svojstava. Zbog zabrinutosti radi ekoloških aspekata, istraživači su se fokusirali na tehnologiju membranske separacije, što osigurava nove mogućnosti za široki raspon separacije proteina i laktoze. Membranska separacija je proces u kojem se čestice odvajaju prema molekularnoj veličini. Tipovi membranskih procesa su ultrafiltracija, mikrofiltracija, reverzna osmoza, elektrodijaliza i nanofiltracija. Veća pročišćenost sirutkinih proteina moguća je kombiniranjem membranske separacije s ionskom izmjenom. Ovaj rad prikazuje pregled mogućih kombinacija membranske separacije u preradi sirutke i proizvodnji funkcionalnih sastojaka koji potječu iz sirutke

    Tradicionalni turski mliječni deserti

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    Traditional foods are the reflection of cultural inheritance and affect the lifestyle habits. Culture can be viewed as a system of socially transmitted patterns of behaviour that characterises a particular group. Despite the fact of globalisation, these are key elements to accurately estimate a population’s dietary patterns and how these have been shaped through time. In Turkey, a meal with family or friends traditionally ends with a dessert, which is a testimony to the hosts’ hospitality or to the housewife’s love and affection for her husband and children, since sweets and desserts are important elements of Turkish cuisine. However, the consciousnesses of nutrition and healthy eating, due to rapid change in popular life style and dietary patterns, has contributed to the increased interest in traditional foods with potential health benefits, with increased uncertainty for dessert consumption. Dairy desserts are extensively consumed due to their nutritive and sensoric characteristics. Some of traditional dairy desserts are Mustafakemalpasa, Gullac, Kazandibi, Hosmerim and Tavukgogsu, which are mainly made from milk or fresh cheese, and the current paper discusses their manufacturing processes and composition.Tradicionalna hrana odraz je kulturalnog naslijeđa te utječe na životne navike. Kultura se može promatrati kao sustav socijalno prenešenih okvira ponašanja koja karakteriziraju pojedinu grupaciju. Usprkos globalizaciji, postoje ključni elementi koji točno mogu procijeniti prehrambene navike populacije te kako su one tijekom vremena nastale. U Turskoj, obrok s obitelji ili s prijateljima tradicionalno završava desertom, što je dokaz gostoljubivosti domaćina ili ljubavi domaćice prema njenoj obitelji, s obzirom da su deserti važni element turske kuhinje. Međutim, svjesnost o važnosti zdrave prehrane zbog značajnih promjena u načinu življenja i prehrambenim navikama, povećala je interes za tradicionalnom hranom s mogućim zdravstvenim pogodnostima uz smanjenje konzumacije deserata. Mliječni deserti obilato se konzumiraju zbog njihove nutritivne vrijednosti ali i senzorskih karakteristika. Neki od tradicionalnih mliječnih deserata su Mustafakemalpasa, Gullac, Kazandibi, Hosmerim i Tavukgogsu, koji se uglavnom pripremaju od mlijeka ili svježeg sira, a njihov postupak izrade objašnjava se u ovom radu

    Primjena mikroalgi u proizvodnji probiotičkih sireva u salamuri

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    In this study, the effects of Chlorella vulgaris and Arthrospira platensis fortification on the microbiological, physicochemical and antioxidative properties of probiotic white cheese during storage were investigated. Thereby six groups of white cheese samples were manufactured as follows WC (Control), LAC (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5), CWC (C. vulgaris), SWC (A. platensis), CLAC (C. vulgaris + Lb. acidophilus LA-5) and SLAC (A. platensis + Lb. acidophilus LA-5). The viability of Lb. acidophilus for SLAC sample remained almost constant during storage (>7 log cfu/g) while physicochemical properties of samples showed significant differences (P7 log cfu/g), dok su za fizikalno-kemijske parametre utvrđene statistički značajne razlike (P<0.01). U uzorku oznake CLAC utvrđene su povišene vrijednosti za koncentraciju proteina, Ca, P, K, Mg i Zn, no najviše vrijednosti koncentracije Fe su utvrđene u uzorcima oznake SLAC. Uzorci sireva obogaćenih mikroalgama imali su više vrijednosti antioksidacijskog kapaciteta određenog pomoću DPPH 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) radikala i CUPRAC (sposobnost redukcije iona bakra) metodom, kao i veće udjele ukupnih fenola. U skladu sa svim navedenim, obogaćivanje sireva u salamuri s oba soja ispitivanih mikroalgi rezultiralo je poboljšanim nutritivnim i antioksidativnim svojstvima sireva, te povećalo preživljavanje probiotičkih bakterija

    Effectiveness of three different types of educational methods on implementation of proper oral hygiene behaviour prior to orthodontic treatment

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare three teaching methods’ time and personnel requirements, and their effects on plaque and gingival indices. Methods: This study was a single-blind randomized controlled trial on fixed orthodontic appliance candidates (n = 90), assigned into a control group (n = 30) and two different study groups (n = 30 each). The control group received standard printed educational material and was assisted with verbal information. The study groups either received video-assisted or hands-on training about fixed orthodontic appliance and oral hygiene. The time requirements for all three educational interventions was recorded during the initial visit. The adequacy of oral hygiene was documented through plaque and gingival indices during the initial visit and eighth week of the treatment. The continuous variables were analyzed using 1-way ANOVA. Tukey HSD and Student t-tests were used for post-hoc comparisons (α?#8197;= 0.05). Also, a chi-square test was used for the analysis of categorical variables. Results: Standard education failed to maintain the plaque and gingival indices at the eighth week of the treatment. Although both video-assisted and hands-on training took a considerable amount of time, they served well in preserving both of the indices at the eighth week. The longer the educational intervention was, the better the preservation of the plaque and gingival indices. Conclusion: Educational intervention, either with video-assisted or hands-on programs, provided better results in oral hygiene depending on the time and personnel constraints of the orthodontist

    Formiranje policikličkih ugljikohidrata tijekom procesa dimljenja sira

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    The smoking process determines the characteristic flavour, odour, colour and texture of several cheese varieties. Some smoke compounds are known to have bacteriostatic and antioxidant effects, and may act as preservatives. Smoked cheese is appreciated by consumers due to its sensorial properties. However, with smoking process there is a risk of formation of toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). This review emphasises the occurrence of polycyclic hydrocarbons on smoked cheeses and their health impacts.Dimljenje određuje specifičnost arome, mirisa, boje i tekstura nekim vrstama sira. Poznata su bakteriostatska i antioksidativna svojstva za neke spojeve dima, te mnogi među tim spojevima imaju konzervirajući učinak. Dimljeni su sirevi cijenjeni među konzumentima zbog svojih senzorskih osobina. Međutim, postupkom dimljenja postoji određeni rizik za nastajanje otrovnih policikličkih aromatskih ugljikohidrata (PAU). Ovaj pregledni članak naglašava pojavu policikličkih ugljikohidrata u sirevima i njihov utjecaj na zdravlje konzumenata

    Preživljavanje bakterija Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 i Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-12 u sutlijašu

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the survival of two probiotic micro-organisms (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-12) in a rice pudding, the impact of these bacteria on hygienic quality, and to verify the perspectives of the product with regard to consumer sensorial acceptance. The products were monitored for the microbial population, pH, titratable acidity and consistency, during storage at 4±1 °C for up to 21 days. Sensory preference was also tested. Even though the viability of the probiotic bacteria was reduced over 21 days of storage, the viable cell concentrations were still sufficient to obtain the desired therapeutic impact. The counts of yeasts-moulds and Staphylococcus spp. decreased in samples with added probiotic bacteria. The sensorial properties of probiotic rice pudding demonstrated similar acceptability to the control up to 14 days and declined thereafter. Rice pudding was considered suitable food for the delivery of probiotic micro-organisms, with sufficient viability and acceptable sensory characteristics.Svrha ovog rada bila je utvrditi preživljavanje probiotičkih mikroorganizama (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 i Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-12) u sutlijašu, utjecaj tih bakterija na higijensku kvalitetu i potvrditi perspektivu proizvoda glede senzorskog prihvaćanja potrošača. U proizvodima je praćena populacija mikroorganizama, pH, titracijska kiselost i konzistencija tijekom skladištenja na 4±1 °C u trajanju do 21 dan. Također su testirana senzorska svojstva. Iako je preživljavanje probiotičkih bakterija smanjeno tijekom 21 dan skladištenja, broj preživjelih mikroorganizama bio je dovoljan da se dobije željeni terapijski učinak. Broj kvasaca, plijesni i Staphylococcus spp. smanjen je u uzorcima s dodatkom probiotičkih bakterija. Sutlijaš se može smatrati pogodnim probiotičkim proizvodom prihvatljivih senzorskih svojstava