11 research outputs found

    Observations on comatose survivors of cardiopulmonary resuscitation with generalized myoclonus

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    BACKGROUND: There is only limited data on improvements of critical medical care is resulting in a better outcome of comatose survivors of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with generalized myoclonus. There is also a paucity of data on the temporal dynamics of electroenephalographic (EEG) abnormalities in these patients. METHODS: Serial EEG examinations were done in 50 comatose survivors of CPR with generalized myoclonus seen over an 8 years period. RESULTS: Generalized myoclonus occurred within 24 hours after CPR. It was associated with burst-suppression EEG (n = 42), continuous generalized epileptiform discharges (n = 5), alpha-coma-EEG (n = 52), and low amplitude (10 μV <) recording (n = 1). Except in 3 patients, these EEG-patterns were followed by another of these always nonreactive patterns within one day, mainly alpha-coma-EEG (n = 10) and continuous generalized epileptiform discharges (n = 9). Serial recordings disclosed a variety of EEG-sequences composed of these EEG-patterns, finally leading to isoelectric or flat recordings. Forty-five patients died within 2 weeks, 5 patients survived and remained in a permanent vegetative state. CONCLUSION: Generalized myoclonus in comatose survivors of CPR still implies a poor outcome despite advances in critical care medicine. Anticonvulsive drugs are usually ineffective. All postanoxic EEG-patterns are transient and followed by a variety of EEG sequences composed of different EEG patterns, each of which is recognized as an unfavourable sign. Different EEG-patterns in anoxic encephalopathy may reflect different forms of neocortical dysfunction, which occur at different stages of a dynamic process finally leading to severe neuronal loss

    C-fms expression correlates with monocytic differentiation in PML-RARα+ acute promyelocytic leukemia

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    We have investigated the expression of the M-CSF receptor (c-fms) in 16 freshly isolated acute promyelocytic leukemias (APL) expressing the PML/RAR alpha fusion protein. In parallel, we evaluated the capacity of these cells to differentiate along the granulocytic and monocytic pathways. c-fms was constitutively and constantly expressed in all cases sensitive in vivo to all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and its expression was further potentiated following in vitro induction with ATRA. Furthermore, gel-shift analysis of APL cells showed elevated levels of PU.1 binding activity to the M-CSF receptor promoter, particularly after ATRA stimulation. Interestingly, the rise of PU.1 binding activity as well as of PU.1 levels after ATRA treatment was significantly higher in APL patients exhibiting monocytic maturation, as compared to those that did not undergo monocytic differentiation. A variable proportion of ATRA-induced APL cells exhibited monocyte-like morphology and immunophenotype: the proportion of monocytic cells was consistently increased by combined treatment with ATRA and diverse hematopoietic growth factors cocktails, which always comprised M-CSF. Monocytic cells originating from in vitro ATRA-induced maturation of APL cells derive from the leukemic clone as suggested by two lines of evidence: (1) monocytic cells harbor the 15;17 translocation; (2) monocytic cells possess Auer bodies. The c-fms(bright) leukemic blasts preferentially showed the capacity for monocytic differentiation as compared to the c-fms(dim/-) subset: indeed, enforced expression of c-fms into NB4, a PML/RAR alpha+ cell line, favored the onset of monocytic maturation. Finally, low c-fms expression was observed in an APL relapsing patient resistant to ATRA, as well as in an APL case with t(11;17), PLZF/RAR alpha+. These observations indicate that PML/RAR alpha+ APL blasts are bipotent for differentiation through both neutrophilic and monocytic lineages, whereby monocytic differentiation is linked to c-fms expression and stimulation